Extension of charging to new sites
We understand the pressure to generate revenue in the face of tight financial condition. However:
- The proposed additional charges are not presented within a wider strategy for sustainable transport. As such they would principally reduce nett emissions within the park only by means of pricing the least able to pay out of visiting, and therefore cannot be considered sustainable if the Park authorities’ wider remit is taken into account.
- The consultation does not explain what benefits will accrue to the sites in question as a result of introducing charges. Hypothecation of some form would help to remove the impression that parking charges will simply go to fill a hole created by shrinking park funding, and act as the infrastructure for repeat rounds of charge increases to fill ever larger holes going forward.
- Arguments as to why the changes are fair, appropriate, proportionate, and sufficiently targeted should be made to the public as part of a broader consultation prior to moving forward. Any effective public pushback which would act in support of the PDNA is unlikely to come if unsustainable funding decisions are transferred to park users via levies such as parking fees, with minimal explanation or consideration of the broader implications.
With regard to the changes proposed at these sites please see the letter submitted by the Peak area of the BMC. Also the BMC commends without reservation the commentary submitted to this consultation by the Stanage Forum Steering Group. In particular we strongly oppose the introduction of payed parking at Dennis Knoll.
Concerning other listed sites
Additional to the general comments:
Barber Booth
Introduction of payed parking here will even further limit the options for those unable (or unwilling) to pay for parking to access Kinder Scout.
Some compensating increase in parking provision on the A57 side of Kinder would be beneficial in offsetting this and represent a broader, more balanced consideration of user interests in this area.
Derwent Outlook
Again, some compensating measure to improve general access in the area such as the re-introduction of the park and ride service along the dam road to King’s Tree would be welcome.