I've run regularly since my mid-teens and this has included years of running 7-10 times a week (with 3 days per week of running twice a day) and more recently running 3-5 times a week. I used to run shorter distances but much more frequently, hence my years of getting out twice a day during the week. When I moved to NZ I changed my work/climb/running pattern and started going out for longer and longer runs in the hills, which led to me running maybe 3 -4 times a week but for 1-3 hours at a time. Now back in the UK I run for generally 1 hour each time I go out and in the summer try to get in a couple of longer (up to 2 hour) runs each week (I'm lucky in that I can get into the hills easily from work).
To be honest I've never really had any kind of injuries related to running, apart from a fortnight of shin pain about ten years ago, which I remedied by not running for a week, and a month or so of ankle stiffness when I was running a lot in the mountains in NZ. Since I started taking glucosamine supplements in cycles of 2 months on, 1 month off, I haven't had any stiffness at all.
As for shoes, apart from occasional (and regrettable) forays into Adidas or New Balance, I've worn Ascics road shoes for fifteen years. When out in the hills I've always worn Montrail trail shoes.
I've never seen a video of myself running, but am reliably informed by my regular running partners that I run like a "gimp". This seems to entail running on my toes and balls of my feet, with the heel hardly touching the ground at all. I strike the ground with the outside of my feet (which can be seen on my road shoes as they wear down on the outside edges months before anywhere else on the sole). The "Ben Gimp Run" seems to work as I don't suffer from injuries and without meaning to sound like a tosser :wank:, I'm quite a pretty good runner and can run for hours on end. However, everyone I know that has tried recently to run like a gimp has ended up with very sore calves. Don't really know what that proves other than I've always run like that and it works for me. Maybe it allows my legs to absorb the force through more joints, I don't know.