Old Skool pics, per request


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Fultonius said:
Who are those guys slackers?

:eek: I'm tempted to punetr you for that.

Pop quiz, which UKBer has beaten Kurt Albert in an arm wrestle (if my memory hasn't gone fuzzy)?
Do the mid 90s count?? :-[

Dug these out from the parents..


And my 11th birthday in 98


Don't count in my book - JD on Totally Free isn't really old school either. Nothing post 89 IMO...
As mentioned culled from some old mags nai passed onto me...










Not got time to add descriptions so have fun guessing who/what they are.

Will sort out some of the articles during lunch later this week.
slackline said:
As mentioned culled from some old mags nai passed onto me...


Not got time to add descriptions so have fun guessing who/what they are.

1 Moffatt on 3rd ascent of To Bolt or Not to Be, Smith Rock
2 Moffatt soloing Fern Hill, Cratcliffe
3 John Allen on the first ascent of Slum Baron at Curbar (can't find any reference to this in the current or previous guide?)
4 Ben Moon on Agincourt, Buoux
5 Andy Pollitt on Rats in a Rage, Chair Ladder
6 Ben Moon on Hubble
7 Kurt Albert in Parisellas
8 Just in case you didn't clock 6 I thought I'd include it again :slap:
9 Ron Fawcett soloing at Almscliff
3. Looks like Instant Karma or maybe the other (harder) route that goes through that roof / nose to the left of Fidget. Maybe it was superseded by the harder of the two listed in the current guide?
Should have left it for a while slackers - anybody who didn't get at least all the climbers, if not the routes, surely would have deserved a good puntering?
We still have that very same concrete fingerboard that the portly gentleman is hanging on to in the crypt @ AWCC Liverpool. We regularly get people up in the shop trying to buy one instead of the beastmakers.
willackers said:
I think they've been in touch with Geoff Birtles who has passed them on, not 100% about that though. I think Geoff has the original club book containing some FA's and other info from around that period.

We'll see.

Hi Will - I have the old Cioch books scanned and ready to put online with all the other books at www.rockarchivist.co.uk

Geoff was a great help with the Peak Rock book!

John Gillott said:
3. Looks like Instant Karma or maybe the other (harder) route that goes through that roof / nose to the left of Fidget. Maybe it was superseded by the harder of the two listed in the current guide?

FA of Instant Karma (E4 6b) is listed as George Lucas in 1983. The other line is Stretch Armstrong (E6 6b) FA in 1998 but that looks to climb completely under the roof.

The magazines these came from are 1989 onwards.

Could be Allen thought it was a new route when writing it up but that it had been done before. :shrug:
Richie Crouch said:
We still have that very same concrete fingerboard that the portly gentleman is hanging on to in the crypt @ AWCC Liverpool. We regularly get people up in the shop trying to buy one instead of the beastmakers.

I think there's also one at the climbing wall in Peterborough, if my memories from 2010 serve correctly.
Peak Performance said:
willackers said:
I think they've been in touch with Geoff Birtles who has passed them on, not 100% about that though. I think Geoff has the original club book containing some FA's and other info from around that period.

We'll see.

Hi Will - I have the old Cioch books scanned and ready to put online with all the other books at www.rockarchivist.co.uk


I thought that was the case. I can't wait to see the new book and the old club book!

Good work :)
Muenchener said:
Should have left it for a while slackers - anybody who didn't get at least all the climbers, if not the routes, surely would have deserved a good puntering?

I though Mark Edwards, not Andy Pollitt.

Punter if you will.
It's Medwards' route (Rats in A Rage IIRC) but it's Pollitt repeating it in the photo. That was the mag with the article about the chipping on Red Rose that Chris Gore and Pollitt found when they went to check out Medwards' E8 7b claims........

Re the Dunne advert, that's brilliant. That photo was part of our cellar shrine.

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