Old Skool pics, per request


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james said:
as with will, these are as old as mine come. Please excuse the bad quality and random photos, they are scans from a collage my parents gave me for my 21st.

they from last year word...?
Bonjoy said:

Me and Crome doing eliminates on the arete of Joe's slab in the pre-mat era

lovejoy, i ain't trying to diss you n shit, and i feel sure of a horrid backlash, but that really is a face for radio. and i'm not talking about 23in chrome's alloys.
I feel somewhat apologetic to admit that I was struggling to work out which one was Bonus there :-\

P.S. When I finally hauled my shattered carcass over the top of Darius, I barely had enough blood circulating to stay concious let alone feel at all "pert"...
Thought I'd stick this one here as it is the best pic ever.*


I find the fact he's wearing a watch surreal.

*Closely followed by this


obviously too easy so wanted some rope drag. probably got a weight belt on as well.
Isn't it obvious?
Those of you who've been on here a while might have seen this last time around...

Shepherd's Crag, easter '92 or '93, aged 15? The guy on the left is only in the year above - if its not obvious, I was small for my age :'(

John Wainwright and Chris Wentworth warming up at Almscliff, I'm guessing 94-95.
That's weird, that looks like me on the didge. And I was probably warming at Almscliffe about then... must have laid a cuckoos egg in my mind for my future hairstyle.....
Top pic is classic, you look about 7 years old!

I'm guessing winter '96/'97 for bottom pic based on Chris' didge playing in Wales in the summer of '96. Or maybe he started a few years before, and you're right.
Here's one of CJD making the first ascent of Whiskey Bitch (from a sitter if memory serves me right, so quite hard, possibly V9/7c) on Pill Box Wall in '97 with Higg spotting. I'm liking the homemade pad very much.

AndiT said:
That's weird, that looks like me on the didge. And I was probably warming at Almscliffe about then... must have laid a cuckoos egg in my mind for my future hairstyle.....

You mean future lack of hairstyle.

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