Old Skool pics, per request


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Here's me looking very cool - summer bouldering in 1993. Does this link work? http://www.ukclimbing.com/images/dbpage.html?id=58671

On a serious note compare this with the shot of me there this year. Yes I'm much fatter, but the rock and the ground have suffered badly.
I am liking this one a lot!
zipps on 'zippatricks' - not sure if this has been repeated?
also previous shots are; buxton stick men (in special edition yellow ron hills) - 'brock the start' (85/86ish); quent - 'the hulk' (89/90ish); nick dixon - 'eclipsed peach' (84ish); yours truly - black rocks (late 70's)
paul evans - cratcliffe (early 90's); moony - 'the thing' (91ish); neil travers, dave thomas, sharples etc - rubicon (?)

Me and Crome doing eliminates on the arete of Joe's slab in the pre-mat era
Here's a few more:


Regulation shaved haircuts in front of the Biffa van on the Buoux campsite in winter of '90/'91 (l-r: John Boyle, Rob Wilson, Gav Ellis and Craig Devonshire)


Yer man Nathan Wind on Pebble Wall , Caley, around '91 (check out the colourful leg wear in the spotting team - nice.)


This is me with huge Pod chalk bag on one of the Blackpool traverse walls, around '84


Me again, getting stuck into Samarkand, Anglezarke Quarry, circa '84
Pantontino said:

Yer man Nathan Wind on Pebble Wall , Caley, around '91 (check out the colourful leg wear in the spotting team - nice.)

What spotting team (few too many folded arms in there for my liking) ?
Nice shell suit on the right.
nathan wind said:
Shit. Well there I was having my first coffee of the morning only to end up spitting it all over the monitor in a mixture shock, shame, horror, embarrasment and pissing myself laughter!! Mark, I thought that pic was long gone...but no!!! one of my many, many hair crimes has come back to haunt me!!

Who would have suspected that, fifteen years on, the only one in the photo who doesn't look daft is the moustachioed Frenchman?
Does anyone know how to post pics from UKC direct onto here. Theres one of big ron on there that may be of interest.
UKC don't allow cross linking. The best you can do is either save the pic to your computer and host it elsewhere, or failling that justs post a link to the UKC page.
Lets try this then


EDIT: That worked. Tis Ron and Al Evans after Ron soloed Darius for Granada TV.
Proper old skool!

I don't know what's scarier, Ron's gigantic head or worryingly pointy pouch...
Granada seem to have gone overboard and got 'Cam: One' out for the day. Filming must of been fun with that behemoth.
Fiend said:
Proper old skool!

I don't know what's scarier, Ron's gigantic head or worryingly pointy pouch...

no al evans is.i think i preferred him when he was a :alky:eek:r :pissed:he didn't whine so much then.
I don't know what it is about the top crux of Darius but I arrived at the top with a semi as well. I wasn't quite as smug with mine though. More's the pity...
as with will, these are as old as mine come. Please excuse the bad quality and random photos, they are scans from a collage my parents gave me for my 21st.






is like soooooooooooooo

in the lead on this one

(god, i'd forgotten about that dark period in yr life mate)

who else can top a dreaming stare of inner peace, peace both with himself and the hills he loves to stride over, proud to own red socks... hemp rope in hand ready to take on the challenges of the outdoors at the weekend and the those he has set himself in business during the week.

(no i didnt write the ad campaign!)

that ladies and gents, simply cant be beaten...

can it????

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