Old Skool pics, per request


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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
Fort Collins Colorado, US
Right, here we go:


a closer view:


Note obligatory big hair and tall socks.

FatboySlimfast and fatdoc, I know you two have some to reveal to astonished onlookers! And you too Bubba...

I'll post more as I dig thru old boxes of snapshots.
Most of mine are slides too. However this isn't


The lycra shorts are not clearly visible. I have a few others, but I think they have been posted on here before.
Shows clearly what a scrawny fuck I used to be.
i really can do better than that.... give me that scanner FBSF, you and me need a few beers and a ferret in my eves :eek:
An old climbing friend of mine sent me some slides recently from back in the 80s. Here's one demonstrating what icons of style we were: It's my good self (in red baseball cap) with him (Clive Davis) underneath Forecourt Crawler at Caley.

Plenty more were that came from. Here's one a few years later (I think summer of '91): me on Pagan at Gogarth in my first pair of lasers (not the best shoe for serious ledge shuffling).

fuckin hell this is gonna get messy..... good will to all men and that; tosh! it's humilation and outright laughter time.
Pantontino said:
Plenty more were that came from. Here's one a few years later (I think summer of '91): me on Pagan at Gogarth in my first pair of lasers (not the best shoe for serious ledge shuffling).


is that a skirt you are wearing. :-\
Come on, let's get some properly embarrassing ones up. Verdon 1990, first time I met Simon. Surprising that my wife lets me choose my own clothes given some of the trouser crimes I've committed in the past.
