A new topo for crack climbing in Fontainebleau proposes 600 boulders in 60 sectors. The author claims that he has done or at least tried them all to verify that they are of interest for crack climbing aficionados. It also lists some classic problems with new fresh downgrades if they can be bettered climbed using jamming techniques.
"King lines" (as the French --- completely devoid of irony --- call the best lines) are identified, as well as gear that can make some of the taller problems safer.
Directly from the author
Or, maybe simpler for foreign orders, through Au Vieux Campeur
"King lines" (as the French --- completely devoid of irony --- call the best lines) are identified, as well as gear that can make some of the taller problems safer.
Directly from the author
Or, maybe simpler for foreign orders, through Au Vieux Campeur