Amazing line, amazing climber with an eye for one. Its Inspiring to me to see lines like this going up still. Looks like a good magnum opus to have
Now excuse me i'm off to train for it on my beastmaker by yarding on monos which i've been doing for the last 6 months but it just doesn't seem to have gotten me anywhere on the grit this season, i better add some more weight to my weight belt. I wish i'd known about this project before it was done (for the last YEAR) or any potential new lines because i'd have rushed out to try them knowing they were actively someone elses project, luckily monoing my beastmaker keeps me happy or occasionally one of those steep wooden thingies with holds that face lots of directions, like the one Ian trained on for this.
Ooh a crimpy backhand gaston crux and fingery wall climbing, that'll never get repeated in such a remote location as millstone