mecca extension

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
Anyone got any beta for the hard bit of this (moving right and up into the small undercut)? Do you somehow get the stuck on diamond shaped hold below the undercut with your left, head right to small sidepull then into undercut with left? Or diamond hold with right and hard stand up into undercut? Any beta appreciated!
So. Everyone gets the stuck on hold with left hand.

Most then take RH Undercut and do a hard move to match the undercut. I do it slightly differently, taking a diagonal RH edge further right and then using LH undercut.

Hope that helps
How do you get your left hand on that hold? Cross from the jug or use shitty gaston for right hand? I only had a brief play, but the method you use was the only one which felt realistic (not that I managed the moves). Lots of foot options though, so I think I need to spend some time playing around.
Cheers for the beta.
Gossamer disguise for a 'look at me I did Mecca thread'. What a load of shit. Shark can you move this to the :shit: heap or whatever its called? Stu, don't encourage him.
You're lying to me Stu. Whilst hard at work I just found pics of JC and Steve getting it with their right and going up to something with their left (think this must be a gaston which I presumed was a sidepull on Hajj?). Guess they then go into undercut. Will have to have a proper play...
abarro81 said:
Whilst hard at work I just found pics of JC and Steve getting it with their right and going up to something with their left (think this must be a gaston which I presumed was a sidepull on Hajj?). Guess they then go into undercut. Will have to have a proper play...

From my brief play on this 4 years ago, Paul Reeve told me to go up for gaston up on the left, get the RH undercut and then quickly snatch in for the LH undercut while nearly falling off in the process, its a very hard, on/ off tenuous move with lots of foot changes. Not helped by one of the undercuts falling off and being glued back on with some sika which is smoother and less grippy than the original rock apparently. I was not shown any cross thru method

Nice one on the Big M! :strongbench:

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