Loud N-n-n-n-nnnnoisy Guitar Shizzle [Rock/Metal/Thrash etc]


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Of interest to the metalheads:

Interesting article, thanks Slabs. Listened to a few of his tracks, a lot of industrial and noise sounds in the music, very intense!

In tune with various thread recently, how about Aurora, produced by Steve Albini, from pioneering noisy drone (((unts - Sunn O)))
This is Sunn O))) at their best, no rhythm, no melody, no vocals, no discernible structure, just a barrage of guitar drones, rumbles, feedback and harmonics
Experiencing this live, lost in the thick fog, the room shaking, people fainting, whole body vibrating from the wall of sound attack was totally overwhelming - akin to a powerful psychedelic or religious experience. This piece describes it better than I can.
For something a bit more accessible, Monoliths and Dimensions is a beautiful record, with their trademark drones but wider instrumentation, orchestra and eerie spoken word vocals.
New Ulcerate out soon. Their previous album Stare Into Death And Be Still was a masterpiece and from a couple of preview tracks I expect this to be equally captivating:

Been a while but a couple of new fine and contrasting albums tickling my cold black heart:

Straight up proper riff-chugging head-banging fare from Severe Torture

Complex, epic and intense dissonance from Ulcerate

Enjoy :)
Heart has got blacker and colder, so here's some more cheerful listening:

Complex, chaotic, and crushingly crafted brutal technical death metal

Pounding riff-driven blacknened war metal (from the excellently titled Goatpenis)

This is quite splendid. Just a bunch of guys in the afternoon sun, having fun playing the best death metal ever made. So much I like about this - the great, consistent sound that smooths over the differences in their various eras, the rather epic tracklist, Jeff's casual showmanship, Bill's cool guitar flamboyance and Dan's perma-grin :punk: :punk: :punk:
As befits the gloomy grey slide into the depths of autumn/winter despair, two of the densest, heaviest, and cruellest releases have just appeared, both highly recommended if you need some catharsis from it all:

3rd full album from the intense wall-of-sound-mongers Mitochondrion...

2nd full album from the vicious and relentless Black Curse...
Saw Carcass play in a very small sweaty venue two years back. An excellent night indeed. Still got it those fellas.

Also went to Sepultura's farewell tour recently (primarily to see Obituary in support who I saw in a different small & sweaty venue in summer 23.) They're also still producing the goods. Please listen to their recent album Dying of Everything if you've not already. Total earworm for me from start to finish.

I was considering going to their concert as I've gotten so into Death (band) the last couple of years. But I prefer Death from Symbolic and later on and it seems like that's something Obituary never really managed to progress to? Or am I wrong? Keen to take some input as the whole death metal is kinda new to me (saw Death tribute a few years ago by coincidence on Graspop and got hooked after that)
I checked out the Obituary album! Seemed good, very proper DM, but didn't grab me personally so much.

I saw Carcass in 2013 just after Surgical Steel came out, it was great but I'd have loved to have seen the Bloodstock performance.

Thunderbeest welcome to DM :)
I checked out the Obituary album! Seemed good, very proper DM, but didn't grab me personally so much.

I saw Carcass in 2013 just after Surgical Steel came out, it was great but I'd have loved to have seen the Bloodstock performance.

Thunderbeest welcome to DM :)
Finally saw Carcass at Damnation 2013 (ish). Absolutely brilliant and Ken Owen being helped on stage for a drum solo was very emotional. Still the best IMHO.
I completely missed Obituary first time around (got into metal in the mid to late 90s, so before the Internet made it easy to track bands and albums etc.) Only stumbled across them when the YT algorithm threw up their new album as above. I love it. Come back to the music through playing guitar again during lockdown. Trevor Peres' rhythm guitar riffs are so simple but so damn catchy. Found myself humming the hooks at work, and had to get the album back on the headphones on the way home. Definitely helps seeing them play live... John Tardy's vocals are great and his brother on Drums is absolute beast. They still go hard for dudes older than myself.

Keep meaning to check Death (the band) more. Both cornerstones of the Florida Death metal scene. Listened to Human a few times and it's all good stuff. Will get back on it after work today. What's your preferred Death album?
I completely missed Obituary first time around (got into metal in the mid to late 90s, so before the Internet made it easy to track bands and albums etc.) Only stumbled across them when the YT algorithm threw up their new album as above. I love it. Come back to the music through playing guitar again during lockdown. Trevor Peres' rhythm guitar riffs are so simple but so damn catchy. Found myself humming the hooks at work, and had to get the album back on the headphones on the way home. Definitely helps seeing them play live... John Tardy's vocals are great and his brother on Drums is absolute beast. They still go hard for dudes older than myself.

Keep meaning to check Death (the band) more. Both cornerstones of the Florida Death metal scene. Listened to Human a few times and it's all good stuff. Will get back on it after work today. What's your preferred Death album?
There's a very clear progression through the albums from Death, with Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy being very plain Death Metal and slowly getting more progressive and a less 'dirty' sound. For me it's the sound of perseverance that's been on repeat for the last two years with Symbolic being a close second and the others more a once in a while. Being a drummer makes that SOP doesn't bore, still haven't figured out everything Gene is doing there..
I gave Symbolic a little listen on the tube home tonight. It's really good. Quite a few time shifts per song which seemed to be a feature and keeps it interesting, but also some really great riffing in there too which hooked me in straight away. Chuck Shuldiner's vocals are frikkin awesome too. RIP. Deffo give them some further attention as a band. Thanks for the (bill) steer.
Loving the old school death metal! Death were the first DM band that I got into, especially the Human album. I re-listened to Symbolic & Sound Of Perseverance this week, Chuck's vocals were great on the later albums.
For something not too dissimilar, how about Atheist

Atheist. Great stuff. Not heard anything from them before. Death metal vocals but with some old-school crunchy thrash sounding guitars & speedfreak guitar solos. Will definitely be checking more from them. Cheers!
Wowzas... That is feisty! But compelling. I've been revisiting Carcass a lot of late, so this'll scratch the same itch too!
We somehow we missed this, the much acclaimed Absolute Elsewhere album from Blood Incantation. As featured in Metacritic's Top 5 albums of the year alongside Charlie XCX and Beyonce
Techy-prog-psych-(old-school)-death metal from outta space!

Their 'making of the album' documentary on youtube is well worth a watch for some context around the recording. Basically a load of metal dudes wearing Death tshirts spend a summer in a Berlin studio with Tangerine Dream's synths !
I didn’t put it on here as I know Fiend is a Blood Incantation hater 👽💀
One of my top 5 most listened last year, a lot more Pink Floyd going on that Hidden Histories, but somehow steers away from total ridiculousness

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