erm said:
the commentator as disscussed is totally excrable. I'm sure he is a very nice man but skilled climbing commentator he is not. In the intro behind his rhetorical bellowing you could hear Matt Groom and another bloke having an interesting conversation about the problems, just to rub it in.
I never thought I would be yearning for Matt bloody Groom to come back, but here we are!
I get the impression that he's employed as a general commentator by Eurosport, I.e. he ends up commentating on a variety of different sports and therefore knows very little about the actual sport in question. It genuinely sounds like he's never climbed in his life, and is basically reading from an information sheet which states:
a) the name of the athlete
b) their age
c) whether they've won anything before
d) their nationality and place of birth; and,
e) what the routesetters had in mind for the problem
Repeat ad infinitum. No insight, no analysis, nothing. I don't think he even knows the rules. When Duffy had to re-do problem 3 he said something like "the judges must have spotted something", clearly with no clue what it was that they'd seen.
If I have to listen to him say something along the lines of "great start for the xx year old from xxxxxxx" again I could scream.
edshakey said:
Same as you, Eurosport already on my TV.
Pretty terrible coverage considering people pay for that. Hours later than live, and not the full comp - people getting zones that determine placing and we don't see the entire round! Ogata got a zone on M4, which secured him a podium place, and we just completely missed it. And then Fujii had the chance to come out and top the final boulder and win, and they didn't show that either, which is normally one of the best moments.
Not sure about this; the version I watched on Prime / Eurosport was the full thing, unedited. There are two versions on there for some reason, highlights and full replay.