Legendary feats of strength


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jwi said:
Mikael Mawem did 20 consecutive one-arm pullups during the pullup-event in the "no-foot contest" in Alsac.


Morgan Preece with twenty from a few years back as well... who's done 21?
joel182 said:
jwi said:
Mikael Mawem did 20 consecutive one-arm pullups during the pullup-event in the "no-foot contest" in Alsac.


Morgan Preece with twenty from a few years back as well... who's done 21?

Based on Mika doing them as an event in the middle of a comp, I'd bet he could do a few more in training.

I don't know what the record is doing them in front of a wall close to the bar that hinders kicking and throwing with the free arm. Anecdotally people can get well into the tens, but I have never seen this. (But I don't doubt Magnus or Sami on this.)

478kg backsquat from Jesus "Megagojira" Olivares

Incredible feat. Truly astonishing strength.
All my knee ligaments just exploded watching that. I guess he's training for those crucial rockovers on smeary paddy slabs.
Apologies for polluting this thread with legendary feats of power endurance. Worth it though.

That's an absurd feat, really

I know people will be like "hurr Kilter 8A" they're still desperate and he does 61 of them in an hour. The physical conditioning to do it is insane.
Kilter 9c+
I did something similar outdoors at a large bouldering area some fifteen years ago (tried to do 100 boulders as fast as possible, managed about 100 in 2 hours on my 2nd or 3rd attempt). Based on my redpoint sport grade at the time and the median difficulty of the boulders I did, the transitive properties of grades, and my vibe-guess that median kilter 8a ≈ 7C/+ outdoors, I guesstimated 9b+. Happy that Darth guess the same.

I know people will be like "hurr Kilter 8A" they're still desperate and he does 61 of them in an hour. The physical conditioning to do it is insane.
The physical conditioning required to climb 9b+ is really insane as well.
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I know people will be like "hurr Kilter 8A"
Toby saying "hurr Kilter 8A" was the whole premise of the video... :)

Off topic, but I tried a Kilter board for the first time the other day and I can see how the overgrading phenomenon has come about through the design of app:
  • The default sort order of problems is popularity, therefore the softer ones get boosted as they are the most repeated for a grade. This becomes self-perpetuating.
  • The ‘quick log’ function encourages you to log an ascent with a single button press and take the grade. Loads of people commenting ‘7C soft’ but taking 8A . Likewise, rules about heels and matching get ignored but the grade gets taken regardless.
I'd agree with that. I also think the Kilter is very fun though. That said I would agree for serious board training it is probably not mega good outside of pure power and body tension which it excels at; I dislike moonboards in terms of the hold selection, fortunately the Motherboard 1000 at the Works is a brilliant board and it is the one I use generally.
Toby saying "hurr Kilter 8A" was the whole premise of the video... :)

Off topic, but I tried a Kilter board for the first time the other day and I can see how the overgrading phenomenon has come about through the design of app:
  • The default sort order of problems is popularity, therefore the softer ones get boosted as they are the most repeated for a grade. This becomes self-perpetuating.
  • The ‘quick log’ function encourages you to log an ascent with a single button press and take the grade. Loads of people commenting ‘7C soft’ but taking 8A . Likewise, rules about heels and matching get ignored but the grade gets taken regardless.

So just like normal bouldering anywhere then!! 😆
So just like normal bouldering anywhere then!! 😆
Back when I did a lot of developing of bouldering areas, I used grades instead of stars. If I thought something was really great I gave it one grade to high grade, if I though it was a bag of s I gave it one or two grades too low. Works like a charm.
I.e. everyone did the shite soft-touches??
that would have been truly diabolical. I mean the opposite, everyone did the problems I thought were great, because I made sure they were soft.

With time, the grades get adjusted, but not before they get popular