Legendary feats of strength


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Simon Lee

insect overlord #1
Mar 16, 2005
The Former Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire
What sticks in your mind as legendary feats of strength that you've heard about (and may even be true!) or witnessed?

The ones that stick in my mind are:

Heard about
* John Gill - one arm front lever
* Nick Conway? - double figure consecutive 1 armers both arms
* Dave Barrans - 1 arming the 45 degree sloper on a beastmaker
* Rich Simpson 1-5-9 on 2 fingers and 1-4-7 on single digits
* Rupert's static 1-5-9and a bit

* Malc climbing features only on the steep section of the Foundry Wave
* Leo Moger cranking off mutiple frontal 1 armers
* Jerry's 1 arm campus move and Ben's FA of 1-5-9 (on video)
The most impressive feat of strength I ever saw was from a friend of a friend who was freakishly strong.

He weighed about 13.5 stone but I saw him do 2 reps on 200kg on the bench press.

A Shaolin monk doing a one-finger handstand also impressed me.
Gullich making a scientific test fail by running out of weights in the lab. one dead hang with 175 kilos on...

on home turf, Mauro Calibani breaking a rib while locking off too deep on a route, which I think was Macumba Club in Orgon.
One I remember Gresh telling me about was Jerry doing one of the problems in Toms Roof static when everyone else had to toally slap it.

This was legendary not for the feat so much but because Ben Masterson was with Jerry and uttered the immortal phrase "OOOHHH! Nicely static Jerry" which became the standard call whenever one of us was flailing desperately on something.

Probably the most impressive thing I've seen / heard about was Malc doing and reversing the crux move on Hubble about five times in a row completely static. This was when it was the hardest route in the world of course. In fact even now if you think about it being able to do this on what is essentially a seven move 8B is fucking amazing.

Oh and I did that features problem on the wave first but I don't require a medal.
chillax said:
Daniel Woods at Mammut Bouldering Championships SLC Pro Finals #4 2009

Shame they are too busy filming the loudmouth MC and you miss him starting the prob. Otherwise very impressive indeed. With the sound down.
I'm sure I remember seeing a youtube clip of Huffy doing 1-5-9 static, but I can't find it.

I heard a story about Malc Smith - when asked by my friend to do the lamp post trick he obliged by pinching a lamp post really hard with one hand, elbow bent at 90 deg. My friend looked down and saw his feet were off the ground.
John Gill: Front arm lever at 70 (and 6'1"):


He's cheating slightly but even so...
r-man said:
I heard a story about Malc Smith - when asked by my friend to do the lamp post trick he obliged by pinching a lamp post really hard with one hand, elbow bent at 90 deg. My friend looked down and saw his feet were off the ground.

That's a bit like the section in Stone Love where Malc does an 8B about 5 minutes. He just kept locking off one armed, front on and asked "where's the next hold", which he then one-armed up to. The whole time the camera is only showing from his waist up and he looks like he's just standing on the ground! :bow:
Ru said:
Pretty sure I've never done 159 static.

a dense loner said:
technically ru's done 1-5 then taken his bottom hand off and done a one-armer way past the point of where most people finish then grabbed 9 on his way back down. i don't know if we can count this as 1-5-9 or just 1-5-most mutated thing ever seen. for the record he's 4ft8
shark said:
* Jerry's 1 arm campus move and Ben's FA of 1-5-9 (on video)

Sadly the former wasn't all that hard but I heard of an Andrada video if him campussing 1-2-3-4-5 one armed on the small rungs?

Doyles simpson video - I knew those problems well and I've never seen anyone make them look anywhere near as easy.

Strong Ed and his legendary Foundry campussing
there's the vid of huffy doing 1-5-8.5 static and doing hurricane static somewhere on t'interweb.
My non climbing house mate at uni, whose idea of exercise was pausing the computer game / hacking / programming he was doing to go and drink irnbru or eat pizza, cranking out a one armer on my fingerboard (on a jug, but still) after a night on the piss. Legend.