My knives are a bit mix and match, but I was reluctant to splash out on a whole set then decide I didn't like it. Used a lot of different knives over the years so I'm quite anal about these things.
This is what I have at the mo:
Global Deba - single sided blade cuts very accurately, but has to be sharpened on a whetstone which ain't a bad thing at home but a pain in the arse for pro use, when a normal blade and a few strokes on a steel throughout the day is much more convenient. Handle can get slippy and is a little on the small side for my massive hands (I've had serious blisters on my forefinger from where it rests on the blade). Beautiful balance though.
Kin Kobe Petty - they're 'Kin sharp - classic japanese knife, the blade is handmade folded carbon steel, you can see the folds in it, looks stunning, like a wood grain. Easy to sharpen to a razor edge(whetstone only, no steels near this baby) but you've got to look after it, keep it clean, dry and oiled or it will rust. Minor rust can just be scoured off mind. Handle is large, simple and comfortable, balance is good. Probably should have got the Santoku instead of the Petty for better knuckle clearance, but I'm very happy with this one.
Kin chef boning knife - one piece stainless filleting knife, flexible blade. Similar to global but with much better handles - larger and a lot less slippy.
Victorinox tomato knife - little plastic handle serrated blade - this knife is fucking amazing!!! costs about £4 and usually the first knife I reach for for general veg prep and delicate stuff. Bitch to resharpen, consider them disposable.
Opinel no.8 or is it no.10? Great for camping, stainless blade is much easier to look after. Can finely dice an onion in 30 secs using the back of a frisbee as a chopping board.
Used to have a 10" Sabatier with a very heavy blade which was great for hacking through bone and not much else. Shite handles though, left me with more blisters than an afternoon on x-videos. Quite glad I've lost it now.
Other things I've used over the years:
Henckels four star - decent stainless blades but horrible handles
Victorinox are excellent value, sharpen them daily cos once they lose their edge its hard to get back. Fibrox handles are comfy and easy to look after, even in a dishwasher

. Rosewood handles are nice too.
Shun Kaji - Oh my gosh these are the Kingdingaling. Best knife I've ever had the pleasure of using, although I only had it in my hands for an hour or so. Perfect balance seem solidly made and really nice handles.
Whatever you get, make sure you have a decent steel or better, a stone with guide rails and sharpen little and often - its easier to gently hone the blade than get a blunt knife properly sharp, especially if you've gone for a stainless blade. Get a block or wrap to keep them in, don't let them rattle around your cutlery draw.