We've had our current set of kitchen knives for 18 years. They're ok, a set of Zwilling and Henkels in a wooden block. But they're getting a bit rough around the edges. The pins holding the handles on have been corroded by dishwasher tablets, the steel has the odd rust spot (probably caused by dishwasher tablets) and the edges are pitted to the point that they won't sharpen properly without being re-ground. They could probably be given a spa treatment by a knife maker, but it's probably not worth it. I want a spangly new set. I do a fair amount of cooking and would like them to be good/very good. I hesitate to say money is no object because you can easily spend thousands per knife for some custom jobs, but I'm happy to go up to the upper end of normal manufactured knives. Can anyone recommend any? Always had a penchant for Global knives but I'm unsure if they are (90s) style over substance.