M1V0 said:
I'm based near Durham as of recent, what is worth visiting at this time of year? For the mid-7s+ range?
Copied and pasted my reply re North York Moors from
this thread:
'Some NYM ones... can say with confidence these would be regarded good quality anywhere and are fine when it's hot. ie. too hot for grit:
Sleepy Hollow sit start 7B+ at Ingleby Incline
Chasing Rainbows 7B (sit ~7B+) and Fragments 7B+ at Round Crag, Blakey Ridge
Mighty Oak 7B at Oak crag, Blakey again
Edge of Glory sit ~7B and Wings of Insanity 7B+ at Roseberry topping
Cold War 7B, and others at Thorgill
Dark Angel and its variations ~7B-7C+, (& Requiem 8A) The Mechanical Turk 7B, Chuckie Egg (highball) 7B at Stoupe Brow
All the above are fine with one or two pads apart from Chuckie Egg maybe. Also, I've 'Hunt-proofed' the grades to some extent. Most are given more generous numbers on ukc logs but think the above more inline with peak, etc.'
On ingleby specifically, I'd echo Bradders' post - worth visiting for Sleepy Hollow alone and worth taking a bike if you can and lock it up somewhere near the start of the incline itself. Sleepy hollow tends to be a bit damp so probably best to have a couple of dry days before going. You could probably get away with a visit sans guidebook. Sleepy hollow is roughly here:
https://w3w.co/palms.cheese.arranges (that might be the boulder or possibly a bit too far north can't really tell but it's in that vicinity)
To get to it, start up the incline but hang a left onto the forestry track visible on sat image. After about 150-200(?) m there's a little path that heads off right quite steeply up through the woods (pine trees) the path isn't particularly defined but follow your nose and you'll find the boulder up there.
If you continue up from sleepy hollow, you cross a fence at the top edge of the woodland and you're on a path. If you head right (looking in toward crag above) you arrive at bear pit and bitch slap in a couple of minutes. Unfortunately big brown bear is now all but ruined due to a large boulder slipping out of the hillside and coming to rest under it and think the 7a to the right has a broken (now unpleasant?) hold.