I have heard the same story about the thread on Ghost Train being drilled, quite possibly from the same source.
If I recall correctly, the thread has had at least three versions: short, long for quite a few years, extra long from two or three years ago, then back to short last summer. I think this is from cwaddy, talking about it after he had taken out the XL version and replaced it with an S. (hope he corrects me if I have this wrong). Ghost Train is disappearing into the distance for me now but a thread has been part of the experience for decades so I guess it stays. If a short one is too frightening then pre-place a long quick draw.
In general, I think we should seek to minimise fixed gear of any kind on trad. routes. Threads are the least bad kind of fixed gear in that they take advantage of natural features (mostly...) and decay rather than corrode so are less likely to block potential placements. Of course I've clipped quite a few and sometimes been very happy to do so!