My Mum recently dug out and brought up to Manchester her Mum's old Kodak Six-16 camera, a lovely art deco folding camera from the mid 30s. Having done a little research despite Kodak 616 film no longer being available I can get a conversion kit that will allow me to use 120 film, which seem pretty readily available in quite a few flavors.
So, I have decided I would like to at least manage to take a portrait of mum and her two granddaughters with it. I have checked the bellows and there appears to be no splits or holes. What else do I need to check? The lenses don't appear to have any visible mold, but might be a little "cloudy"? The viewfinder was a little "cloudy" but scrubbed up well with a les cloth, the main lens is a little harder to clean that way?
- Does anyone recommend a film that is forgiving to a "beginner" in these things?
- Where should I get the film developed?
- Does anyone know a crib sheet or can help with exposures? It has a 126mm f 6.3 Kodak Anastigmat lens with apertures of f/32, 22, 16, 11 and 8 with speed of 1/25, 1/50 and 1/100*. I understand how aperture, shutter speed and film speed work together but have now idea where to start with this set up. f6.3 or f8 @ 1/50 with 400 film for a "normal day" outside?
Any help/advice etc much appreciated.
*plus bulb and time but I shalln't be touching those!
So, I have decided I would like to at least manage to take a portrait of mum and her two granddaughters with it. I have checked the bellows and there appears to be no splits or holes. What else do I need to check? The lenses don't appear to have any visible mold, but might be a little "cloudy"? The viewfinder was a little "cloudy" but scrubbed up well with a les cloth, the main lens is a little harder to clean that way?
- Does anyone recommend a film that is forgiving to a "beginner" in these things?
- Where should I get the film developed?
- Does anyone know a crib sheet or can help with exposures? It has a 126mm f 6.3 Kodak Anastigmat lens with apertures of f/32, 22, 16, 11 and 8 with speed of 1/25, 1/50 and 1/100*. I understand how aperture, shutter speed and film speed work together but have now idea where to start with this set up. f6.3 or f8 @ 1/50 with 400 film for a "normal day" outside?
Any help/advice etc much appreciated.
*plus bulb and time but I shalln't be touching those!