Forest rock

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For anyone in need, there are public toilets if you walk back into the village for 3 min, might be worth flagging this in the guide if not in already
Orrincoley said:
Local kids go there to get away from their likely posh parents to smoke and get drunk.
Probably them, wouldn't Suprise me.

I've been to too many crags where climbers are the ones doing the shitting. I know we all want to think 'it's not us' and wish it away in someone else but often, it's climbers.
There's a reason for the Black Diamond cleanups and having personally spent a Saturday or two picking up human excrement and toilet paper, I know as a group we need to take some responsibility.
Anyone got any knowledge on whether much will be dry here tomorrow (Saturday)? Never been so don't know score!
Thinking of going to Forest Rock this weekend. Anyone been lately and know about conditions? I've never been before, so not too bothered if the back of the cave is damp but other stuff dry. Thanks!
Went on Wednesday and the front was all dry (likely still is) but the cave was suffering from seepage in quite a few places. Enchantress 7C was dry though. May be popping by today though, will update if I do...
Cheers Haydn but it's gonna be Sunday and with the whole family (so you're best going Saturday to avoid rampaging children :lol:)
All stuff at the front is fine. Heathen Chemistry is a bit green on the top out but with a brush stick and/or larger balls it'd be fine. Only about V3 the top out anyway.

Sorceress - damp patches, but almost all holds are dry. Perfectly climbable.
Lucid interval/one Clear Moment - a few damp holds, but mostly dry/dryable.
Limit Breaker - starting holds, slightly damp but drying. Crux hold half wet. Likely fine in a day or 2
Notes to self - dry
Own Narrative - dampish start holds and sidepull flake. But mostly fine and climbable/dryable.
Antihero - wet. As usual. With enough towels, fans and chalk it can be fine though...
Black art - couple damp patches, but should be mostly okay.
Cracked up - dry
Conjurer - mostly dry

I reckon within a day or 2 of consistent weather most the damp climbs asides from Antihero will be perfectly fine.
Any idea what condition this is in today?

Came to Cademan for a quick session but it's fairly wet/damp.
Thanks for that.

We found a couple of dry things at Cademan.

If we swing by Forest Rock will update
Important update on Forest Rock, please take a read and consider sharing to anyone you know who may visit...

I've also updated the UKC info on the crag just so everyone can understand the situation -

To put it super simply and not drag it out, the old guy who lives on the right gets very aggressive especially with climbers. We want anyone who has an incident with him to keep a note on the Facebook Post of what happened and when so we have some sort of public record.

In almost all situations he is unreasonable, threatening, rude and straight up lies to get what he wants.

Basically just check the Facebook Post and keep informed if you do ever visit.
Cheers Orrin.

To be honest I know it's your local but I'd been thinking FR is probably high on the list of places not to visit atm. Kind of ticks lots of boxes in terms of it being as close as you can get to local population, very popular, impossible to social distance if there's more than a couple of you, etc.

Obviously that's all relaxing gradually now from a legal perspective but no wonder people are still twitchy. Probably best to stay away for a bit.
Anyone know or care to guess how Forest Rock conditions are / will be tomorrow (Weds 15th) AM?
Bradders said:
Anyone know or care to guess how Forest Rock conditions are / will be tomorrow (Weds 15th) AM?

It was pretty dry on Sunday, but has rained a bit since then. Might have some dry bits, especially at the front if it isn't raining. But I suspect suspect good amount of seepage deeper in the cave. As a rule of thumb it's better and often drier in the afternoon though.
For anyone at Forest Rock, please pass on a "gentle reminder" to other climbers there that if they need to go: use the public toilet not the trees! It's a 1 minute walk :wall:

It was a disgrace yesterday, and very visible to anyone from the grass. So stupid given the access situation. I'm pretty certain the local youth aren't to blame for this one.

If it's still there next week, I'll take a trowel and a bin bag.

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