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T_B said:
7&8s + Jingo Wobbly Fun Bloc combo

Going at Easter I'd advocate getting the Top Secret Jingo Wobbly over Fun Bloc; Top Secret (whilst by no means detailing areas that are actually secret in any way) will help you avoid the classic areas, which I'd think will be rammed.
I went to Font at Easter with the family for about seven years until recently, we went to Sabot every year, sometimes more than once, and the only time it was ever really bad was on an Easter Monday. Sure there's a number of folk there but mostly holidaying famillies in the same boat so it's a beach like vibe, lots of kids pottering around and a few locals just getting on with things and often dispensing good beta, although almost inevitable that a UK uni group will turn up.

We went to Cuvier and Isatis once each which was enough for both venues to be blackballed

JA Martin, Canche and Canon were all areas that suited everyone

Diplodocus and Potala are good family venues but with not much to do for the 7s climber but some nice low grade circuits.

Never got on with the Montchauuse guides, seem quite dated now. The JW guides are great, I have both but have mostly visited the areas in Fun Block.
Bradders said:
T_B said:
7&8s + Jingo Wobbly Fun Bloc combo

Going at Easter I'd advocate getting the Top Secret Jingo Wobbly over Fun Bloc; Top Secret (whilst by no means detailing areas that are actually secret in any way) will help you avoid the classic areas, which I'd think will be rammed.

I'd probably go with Top Secret too. Should probably just be called Fun Bloc 2, since it includes some of the forest's most famous areas like Cuvier Rempart, Petit Bois and Dame Jouanne.
Ged said:
BrutusTheBear said:
Heh Ged :wave:
Been quite a few years since I’ve been and I am under the impression that I’d find the piles of :shit: at the more popular areas depressing. However, pre kids etc... I went there a lot. Always found if you were prepared to walk or drive away from the obvious spots you could avoid the hordes. Gros Sablons and Rocher Fin come to mind immediately as being quiet areas with class problems.

Bloody hell, where were all you naysayers when I was asking where to go for my Easter holiday! ;D
. Ha! I love Font can’t wait to get back there one day... I think you’ll have a cracking time... Sounds like Rocher Fin has gained popularity.. Gros sablons will still be quiet though I reckon.
Just back from the trip and HD a great time. Thanks for all the tips. If anyone is in a similar situation in the future, hope anybof this helps.

Over Easter weekend the place was pretty busy, but it was easy enough to escape the massive crowds. As long as you're OK with sharing the place with a few others, I don't think it was a problem. Sabots, 95.2, isatis and cuvier were the only properly busy places we found.

JA Martin was great, the orange cirvuit looked superb and enough 7s to keep me happy. Some of the better hard stuff is in the sun though.

Cuisiniere, whilst busy, felt OK. Again, great oranges and the harder stuff there blew my mind.

Franchard hautes-plaines was a nice slightly more off the beaten track venue. Not loads of good 7's,but enough for a day. Wish I'd found the problem earlier in the day. I wandered over to isatis and it was absolutely rammed whilst we had hautes-plaines in peace and quiet.

On the last day we stumbled across restant de long rocher, just because it was the nearest venue to where we were staying. I had the Red circuit to myself, which is a really good circuit. A bunch of good looking 7's and good looking blue and orange circuit too

We will be back

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