Deleted file recovery

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In my dreams
Jul 1, 2008
I managed to delete a file on my camera yesterday which I'd like to recover. I've downloaded a few recovery utilities and have retrieved three different copies of it but none of them play. One of the utilities reported that one of the sectors had been overwritten, not sure how this could be as it was the last file to be recorded to the card.

Anyone got any ideas how/if I might be able to recover/repair this file?


i did this a couple years ago. managed to delete some of our honeymoon pics, didnt realise i deleted them and carried on taking a few more pics until the penny dropped.

managed to recover all but the first few which was rewritten over by the new pics i took.

maybe this is why u can't retrieve your pic? did u take any more after deleting the said file?
No didn't take any more footage, only thing I can think is that one of the recovery programs created something temporary which used that sector.

I have now managed to view it in Quicktime, which is a bonus but it still won't play in Realplayer, Media Player or import to WMM.
If you can view it in Quicktime then it must be saved in some shape or form.. its then just a matter of converting from the quictime file (.mov??) to the correct format...

Wheres slackline when you need him eh!

nai said:
I have now managed to view it in Quicktime, which is a bonus but it still won't play in Realplayer, Media Player or import to WMM.

That will almost definitely have nothing to do with file recovery and everything to do with the format in which the video is encoded by the camera and the codecs you have installed for Realplayer/Media Player/WMM(?). Consider converting to AVI (old and dated) or MP4/mpeg. No idea what software to do this with under M$, but ffmpeg can do it (and likely lies under the hood of other programs you may come across).
cheers guys, media player does say its found the correct codec but still fails I'll see if I can convert it using slackers suggestion.
nai said:
No didn't take any more footage, only thing I can think is that one of the recovery programs created something temporary which used that sector.

I have now managed to view it in Quicktime, which is a bonus but it still won't play in Realplayer, Media Player or import to WMM.
The best codec package to install is CCCP - This has the codecs for everything you will need and will allow you to play most video files in either WM PLayer or something else of your choice. To see whether the file is repairable then your best bet is to drop the file into AviDemux or MediaCoder and see whether they will convert it for you... you can re-write headers/footers manually but it is a difficult job with a hex editor.

Otherwise I have some great file recovery software that we use at work, pm me if you want me to send you a copy and then try recovering the file again...
Cheers for your helps guys, managed to convert it into a wmv and import to WMM, palnnig to make a vid illustrating any of the ways to fall off but for now I have the just ascent itself:

West Side Story
Nice work - Agree with JB on the sequence.

Did you practice the top out before hand or was that the first time you'd tried it? I had to bail from the break the first time I got there as I psyched myself out of the top moves.
Thanks Guys

Most people were more surprised by my use of a toe hook under the blunt spike to reach the third sidepull (eliminates any barndooring), nobody had seen that before either. Unfortunately I had my camera in the wrong place to capture it yesterday.

I did go up and work out how to get the top flake but didn't actually top out previously. Going with my right felt a bit sketchy but when reviewing how Jerry did it on The Real Thing I noticed he used something further right then the obvious hold and although he went still r-handed I found that what i did off it felt pretty secure. I did have nightmares about pinging out of it and ending up on the boulders beyond the pads but it all went quite smoothly in the end.

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