Dead Fit birds who go climbing (part III)

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tomtom said:
Internal Question to self "why do you like an image of a woman upside down with both hands and legs occupied and out of the way?" :-\

You have an S&M fetish :shrug:
slack---line said:

Hmmm. Looks like this might end in inversion and nasty face with rock contact resulting in being stripped of her DFBWGC status. Shall we allow such punters/people who flout this prestigious thread so openly into the fold?
That's clever! Good find! Same boulder, same girl, same problem, same move, same cute arse!
Glad to see I haven't lost my ability to spot hotness from a distance. ;)

SA Chris said:
Obi-Wan is lost... said:
and I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt...

Was unsure if she was in so used google.


result - give benefit of doubt.
Sharma, please come online and describe the taste of her ass cheeks to me using the most sumptuous terminology you care to evoke. Please.
Jaspersharpe said:
The question of whether or not a woman ticks every box in qualifying for DFBWGC status is always gonna be a subjective one. Suffice to say I was under the impression that the idea was to avoid mingers on the thread. And in no way will I accept that this........

209t3s1.jpg a minger. Maybe not your type but she's no moose. :)
Her torso actually makes my physically repulsed. I just Googled "starvation victim" for a Shit Isn't That... entry but it was a bit too grim.

Face is okay, but in terms of physical attraction, no.
Obi-Wan is lost... said:
That's clever! Good find! Same boulder, same girl, same problem, same move, same cute arse!

Glad my online stalker skills are appreciated.
I like the way this thread is going. Critiques are the way forward as no one wants to be seen as having poor taste.
Got to say I agree with Jasper on the Steph Davis issue...


But what is a DFBWGC thread without Alex Puccio...






I hope these are up to editorial standards
Puccio's got a nice face but she seems a bit, I dont know, broad. Still, a good contribution to the thread.
Biggish shoulders, high up breasts. I kinda like it, distinctive at least.
I know what you mean with Alex Puccio. I Imagine her father is a New York Policeman

She doesn't fulfil 1 essential criteria - Never date a girl who can knock you the fuck out.

Bergen-Belsen chic, danke nein. More meat on an Egyptian mummy :thumbsdown:
Will Hunt said:
Puccio's got a nice face but she seems a bit, I dont know, broad. Still, a good contribution to the thread.
Puccio beats SD for me and she's certainly broader shouldered than SD. But hang on Will, isnt a certain blonde UK boulderer (not Jasper), who you got into trouble over on UKC for stating your longings to drill, rather - ahem - broad, about the shoulders? :-\
I enjoy this new found harshness boys, I think the thread will be better for it 8)
tomtom said:
But hang on Will, isnt a certain blonde UK boulderer (not Jasper), who you got into trouble over on UKC for stating your longings to drill, rather - ahem - broad, about the shoulders? :-\

This one?

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