Churnet traverses as route grades

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2015
Sure this has been discussed at some point in the past, but...

Been trying a few of these lately. Both Wrights Traverse and The Full Virgin Traverse are given 7B. I felt Wrights Traverse to be about 7b+ as a route grade and Virgin felt quite considerably harder, maybe hard 7c? Didn't manage Virgin as the final section felt nails on the link. If they are the same bouldering grade then one is right at the bottom and the other right at the top surely?
A long long time since I did both but from what I recall I would agree about the relative difficulties, although I wouldn't be able to give them route grades as it was so long ago. I did them both at the time of writing the first bouldering guide - flashed Wrights, but the virgin trav took a couple of goes to work out the sequence on the pebbly bit at the start and end, and felt pumpy.
Good to know its not just me. The pebbly sequence at the end is pretty tough even in isolation, I could drop that for ages! Fun working it out as there isn't a single video of it online interestingly.
:look: thinking back a few years so hard to remember but definitely the other way round for me. Virgin went quickly I think but I kept falling off around the crux on Wright's. Wright's more burley virgin more technical.

I'd probably agree with your route grades though
Interesting. I would have thought I'd have done better on the tech vert one but there we go! I found the crux on Wright's nails but its only one move whereas the Virgin one is more sustained.

Perhaps some pebbles have fallen off the Virgin one...! :worms:
spidermonkey09 said:
I felt Wrights Traverse to be about 7b+ as a route grade and Virgin felt quite considerably harder, maybe hard 7c?

As an 8c wad, can you even tell the difference between these warm ups??
I did these a few months apart 4-5 years ago. I would have said similar difficulty but very different styles. The crux on Wright's is way harder than on Virgin but if you can rest well on jugs it's fine.
I think if you were climbing them on a rope they would get at least 7c but these comparisons are always really hard.