I was just listening to a careless talk podcast interview with this chap Ethan Salvo, it's quite interesting and relates to the post about the Singularity discussed in the significant repeats thread. I was trying to understand the philosophical cul-de-sac these chaps keep ending up in where the conversation inevitably turns to topics like ego, zen and flow and reducing anxiety and focus on performance. I've come to the conclusion that it's due to the lack of a meta-physical perspective and acknowledgement of the sacred aspects of nature. Ultimately everything becomes self-referential intellectualising, spiralling into increasing levels of nonsense and abstraction. The conversations always have a circular feel to them, like a dog looking for its dinner and ending up cleaning it's own backside with its tongue, while imagining it's just found a prime steak to eat. To break out of this doom loop there has to be some kind of exit from the materialistic nihilism, even to imagine there is something out there to commune with and climbing has some spiritual purpose or teleology. They'd be better off setting out their stall in a Dawkins style polemic, rather than this half arsed jabber, it reminds me of the quote 'communism rots the body, but liberalism rots the soul'. This shit is Neoliberalism dressed up as pseudo spiritualism wrapped up in nihilistic despair.