Bunion but not a bunion?


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Aug 10, 2011
Having made it through several decades of climbing without feet issues despite my best attempts (hello 90's and wearing Lasers 3 sizes too small) now that i'm more into comfier shoes i seem to have developed 'something'.

Drawing a blank on Google and there's only so many photos of malformed toes i can bare to watch, so checking if someone has had something similar and can help me ID.

Will save you all from posting a pic, but it's like a hard lump, possibly bony?, on the second knuckle of the little toe. Kind of top and side of it if it makes sense. Pretty painfull under pressure as well when wearing climbing shoes.

First noticed it when breaking in new shoes few months ago, and only really realised recently that it wasn't the right shoe taking a hell of a lot longer to break in than the left one did, but that there was 'something' in my toe that shouldn't be there and it's getting bigger.

Thought it'd be a bunion at first but turns out it isn't as bunions form on a different joint apparently. Can't find anything about something of the like developing at the second knuckle.

Any ideas anyone?
Sounds almost certainly like a ganglion cyst. I am however, a doctor of chemistry not medicine.
Ah, i was so focused in thinking it bone/hard tissue related and/or from wearing tight shoes that cysts didn't even occur to me.

I'll do some searching see if that's the likely culprit.

Thanks for that
I've got what I think is a ganglion cyst on my toe but it isn't bone like. I can squish it flat and it then fills up again. It's not a problem. I've had it for years.
Very hard to compare, but…
I started to develop a lump, at the MTP of the big toe on my right foot along with some “aching” type pain.
Initially it seemed fleshy - cartilaginous.
What I didn’t realise and only did as it progressed, that lump was inflammation over the root cause.
Now, almost ten years later, I have a pronounced, boney, lump and often considerable pain.
Bone spurs! Arthritis, essentially.
Halux Rigidus and probably the result of a frostbite some 30 plus years ago.
Bugger doesn’t half chafe on flip flops and stubbing the fucker has resulted in a few new words in the English language to make Shakespeare blush. Fuchenbassardcunwancaarggh, being one.
Climbing shoes are a problem (as is smearing) but downturned shoes are the best.
I was told it would hamper my running/hiking/load bearing marches; but it hasn’t, really.
Safety shoes are an arse with it and I prefer soft uppers on any shoe I intend to spend a long time wearing.
Anyway, get it x-rayed.
How any of that relates to your Pinky…‍♂️
I was going to suggest Halux Rigidus too. Running mate has recently been diagnosed with it, or possibly Ledderhose if you have any signs of Duputren's in your hands, but that is usually under your foot I think.
Hallux Rigidus is stiff big toe, this is a lump on his little toe. I'm still going for ganglion cyst. Keep us in the loop #amateurpodiatryclub :popcorn:
Might put a side bet on Corn. Corns can get sore despite the daft name.
Scouse D said:
Hallux Rigidus is stiff big toe, this is a lump on his little toe. I'm still going for ganglion cyst. Keep us in the loop #amateurpodiatryclub :popcorn:
But you can get a “bone spur” on any joint. I think I was told it’s most common on the big toe, because it takes a lot of punishment/use over a life time and carries a lot of load (bit like hips, knees).
Scouse D said:
I'm still going for ganglion cyst.

If so, I recommend the traditional treatment of hitting it with a bible. (not really, but would like to see what would happen out of morbid curiosity)
SA Chris said:
Scouse D said:
I'm still going for ganglion cyst.

If so, I recommend the traditional treatment of hitting it with a bible. (not really, but would like to see what would happen out of morbid curiosity)
Doesn’t it have be a King James Bible not just any old one.
I had heard that, but have insufficient evidence based on clinical trials. I know someone who make one on her hand burst / disappear when she hit a volleyball.
Thought i'd update for the benefit of the podiatry fans.

Toe thingy was too bruised and beat up to try and diagnose what it was, based on my '15 minutes on google' medical credentials, so i took a week off climbing to let it settle a bit and did some prodding and poking on it last night.

It is confirmed it isn't bony as i could move it slightly to feel the bone underneath, so won't be a spur, anything like a bunion or the halux thing mentioned above. I do have some pretty serious arthritis in the ankle so were suspects, but have been taken off the identfication line now.

Isn't a corn either as that seems to be more of a callus type of thing.

So likely a cyst. Maybe

I'll follow my standard treatment for illneses, malaises and injuries and keep ignoring it for the time see how it develops as i can't see much point going to the docs. Would be so far down the queue with the state of the NHS that the shoes will get stretched to shape round it before i get to see a podatrist.

Thanks everyone for the sugestions

P.S Any recommended shop for cheap bibles?
Lopez said:
P.S Any recommended shop for cheap bibles?

I don't know about a shop but they always used to be well stocked in these nice old gothic looking buildings dotted around the country.
Someone might still have a copy of the old Lancashire guide. Heavier than the Gideon's in every hotel drawer in America.
Where are you based? I had a similar issue with my big toe and managed to swiftly get an appointment at the podiatry clinic in the local health centre by simply filling in a self-referral form. In Burnley. I have done this twice actually and was very impressed with the service.

Incidentally, I have found that the longer term solution to this problem is to wear gel toe protectors when climbing. The difference in pain levels with and without these is enormous!
NaoB said:
Where are you based? I had a similar issue with my big toe and managed to swiftly get an appointment at the podiatry clinic in the local health centre by simply filling in a self-referral form. In Burnley. I have done this twice actually and was very impressed with the service.

Incidentally, I have found that the longer term solution to this problem is to wear gel toe protectors when climbing. The difference in pain levels with and without these is enormous!

Brands and photos please! Not come across these.
Bradders said:
Lopez said:
P.S Any recommended shop for cheap bibles?

I don't know about a shop but they always used to be well stocked in these nice old gothic looking buildings dotted around the country.

Surely most of those places have been converted to climbing walls now?
Oldmanmatt said:
NaoB said:
Where are you based? I had a similar issue with my big toe and managed to swiftly get an appointment at the podiatry clinic in the local health centre by simply filling in a self-referral form. In Burnley. I have done this twice actually and was very impressed with the service.

Incidentally, I have found that the longer term solution to this problem is to wear gel toe protectors when climbing. The difference in pain levels with and without these is enormous!

Brands and photos please! Not come across these.
NOT photos of your feet! I meant the gel thingies.

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