board games

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My partner and I play board games most evenings, Ark Nova is our current favourite but we also have enjoyed Carcassonne, Duel, Labyrinth, Splendor and Everdell
Another game cafe has opened in Sheffield city centre - "Gamers Guide" on East Parade at the side of the Anglican cathedral, next to the Lego cafe. They didn't have the vast array of games that The Treehouse has, but some people might prefer a less overwhelming choice.
I've not been, but our kids said the people were really nice and helpful.
r-man said:
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

I'm banned from playing this in our family, as i get too excited and whack down on other peoples hands too hard.

Blokus is a great 4 player game. really easy to pick up, but gets quite complex very quickly.
yetix said:
My partner and I play board games most evenings, Ark Nova is our current favourite but we also have enjoyed Carcassonne, Duel, Labyrinth, Splendor and Everdell

Awesome. Mine prefers the shorter games, but will sometimes play longer ones. Ark Nova is a bit of a beast isn't it? I haven't tried Ark Nova or Everdell yet, not sure if anyone I know owns them. Labyrinth, really? The one where you push tiles backwards and forwards to create changing pathways? I played once but it got boring after ten minutes.

SA Chris said:
r-man said:
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

I'm banned from playing this in our family, as i get too excited and whack down on other peoples hands too hard.

Blokus is a great 4 player game. really easy to pick up, but gets quite complex very quickly.

People with sharp nails are also a danger in Taco Cat!

As it happens, I played Rumis just the other day, which it turns out is also called Blokus 3D. Was good fun! Simple rules but hard to master. Also 4 player.


Does anyone attend local board game conventions? I've been a couple of times to Stabcon in Stockport - a guildhall filled with games tables for three days. It's great, feels a lot like the board gaming version of Wilton Fest. Feelgood community vibes and lots of shared passion for the hobby. I assume there are similar events around the country.
Ark Nova is a beast for sure, games were 2h at first but now around 1h a game.

I think some board game cafes have them in if you wanted to test them.

We got ark nova as it was so well reviewed on a metacritic like site for board games (was number one at the time).

That's fair re labyrinth, perhaps we're too invested in trying to snake each other and stop the other getting their tiles haha
Maponimoes has been a lot of fun. Like dominoes, but with countries. Better with three or more people
and a massive table
I hadn't played in years, but my son got into it a couple of years back. I said when we started that I would never let him win, and he said he didn't want me to let him. took about 30 - 40 games before he first beat me, then he started getting better at a rapid rate, and now I win probably about 60% of games. His main downfall is his poker face is no good, and I can tell straight away when he's hatching something.
I've started to play chess recently, anyone a fan?
Love chess! I play a lot on, but also meet up regularly to play with some friends in Darwen. (On the off chance that you or anyone here is local, you are welcome to join us - it's pretty relaxed: pub and chatting rather than silent and serious).

It's a fascinating game. I'm always amazed by how wildly different games can be, even playing the same opening.
Love chess! I play a lot on, but also meet up regularly to play with some friends in Darwen. (On the off chance that you or anyone here is local, you are welcome to join us - it's pretty relaxed: pub and chatting rather than silent and serious).

It's a fascinating game. I'm always amazed by how wildly different games can be, even playing the same opening.
I have also recently been caught by the wave of chess interest. Always hated it as a kid, and then once played a few games with a mate while on a climbing trip and lost every one, so liked it even less.

I'm still very crap, but quite hooked. Just on also. I'm particularly bad at blitz, fairly bad at rapid and a bit better at longer games. Probably the first thing I've ever been bad at that I've good hooked by. If anyone wants a game hit me up. (online., as I don't think any of you are in Glasgow)
Same as you guys,

I pretty exclusively play rapid. After 301 games since may last year I'm at the heroic ELO of 505 (but I win more than I lose or draw!)
I was into chess as a kid then dropped off once I got to university. I've also picked it back in the last year or so and an enjoying it a lot. I find rapid somewhat frustrating sometimes because I panic a bit and make stupid mistakes. Would also be down for a game online (I'm Axd823 on Ukb chess thread?
I was into chess as a kid then dropped off once I got to university. I've also picked it back in the last year or so and an enjoying it a lot. I find rapid somewhat frustrating sometimes because I panic a bit and make stupid mistakes. Would also be down for a game online (I'm Axd823 on Ukb chess thread?
Yeah, mods can we split this into a chess thread?

I go through phases of playing different time controls, though bullet is always fun for a quick hit. Probably not the best for improving strategy, though I suspect to actually improve I'd have to do some dedicated studying rather than just playing. Probably not going to happen!

Rbino on if anyone wants a game.
I play a lot of chess, but remain pretty average - mostly blitz 3 mins each. I mostly play on lichess as I find it's a bit less in your face than
Could be good to set up some kind of UKB chess group on if that's where most of you play
Br0mley if anyone wants to play on lichess
Pocket Chess is a fun game to download and play for practice. They small scenarios of a few pieces you need to play to mate in a limited number of moves. Starts off fairly easy but ramps up quite fast.

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