Ben to attempt Agincourt 30 years on

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Simon Lee

insect overlord #1
Mar 16, 2005
The Former Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire
Ben Moon said:
After a civilised overnight ferry from Hull and a fairly leisurely drive down the autoroute du soliel we’re back once again climbing at Buoux in glorious sunshine. We had bets on whether we’d have the crag to ourselves and I won, we do! Amazing. We’re taking it easy today in preparation for hopefully filming on my old route Agincourt which I climbed 30 years ago this month! Judging by how the 6b+ warm up felt my expectations are low but whatever, it’s great to be back and hopefully we’ll have a fun week. Meeting up with @sebbouin tomorrow and hopefully @chris_sharma at the weekend if he can free up some playtime.

Hope his finger holds up
teestub said:
Climbing nostalgia, so hot right now!

It is with me, that picture of TCF brought back many happy memories (including one suitable for an old thread on here). More pertinently, has any UK climber repeated Agincourt (other than Rich Simpson, I'm not sure if this was one of his disputed ascents or not)?
Strong team. Would be more psyched if anyone did either the extension to Il etait une voie or the extension to Le minimum that Antoine Menestrel bolted this year instead.
Surely this is what we all want to see or is this the first one you mention (I've no idea where I'll etait une voie is)
shark said:
Ben Moon said:
After a civilised overnight ferry from Hull and a fairly leisurely drive down the autoroute du soliel we’re back once again climbing at Buoux in glorious sunshine. We had bets on whether we’d have the crag to ourselves and I won, we do! Amazing. We’re taking it easy today in preparation for hopefully filming on my old route Agincourt which I climbed 30 years ago this month! Judging by how the 6b+ warm up felt my expectations are low but whatever, it’s great to be back and hopefully we’ll have a fun week. Meeting up with @sebbouin tomorrow and hopefully @chris_sharma at the weekend if he can free up some playtime.

Civilised overnight ferry from Hull? Fake news!
Teaboy said:
Surely this is what we all want to see or is this the first one you mention (I've no idea where I'll etait une voie is)

Just realised I meant to post this:
Thanks to Ben and Steve, and Ben - and Shark, for that.

What a great pleasure to watch :2thumbsup:

Is that road in Apt always wet and covered in mud?!

While I struggled a bit with this new, vaguely hipster look, to watch Ben climb is still amazing. The way he moves hasn't changed at all. Power on and motoring upwards.
Nibile said:
While I struggled a bit with this new, vaguely hipster look, to watch Ben climb is still amazing. The way he moves hasn't changed at all. Power on and motoring upwards.

Beards of Power.

Oh no! :lol:
andy popp said:
I love that when Ben eventually gets back on the route he realizes its all a bit unpleasant and completely loses his psyche.

For its legendary status, the climbing at Buoux looks very unpleasant!