Aims For 2016

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Fat and Weak
Aug 9, 2010
Alright, I'm in this year just so that I have something to look back at this time next year.

Bouldering: Breakthrough my long, long term plateau of 7B. I'm lacking inspiration of suitable local projects. Maybe Sabotage 8A.
Sport: F7b+ onsight. Up a plus from my current peak. Plus a load of 7a+ and 7b onsights would be nice. (fatten the pyramid)
Winter: Have some quality days in Scotland. I'm operating at a higher level than when I left Scotland, so loads of classics to go at.
Trad: Consolidate E4 onsighting and get on loads of quality E5s, with improved pacing and tactics. My head was good in the autumn, so long may that continue. Maybe hit Fair Head, Lewis/Hebrides for some big fun trad. Oh, just remembered a far fetched plan. I'm going to join a mate working Requiem at Dumby. Just to see...just to see...

For once I have few trips planned, so a bit of a grade focussed, rather than objective focussed year.

Outside of climbing. Fix all injures. Smash in my Masters with a solid distinction. Get a job/set up a company. Not much eh?
Bouldering: 7C (which is not at Trowbarrow or in any way Vitruvian man related).
Routes: more than last year's abysmal showing, so an 8a in the Peak would be nice.
Trad: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Numbers, numbers and do some more numbers.


1. Climb outside of Scotland, and the UK, as much as possible.
In 2015 I set no aims - and despite missing most of the first three months through injury have had one of my best years to date. So I'm tempted to set no aims for 2016....

Maybe we could have a less aspirational thread like "stuff I'd like to do in 2016 - but it doesn't really matter" :)
Fultonius said:
Andy F V2.0 said:
Bouldering: 7C (which is not at Trowbarrow or in any way Vitruvian man related).

Should I hit trowbarrow then??

Iron Man (8A SS to vitruvian man) was decided by the UKB collective mind to be my ideal first 8A to aim for... Shame I can't get near the first move on Vitruvian Man :D
tomtom said:
Fultonius said:
Andy F V2.0 said:
Bouldering: 7C (which is not at Trowbarrow or in any way Vitruvian man related).

Should I hit trowbarrow then??

Iron Man (8A SS to vitruvian man) was decided by the UKB collective mind to be my ideal first 8A to aim for... Shame I can't get near the first move on Vitruvian Man :D
I can't get near the first move on Iron man. The first move on Vitruvian is knacky, not hard. It can't be hard, I've done it.
What's the knack Andy? Heel around to the rh corner? I never got my lf anywhere comfortable really - felt hard getting long arms and legs in the right place.
I think my aims are a bit unrealistic, so I'm including two tiers on the sport climbing:

RP 7c - pretty unlikely so...

RP 7b+ - I'd be really happy with this

A good amount of 7A's (5-15?) 7A+ would be an overachievement I think :)

Be strict with my antags & control my chronic issues

If my emphasis shifts back to trad climbing - onsight/flash E4s
main: sport 8a+ or 8b. Ideally a route i've tried in past years...choucas, l'ami de tout le monde, abrègenief, etc...

font 8a???
crack 7c or more?
Alpine/trad goal: a couple of decent summer trips on alpine rock routes and/or uk trad.

Having trad or alpine ambitions is pointless for me at the moment. I simply don't have the time free in the summer. Too many family commitments in the UK. My dad died last year, my mum moved into a home this year and on the more positive side, my son loves spending time with my brother & sister. So I've spent the bulk of my summer holidays over there for the last couple of years and will do for the foreseeable future. That leaves only a few weekends per summer free for alpine adventures, and then the weather is a huge random factor. I simply won't realistically get the mileage in to improve or aspire. So I'll accept being only an occasional alpinist, do whatever I get done and be happy.

At the other end of the scale I'm not particularly motivated to pursue bouldering as an end in itself (sorry ukb). Which leaves: sport climbing.

I've thought for a while about going public with this, but what the hell, here goes:

BHAG: 8a by 60. Five years time. When I started climbing, Grand Illusion was probably the only 8a - and therefore the hardest route - in the world. I never would have imagined then that it would be possible for me to climb that grade. But it could be. (Not that route though)
2016: 7b

Bit long winded, sorry. Not as long winded as last year.
tomtom said:
Fultonius said:
Andy F V2.0 said:
Bouldering: 7C (which is not at Trowbarrow or in any way Vitruvian man related).

Should I hit trowbarrow then??

Iron Man (8A SS to vitruvian man) was decided by the UKB collective mind to be my ideal first 8A to aim for... Shame I can't get near the first move on Vitruvian Man :D

Also it's only 7c+
lagerstarfish said:
No particular order of importance, but the causal relationships between these items will probably dictate the chronological order in which they are achieved - could be an all or nothing year.
  • loose at least a stone in weight (13st 8lb ish now)
  • boulder harder than 7B+ for the first time
  • stay motivated
  • sustain very happy relationship

as per 2008

except that I'm over 15st again
Climb harder than before, especially on grit. Do something truly memorable at Gogarth and on Lakes/Welsh mountain cliffs.