There's send footage of all the nails stuff, some is phone and some is more pro.
Wales defo has plenty of hard stuff to do, it's just never had someone psyched on finding all the tiny crimp gaps, the type of grot aidan can pull on is like that steep wall right of lily savage? (the 7B right of madame allure) anyway it'll be there you'll just have written it off. The Lakes has more i agree as its never had the scene wales has so is more under developed, there are whole valleys like ennerdale and buttermere with only a handful of recorded problems. Definitely not forced link up time yet. The lakes is still missing world class stuff IMO as i've not yet seen the best of its rock combine with a line. But there's a decent chance its out there. Stuff like copperline isnt far off the likely style we'd find though.
Scotland is well on Aidans radar and i'll fob the full list onto who's going on that trip. I'd already mentioned that ardgour barrel, not 100% the top goes on that though and sadly the arete is chossy at the top, that said its been 8 years since i went and its got to be worth an ab on a rope to check.
Main face of this etc are on the radar too.
He did Kott sit a week ago,i think he's just working through the admin of renaming + massively upgrading an 8A O'Connor did to dodge a puddle that Gaskins had no issue with and confirmed the grade on. :worms:
At the minute, in the lakes, its more an issue of if the rock can keep up. i think my dusty list of backlogged maybes will only last a few more months with Aidans current form as i stopped exploring in the lakes years ago before kids came along. He's pretty much only driven to projects 20mins from his house as it stands. So there's a good chance that by this time next year it'll have good amount of session choice for the travelling southern wad.
i've even started saying goodbye to a few sandstone projects in an effort to detox his ridiculous skyhook fingers :wavecry:
Its exciting to not be the only person rattling round on these things in the north. Only took a global pandemic...