A Load of New Buildering Topos


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Liam Copley

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire
Me and my mates have just climbed a fair few new buildering problems in 'Scunthorpe', I doubt anybody on here knows of Scunthorpe but but it might just inspire you if you have no rock near you lol, theres some loads of new buildering videos, photos and topos on www.red-tips.com It would also be helpful if anyone who does do 'buildering', adds there topos so people will know about the climbs ect (you have to be a member to upload videos & photos though)
Fact 1 - Scunthorpe is a shit hole
Fact 2 - You would only go there to buy cod/pollock (even then Grimsby is better!)
Fact 3 - You could probably get to the Plantation from Scunthorpe by bicycle for before sunrise if you set off at 4am.
Fact 4 - Your posts are annoying
Fact 5 - You are crazy
Fact 6 - You are probably on Crack
Mores the point have you seen some of the grades that have been proposed for some of these "problems"? It's a fucking joke! Massive massive overestimations of grade fo shiz.

EDIT: Just seen Liam's done a complete over grade (there's an almost identical thing in Leeds), named it after himself and then proclaimed it a "total classic". Oh dear.
north_country_boy said:
Fact 1 - Scunthorpe is a shit hole
Fact 2 - You would only go there to buy cod/pollock (even then Grimsby is better!)
Fact 3 - You could probably get to the Plantation from Scunthorpe by bicycle for before sunrise if you set off at 4am.
Fact 4 - Your posts are annoying
Fact 5 - You are crazy
Fact 6 - You are probably on Crack

Everything you said about scunthopr is probably true, I'm moving to sheffield at the end of next month, but the buildering is good here lol, and stanage is 55 miles away ( its apprently about 55 miles), I dont fancy that on my heavy bike!

but yeah, you might find my post annoying, soo, I probably wont come back on this website. Not much on here lol.
Liam Copley said:
I probably wont come back on this website. Not much on here lol.

[quote author=Liam Copley in the future]
Does anyone have any beta on .......... I climb V8 like[/quote]

[quote author=Liam Copley in the future + 20 minutes]
Yo. I'm asking for help and no ones answering

[quote author=Liam Copley in the future + 40 minutes]
Yeah well I forgot about the search function. lol.
and here I is thinking its an imaginary friend of peoples what can't articulate theyselves right on an internet.
dave said:
and here I is thinking its an imaginary friend of peoples what can't articulate theyselves right on an internet.

lol lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol #



look lol space invaders

dave said:
who's this "lol" guy everyone keeps refering to?

I always imagine anyone who uses it as having a tongue that lolls out the corner of their mouth, and there is a puddle of drool on their keyboard.

Either that or its Lol Tolhurst, drummer with the Cure.

lol is what Luke Skywalker sees in his mirror in the last bit of Star Wars.


The force is strong with this one......

As opposed to >o< which is an X-wing.
GCW said:
lol is what Luke Skywalker sees in his mirror in the last bit of Star Wars.

Isn't it more like

lol <o> lol
[faceinpintglass]"Leave the leader to me"[/faceinpintglass]

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