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  1. M

    Sheffield cafes

    Taking the kids to Jump Inc at Meadow Hell this Saturday was hoping to hit up Haarland Cafe in John Street after but noticed it's now closed any other cafe's of a similiar ilk in Sheffied ?
  2. M

    Wolves On Outskirts of paris

    This could make bouldering in Font a whole lot more exciting
  3. M

    Bakewell GC DH

    The best descent in the White Peak is about to get the Derbyshire County Council treatment so ride it while you can. the works notice mentions resurfacing and drainage works, it'll be smoother than a baby's bottom before the've finished. I can't believe there wasting more public money on...
  4. M

    Sheffield Picture Framers

    I'm looking for recommendations for picture framers in sheffield, i'm located in the peak so that side of sheffield. I have used one on abbeydale road previously near to the cycle shop butterworths ?, but they moved somewhere else in sheff anyone knows where ? or any other suggestions
  5. M

    Carhead Rocks

    Simon Panton has reported in Climber a new problem by John Welford at Carhead, I was under the impression that this venue was out of bounds. There used to be a sign up saying it was some sort of reserved area for wildlife but has this changed with the CROW act ?
  6. M

    Toad Hall

    Got asked to leave last night, the guys on the ball had only been there five mins before he turned up. Didn't even get to use the ladder ? which he hasn't noticed. Has anyone had any joy asking Chatsworth estates for permission to climb ?
  7. M

    Roadside sica city

    Was just driving down the A6 after a damp session at Rubion when I thought I'd explore some limestone butress next to the road just before deepdale carpark. Said crag has potential and was cemented up with lots of sica worse than Rubicon, I'm not against cementing holds in place but the job was...