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  1. Paul B

    Earphones recommendations

    I wish I'd known that/thought of that with more than 12hrs to spare before a very long flight! I assume they'll have them at the airport if I want to exchange a kidney etc. Remus, yes I was getting at the point that to transmit via BT you end up with compression.
  2. Paul B

    Earphones recommendations

    ...and am I correct in thinking .FLAC doesn't work fully via Bluetooth (as it has its own codecs)?
  3. Paul B

    Earphones recommendations

    I bought a set of Urbanista (Copenhagen?) headphones in Aus having not heard of the brand. They were on offer and the freebie Nokia (yes, Nokia!) headphones I owned had finally become too frustrating to bother with. I've been really impressed by them and they're towards the middle end of their...
  4. Paul B

    What's new in camera tech?

    Rather than start another thread I thought I'd post and ask here: I've just resurrected my Panasonic DMC-GM5 which at the time was the smallest M4/3 camera I could find with a viewfinder. I'm pretty confident it used to switch between the VF and the rear display automatically when you took your...
  5. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    Generally I find this house fairly well put together but this wasn't what I wanted to see when looking to replace just one actuator!
  6. Paul B

    For Sale FS: Home wall matting

    Sorry, there's actually 2 big mats (3 x 1.5) and four of the smaller type (2 x 1.5).
  7. Paul B

    Leaf Blowers

    If people are insistent on getting leaf blowers for that function (not as part of their bouldering equipment), then at least get a vacuum version so something is actually achieved.
  8. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    If anyone is invested in the outcome of this, it was the actuator(s) not the pin. Thanks for the help understanding the system fully. The toilet actuator is fully dead (not switching) but removing it allowed that underfloor loop to be checked. The 3No. central type appear to be older units. In...
  9. Paul B

    Anyone seen any good films lately - Part the second

    Woman of the Hour (2023) Starring Anna Kendrick and directed by Anna Kendrick. Quite uncomfortable watching especially as it's based on true events. It's fairly simple though which is what I need currently as there's quite a lot going on! Available on Netflix.
  10. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    I was pretty confident after just having bled a few tower radiators a few days ago. Again, see lazy as they require a 10mm hex spanner so I'd only bothered to do the others which use a standard key (which lives in the kitchen).
  11. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    Yes. I shouldn't have been so lazy not taking the time to understand it earlier. The thing is with the FiL I'd have had this conversation over a bottle of wine and at the end there'd be a P&ID! At least the waste system is fairly straightforward since converting it to surface mounted blowers...
  12. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    Thanks for taking the time to look at it and respond. It's appreciated. It definitely is 4.5 bar incoming feed (EDIT: you had my second guessing myself but it's on the pipe labelled cold feed and it's not at all warm to the touch. It's a bit weird having a full height copper riser with a...
  13. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    Yes they have wires. They disappear into a junction box (you can see them diving off and held together with some brown tape). The controls for the heating systems are both the same and are timer/programmed but there's no thermostat for upstairs (just valves on the rads), I'd guess as it's split...
  14. Paul B

    It never ends... the DIY thread!

    Is anyone on here particularly handy with heating systems? I've had it on my agenda to understand mine a bit more fully (marked up photo attached to the post), but I'd relied on having backup via my father-in-law who passed away a few years ago now (he was a building services engineer his...
  15. Paul B

    Water leak on Sheffield driveway - plumber beta?

    It's just a response to this Will i.e. mine was located in the road in front of the house. I have a darn treatment works at both ends of my supply!
  16. Paul B

    Water leak on Sheffield driveway - plumber beta?

    Is your external stopcock under a small cover in the road? That's where mine was on a terraced street in Lancashire.
  17. Paul B

    Water leak on Sheffield driveway - plumber beta?

    I know you're in YW land but UU's page talks you through what to do and where to visit if it's an emergency job: There's also advice about claiming back the cost of lost water if you're...
  18. Paul B

    For Sale FS: Home wall matting

    Thanks both. I've just had my flight confirmation come through from work, so we'll be gone 16/02 (v. early morning). I'm not using this as a sales tactic to add pressure though. If things did need to extend to after we've departed, I could ask my family but I don't appear to be in the good...
  19. Paul B

    EurosportTV ‘closing’ in UK

    I thought the SBS coverage of the large events this year was pretty good too.
  20. Paul B

    Anyone seen any good films lately - Part the second

    An American colleague wouldn't go and see it as he thought it would be a little too close for comfort but sadly, I think your post is a very fair summary.