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  1. Carl

    Touching Toes

    Got hands level with about halfway down my shins (although similar to teestub sitting down was challenging!).
  2. Carl

    Touching Toes

    Standard n=1 but I have awful hamstring flexibilty and can't touch my toes but can get my feet extremely high... I always mean to work on my hamstrings but never quite find the motivation!
  3. Carl

    Eastern Edges Today

    Pretty epic wind blown snow on the road out to Burbage from Sheffield. Barely ok to the Ox stones parking, lots of stuck cars past there. I don't think I'd bother with anything in the Burbage valley although could be surprised! We walked out to Burbage North in the afternoon and the drifts were...
  4. Carl

    Calling of the grit?

    A highly disturbing trend is evident...
  5. Carl

    Cars, Cars, Electric CARS !!

    Off by 1000x I think!*+0.24+kWh%2Fmile+*+30000000
  6. Carl

    Pantation - Spur Traverse

    Can't help I'm afraid, but reassuring that someone else found it nails too!
  7. Carl

    There's an app for that?

    I use it at work, we've not been using it for ages and uptake has been a bit mixed, but I personally like it. Particularly for how we tend to work with a lot of varied projects and teams, it's far less cumbersome than group emails. Depending on how set people are in their ways it can be...
  8. Carl

    RIP Curbar and Baslow.

    No one could have predicted this!
  9. Carl

    Power Club 576 22-28 Mar

    Re: Power Club 575 22-28 Mar More DIY sucking up my time! Even the fingerboard frame is depressingly low on the priority list. One session on The Terrace on Tuesday, but only managed two attempts at the start before going through my left tip. Forgot to try it with cheating feet to get a feel...
  10. Carl

    Power Club 575 15-21 Mar

    Re: Power Club 574 15-21 Mar Definitely worth a punt, I'll have a go, cheers.
  11. Carl

    Power Club 575 15-21 Mar

    Re: Power Club 574 15-21 Mar Mostly still just DIYing, but snuck in a session on The Terrace to try and finish my remaining Q1 goal of "making some progress" on a 7C. Bit of a woolly definition! Weds Burbage North, spent slightly too long burning skin on a couple of 7s to the right of The...
  12. Carl

    Power Club 574 8-14 Mar 2021

    Re: Power Club 573 8-14 Mar 2021 A summary of the last two weeks roughly goes: DIY x8 Nice evening doing Banana Reverse DIY x5 Who knew moving house was so much work? Hopefully I can get the most important things done (home desk!), and then the DIY can be a little less urgent and all...
  13. Carl

    Power Club 572 22nd - 28th February, 2021

    Would ideally continue the max hang phase a bit as gains are going well, but house shenanigans mean I'll probably be limited. Instead I'll try and get my benchmarking in for max hang to quantify gains and take a bit of rest. Not wholly sure what to move onto after this - anyone got any thoughts...
  14. Carl

    Power Club 571 15th - 21st February, 2021

    Getting a bit fed up of this heel injury, but at least it's getting noticeably better. Hopefully able to get out climbing next weekend, although there will be some house-moving stuff to do too! Might try and stick to easier trad to try and avoid falling on it. STG - 2-3 7B+ [4 complete!] in...
  15. Carl

    Tindeq Critical Force Test

    Now there's a project idea... Would be good to look at my inevitable 1% pinkie finger contribution!
  16. Carl

    Home Board Size

    Yeah I definitely found gloves great for training. Tape works fine too, but much more of a faff for a training session IMO. And I think jamming gloves will last ages against wood.
  17. Carl

    Home Board Size

    Nice setup! For the crack are you taping up/wearing crack gloves, or going barehanded? I found for my crack that bare hands was pretty savage, and taping up or wearing gloves was a necessity if I wanted the session to last any length of time without pretty much bruising the back of my hands...
  18. Carl

    Power Club 570 8-14 Feb

    I'm looking forward to pulling 2000+ kg!
  19. Carl

    Power Club 570 8-14 Feb

    A bit pissed off that I couldn't get out due to my heel! At least I'm keeping up some FB work. STG - 2-3 7B+ [4 complete!] in Q1 and some progress on a 7C. If weather cooperates. Stick to fingerboarding if it doesn't. MTG - get on a rope for some hardish (> F7b) things this year. LTG - figure...
  20. Carl

    Power Club 569 1-7 Feb

    Excellent first day, but overall didn't do that much, and picked up a bit of an injury. Hopefully heals up in time for the snow stopping. STG - 2-3 7B+ [4 complete!] in Q1 and some progress on a 7C. If weather cooperates. Stick to fingerboarding if it doesn't. MTG - get on a rope for some...