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  1. P

    significant repeats

    Maybe the younG'uns don't have the concentration for it these days ... there's a lot of beFFudLemENt out there noOW
  2. P

    significant repeats

    I did a Floater the other day ... does that count?
  3. P


    I can do you some 'Wayang Kulit' ... bank details to follow : )
  4. P

    significant repeats

    Get on it yoof : ) Bring back the beard!
  5. P


    QuitE ... how do the Yanks concentrate with all that spray in the air? OPeNiNg the moUth is a very judicious process. HoW the ViewEd is W@tcheD is a very interesting thing ... I'll stop there ... concentration isn't quite what it coulD be ...
  6. P

    L@menting the UnL@ment@blE

    Pr0cE$$eD carrots... wot's up Doc?
  7. P

    L@menting the UnL@ment@blE

    Tumble weed ... like my beard.
  8. P

    L@menting the UnL@ment@blE

    Just wondering @ what point did the Boy Scouts take over?
  9. P

    significant repeats

    'Ow about a new thread .... 'SiGnificant ReTreaTs'?
  10. P

    significant repeats

    Sometimes it feels like you're waiting to catch a GIANT fish.... staying up late trying to fill that hole.... know wOt i mean?
  11. P

    significant repeats

    THiz pozT haz mozed onz a bitZ Zinz3 l@zt E@r. Mostly in the intervining years I've been pulling on plastic (is that a misknomer for somezing), or not at all ... chastity. I started climbing again ... on walls ... indoors ... 'suppose I got to do something to keep me here. Oranges, reds, but no...
  12. P

    Pilgrimage repeated by Mike Hart

    Beautiful and composed style.
  13. P

    UKB Freecycle

    CLIMBING Mags Most OTE's and a few random others Collection nr Cambridge
  14. P

    slate 9a?

    Quite ... one is getting concerned, i must remember to polish the teapot again... however, i'm thinking of moving to a Castle soon, which ought to aid lofty concerns. Talking of castles one went for a play at 'THe Castle' in Londium recently, like a cunning fox i signed in as K.Souza, as i'm...
  15. P

    slate 9a?

    Interesting that Dawes was 'thinking' about creating a new brass hold ... i'm happy he stuck to his guns and didn't! Especially with reference to the majestic Clowynn du'Arddu and the Redhead affair ... Is one to conclude from Redhead's departure to Espana (if he's still there) that he's a bolt...
  16. P

    significant repeats

    Punt-wad! Qwag-wab! Adjunct-Selecta! ......................for those not with the full repertoire of k-now-ledge, one means "jolly fine show old chap." Right, tarra! fe noo, i'm 'orf te see the Bishop! zeb-ed-ee-do-da-yaay-big ! xxxx
  17. P

    Gangster culture / climbing

    Hmmmm, v. interesting foot-age of the fleet foot idiot from 'the Gown' ... one is surprised one has not crunched into him yet. Breakfast? Kidneys ... he didn't seem to want them, lucky for him his opponent was so humble. Boxing? The difference between Desmond and Tutu? There's a point! Lucky...
  18. P

    Gangster culture / climbing

    Neay Wozza's I is IdIoT PRoOF! Incidently does anyone know Rich 'the Ungentlemanly's' Simpson's address in Cambridge ... i is looking for a sparring partner? .... bish bosh .... is he flouting the Law yet?
  19. P

    Gangster culture / climbing

    FinALly the G]Man has found his Hajj ... CooL Down ya tampers BoyAZ THe Deadly Highway Man Had arriVed OnlyTO Be Spluttered on By Chimps ThiS g is a Rock, a coKe of the Saauff Balm, Lama, Blam In KashI we Coe Fram Farms and Tarns Deeper Dan Dat e to THe B....Ns effort Sunshine PullinG down and...
  20. P

    Climbing in/around Cambridge

    FenDitton Is legendary ... started by Al ROuse and crew 60's after the dismantling of the railway line. Certain monkeys later in the day thought they'd found a weed plantation, however it was the beginning my of Plant knowledge (thank you Chris - though Jerry is still an idiot - still waiting...