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    Leaf Blowers

    haha of course they are. Have you been to Norway|? 🤣
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    Leaf Blowers

    So I think I am going to buy a Makita leaf blower. Living in Norway part time and it suffers a lot with seepage. Its granite so no issues breaking holds once surface water has been dissipated. Anyone used this one? Is it powerful enough? They do a smaller one but its not the same batteries...
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    I rate this pack in the 30L version.
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    significant repeats

    Will Bosi's new 8B+ at Dumby for those that dont know what it is.
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    Significant First Ascents

    You only post on the internet when there's Franco bashing to be had . You've been doing it for 10 years! Ive only mentioned the above the last 24h's💊
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    Significant First Ascents

    Not banging the Franco drum again are you. Jesus don't you ever get bored?
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    Significant First Ascents

    What you on about?
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    Significant First Ascents

    Not when you've done 9A. Be like a font 8A climber going abroad and doing a 7B. They wouldn't deem that hard.
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    Significant First Ascents

    Different styles, different rock. Anyway I have my opinion thats he unexperienced and came across cocky in his comment. Not trying to convince anyone, it's just my personal opinion. Someone thats climbed hard all over the world has more cred when it comes to talking so matter of fact about grades.
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    Significant First Ascents

    One 9A, and 2 8C+'s, one of which is the stand to the 9A. Never doing anything hard outside of the USA isn't really experienced in my mind.
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    Significant First Ascents

    It's the arrogance of someone so inexperienced and so un-travelled that he thinks he can suggest an exact grade that amazes me.
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    Happy Christmas UKB’ers

    We were in St leger today. Probably bumped Into you
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    Which knee pad?

    If they fit your leg they are great. New buckle straps help.....
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    FS:Pair Blakpad knee pads size Medium

    Ive got a medium right Max. Hardly used.
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    Tunes at the crag?

    Re: Re: Quality Bouldering Videos (part I) Who cares as-long as no one else is about and it’s not going to offend any local houses? If someone else is at crag then its a no.
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    Lancs LGPs.

    Does that mean i can still have the fa of Ginormous?
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    significant repeats

    Never doubted you Remus
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    significant repeats

    He must be on holiday
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    significant repeats

    Looks like Eder Lomba did The Boss. Not sure if its his first 8B+?
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    significant repeats

    Chris Smith can join 9a club. Der Heilige Gral - Frankenjura