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  1. tommytwotone

    Eastern Edges Today

    Clearly Pennine Lines' influence is on the rise...
  2. tommytwotone

    How to become a braver boulderer (aka get Wellsy up Crescent Arete)

    I had the opposite - had a worn out pair of Vectors someone gave me till they were totally trashed, but got on really well with them. Went to a climbing shop in Exeter while on holiday down there to buy my first proper pair and the guy serving me refused to let me try anything other than...
  3. tommytwotone

    How to become a braver boulderer (aka get Wellsy up Crescent Arete)

    Not wishing to hate on a geez, but aggressively downturned Hiangles wouldn't be my first choice of footwear for Crescent Arete!
  4. tommytwotone

    Flooded cellar advice

    Ah yes - that was the other thing I was gonna say, get you mate to have his drained camera-ed. At the old house, ours were done so often I got to the point where I knew exactly what they looked like inside, what pipe and join was which etc!
  5. tommytwotone

    Flooded cellar advice

    I had similar in our old house - cellar not tanked by generally dry. We didn't store anything down there but we did have a chest freezer in there. Had some work done on our drains (as they were still the original Victorian ones from when the house was built), and the guy who did make a right...
  6. tommytwotone

    TV/iplayer must watches

    Actually rewatched this recently, had forgotten how good it is - David Schwimmer putting in a fantastic performance as a total contrast to his "Ross from Friends" image!
  7. tommytwotone

    UK General Election 2024

    Amusingly the signs for our local Labour candidate Kim Leadbeater (sister of Jo Cox) went up with the wrong date for the election on them - they say "Vote Labour on 1st July". They've since been either covered with some red electrical tape, or corrected with a Sharpie / masking tape combo!
  8. tommytwotone

    UK General Election 2024

    Interested to know what is "coming up on the doorstep" though Will - I am worried about the potential for more of a groundswell of support for Reform than is currently being priced in, no doubt helped / legitimised by the amount of media oxygen they are currently being given.
  9. tommytwotone

    UK General Election 2024

    Been meaning to post on this topic more often. Did anyone watch the Sky News thing last night? Something was bothering me about the very start of the Kier Starmer interview bit, specifically line of questioning around "well weren't you telling us all how great Jeremy Corbyn was in the last 2...
  10. tommytwotone

    Best of UKB

    Most of Game for a Laugh:,5617.msg77260.html#msg77260
  11. tommytwotone

    Anyone seen any good films lately - Part the second

    Bit niche, but Ghost Stories is currently on iPlayer. It's co-written and stars Derren Brown collaborator Andy Nyman, and is a trilogy of three ghost stories which all come together at the end (can't say much more without spolier-ing). I'd seen it before so re-watched it last night, had...
  12. tommytwotone

    Kids' circuits in Yorkshire/elsewhere

    You should have mail Pete - pretty sure I did send that over to Will when I did it ages back but it's a good idea.
  13. tommytwotone

    Kids' circuits in Yorkshire/elsewhere

    Sent you a DM PeteH - if you haven't had it post here and I'll work out an alternative!
  14. tommytwotone

    Kids' circuits in Yorkshire/elsewhere

    I documented a load of stuff up the top of Shipley Glen, just above Woods Wall area that both of my two enjoy whenever we go... I'll see if I can send it via DM to you.
  15. tommytwotone

    Climbing Walls and Gyms. Rules that drive you nuts or make you leave.

    The increasing popularity of liquid chalk, and the consequent increasing popularity of leaving your liquid chalk bottle on the mats for me to roll my ankle on. See also phones and massive 1 litre metal water bottles.
  16. tommytwotone

    TV/iplayer must watches

    Reformatting... Few I've watched recently: True Detective: Night Country (Sky / Now TV) Better than all the other "not S1" True Detective series, but not amazing either.Builds nicely but kind of peters out in the final act, and the dénouement is a bit weird, and leave a few strange plot...
  17. tommytwotone

    Anyone seen any good films lately - Part the second

    Not so much films, but I get this with a LOT of modern TV. Recently while watching Kin on BBC and the new True Detective on Now I've had whole scenes where I've not followed a word of it!
  18. tommytwotone

    Anyone seen any good films lately - Part the second

    Know Saltburn is the streaming movie on everyone's lips but Netflix also released The Kitchen the other week. Watched it last night and it's OK, but only that - visually very impressive for a "near future" type story, but despite looking like it's got some interesting things to say about the...
  19. tommytwotone

    Bring out your dabs

    Imagine the drive up from London with Moon Safari on repeat. No thanks fam.
  20. tommytwotone

    TV/iplayer must watches

    Richard Osman and Marina Hyde were saying just that on their podcast this week. Even I spotted that thing about the last person through the door by the second episode!