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  1. a dense loner

    Room in Sheffield

    2 rooms to rent in shared house in Sheffield from 1st March living with 2 other climbers. 2 mins from the works. Ample parking, council tax paid. Double room £290pm + bills Single room £240pm + bills Bills approx £20-30pm Pm if interested for more details
  2. a dense loner

    Room to rent in Shef

    Double room £280 per month and single room £230 per month from Sat 18th March. Bills extra, circa £30, council tax paid. One minute limp from the climbing works. pm if interested As an aside was sat in Costa earlier within earshot of a woman breaking up with her fella, we can still be friends...
  3. a dense loner

    Room to rent in Shef

    Attic room £280 per month and single room £230 per month from 1st Sep. Bills extra, circa 30, but council tax paid. One minute limp from the climbing works. pm if interested
  4. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    Why would he have an avatar? He shouldn't be on here again. If there's anything I've learnt from this personal attack it's don't react in anger else you spell "defence" wrong :(
  5. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    I see your defense for your attack is that I'm trolling. Brilliant. I explained it in the post immediately after your post but you obviously didn't see it. Is there any reason slack line is still a member of this forum?
  6. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    Do I need to remind you of the forum rules you're so quick to remind others of?
  7. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    Ah ok you imply something as fact in the hope that someone else has to read the link to discount what you say as fact. What a wonderful way to use the web. No wonder people second guess each other all the time. Brilliant.
  8. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    You didn't emphasise the bit in the first paragraph where it says there is no precedent so it's all a bit hypothetical?
  9. a dense loner


    Couldn't find anywhere to put this in diet, training, injuries but was doing one arm hangs in the garage before with a butterfly flying around me. Very surreal ;D
  10. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    Look at what discussing politics in an adult manner has done to Ukb. Nobody posts on anything else anymore, except maybe power club, just brother turning against brother. :(
  11. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    I know. "It's a bit shit today, it's day 25 out of day 2500 we predicted it'd be shit for. More news tomorrow"
  12. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    What's the angle? They knew it would be shit for a bit, everybody did, why report that it's shit at this moment in time?
  13. a dense loner

    EU Referendum

    Brilliant, I love the "nobody knows what's going to happen so nobody's painting a disaster story". Apart from when someone like Pete offers a scenario then you try to pull his throat out of his mouth.. Brilliant :thumbsup: No wonder I spend all day sitting in a chair pissing myself. May have to...
  14. a dense loner

    Tedious political thread, please ignore if you're above politics

    I think I'm beginning to warm to you after that post Will
  15. a dense loner

    Tedious political thread, please ignore if you're above politics

    Did you pull that straight from gladiator?
  16. a dense loner

    Tedious political thread, please ignore if you're above politics

    I know all this since my iq is higher than 69
  17. a dense loner

    Tedious political thread, please ignore if you're above politics

    I thought I wouldn't need to say I don't get my views from links on the internet, the papers, magazines. Since I've said I think he's a shit leader I took it as read that I was referring to actually watching him try to lead in real time as it were, as opposed to reading a piece in the times or...
  18. a dense loner

    Tedious political thread, please ignore if you're above politics

    It's not really media bias when of all the times I've seen him on TV, I've always thought what a shit weasel. The TV hasn't put that idea in my head, watching him squirm while unable to make speeches has done that. I pay a plumber to do my plumbing, I expect him to bring all the necessary tools...
  19. a dense loner

    Visiting Yorkshire from the US

    And soon leaves you as well
  20. a dense loner

    UKB Power Club Week 334 11th - 17th July 2016

    Cool looking problem! 8)