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  1. slackline


    OpenBeta is an opensource database for climbing. Good on-boarding process for those wishing to contribute. The various repositories that underpin it are open source and hosted on GitHub. The proposed inclusion of Local Climbing Organisations (e.g. clubs, bolt funds etc.) is a really good...
  2. slackline

    EU Referendum

    Brexit minister David Davis’ sectoral impact assessments - Groningen style I am amazed that certain people are unable to make the link between a countries overall productivity and economic viability, quantified by for example GDP, and its ability to care for those who fall on hard times...
  3. slackline

    Pullups, to 1 armers, to bouldering grade

    I would highly recommend checking out Least Absolute Shrinkage And Selection Operator (LASSO) originally proposed by Tibshirani and implemented in R in the glmnet package. What are some of the problems with stepwise regression? References Altman, D. G. and P. K. Andersen. 1989.Bootstrap...
  4. slackline

    Pullups, to 1 armers, to bouldering grade

    And that is the folly...the answer to the worlds "problems"* is not more data. The well refined and highly successful scientific method which has been used to great effect for several hundred years now, whilst requiring data follows a cyclical, self-correcting process of observation >...
  5. slackline

    Pullups, to 1 armers, to bouldering grade

    I collected body weight and height as well as pull-ups and various other responses when I setup and ran the Benchmarking survey, but never compared weight/BMI to pull-ups directly in the summary. I would have preferred to have collected waist-hip ratio as its more useful than BMI, particularly...
  6. slackline

    Wanted : Flat bed scanner (min 600dpi)

    :bow: :2thumbsup: :beer2:
  7. slackline

    Wanted : Flat bed scanner (min 600dpi)

    Hi, I've got a load of old photographs culled from my grandmothers loft (some must be over 100 years old as they of my great-grandmother when she was young!) that I would like to scan and save for posterity. I'm not adverse to buying new but thought I would ask if anyone, ideally near...
  8. slackline

    EU Referendum

    This makes for thoroughly depressing reading given the complete incompetence at being able to negotiate demonstrated by the twats in charge, like being in a train crash in slow motion that could be avoided if those at the controls flipped the tracks but are steadfastly refusing to do so...
  9. slackline

    UKB Freecycle

    Before I stick it on Gumtree/Fleabay to sell for spares anyone interested in a Sun Ultra 10 please message me directly. I inherited this from an employer about a decade ago and intended to wipe the Solaris OS and install Gentoo GNU/Linux. Never got round to it so its sat unused for that time...
  10. slackline

    Re: Quality Chuffing Articles

    El Cap in a Golden Day :bow:
  11. slackline

    2 x ropes, cams, bit other stuff

    Hi Ben, I'll have the ropes please. Will arrange to pick up from Hathersage via DM. Cheers, slackline
  12. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    I took the scratching of the chin to mean you were still wondering if there was such a test. That is very much the nature of science, you have paradigms/models for viewing the world around you and go out and test the predictions based on that model, if the results match the predictions it...
  13. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    To clarify bigironhorse is referring to statistical power and not physiological power.
  14. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    No there isn't a reliable test, and there won't be for a very long time. People don't even know the complete set of genes involved, let alone quantifying all of the variation that exists within them throughout the human population which would then allow such tests to be performed. The BioBank...
  15. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    What should pop up in my Twitter stream this morning which is bang on topic for you petejh... Genome-wide association study of habitual physical activity in over 277,000 UK Biobank participants identifies multiple variants including CADM2 and APOE
  16. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    This reads to me as though some people are poor at adherence to a training plan rather than being poor responders. Its one of the reasons clinical trials will often employ two forms of analyses, Intention To Treat and Per-Protocol (entries on Wikipedia explain the difference for those interested).
  17. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    Seen in local Oxfam at lunch today... £2.99, let me know if you're interested in it petejh Its worth remembering that its possible to demonstrate that something is heritable (i.e. has a genetic component) without knowing anything about the genes involved. The original and classic example...
  18. slackline

    Da News

    Storified these....The Mood in Brussels on Brexshit
  19. slackline

    Genetic testing for performance

    There are an estimated ~30,000 genes in the human genome and a lot of other regulatory regions that control their expression (much of which hasn't yet been identified). To date science has identified many genes for monogenic disorders (single gene, e.g. Cystic Fibrosis, Huntingtons Disease...