Isn’t there an element to this of preserving something local and interesting by applying a British grade to a grit highball?
I mean you could argue the average Frenchman’s car is much better now it’s a VW or an Audi. But wasn’t France much more interesting when everyone was going round in their...
Got chatting to this guy once at the wall as was interested in wall building. Seems to have got into thermal imaging since then. He’s based on Macclesfield, but maybe worth a message?
I personally don’t think taxation has much to do with house price increase. Cheap credit has facilitated the rise, but I think the main driver of house price inflation is because the desirability of owning a home has massively increased. And that is because the alternatives to owning a home are...
Re: Politics 2020
Sounds like it’s time to bring out the ‘a bag of porridge only costs a pound’ types who were all over radio 4 the week they cut UC uplift.
With a bit of thriftiness they might still be able to afford their childcare* on £82k.
I actually thought the head to head was good because it was a good test of performance under pressure. Quite a few rounds went against form or what you thought would/should happen. The person with best technique/execution prevails over someone faster on paper.
Apart from having a bit more rest, a bye in Wimbledon becomes pretty much irrelevant once the next match starts. Not really the case here though is it? Especially with Ondra’s speed pedigree.
Isn’t this in a different league of jamminess compared to byes in other sports?