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  1. Lund

    Optimum macros for climbing / cutting

    Don't be such a simpleton. I know many people who don't use UKB because of it's culture - and permissiveness of the word "faggot" in an avator is simply a demonstration of that culture.
  2. Lund

    Optimum macros for climbing / cutting

    I think many of you are guilty of thinking that just because you don't find something offensive, that it is not offensive. Frequently on this forum, people (probably including me) are guilty of not seeing things from anyone else's perspective. Does the fact that the prevailing wisdom allows...
  3. Lund

    Maisonbleau Now Closed

    Would French law apply? I know that the french have different laws in this area - sometimes harsher. You can be put in prison for a bouncing cheque for example?
  4. Lund

    Limited company question

    VAT! It certainly used to be that if you had two companies, you couldn't be on the flat rate for VAT for either. This has implications for not just paperwork but shitloads of other stuff and you might actually be worse off. There might be others.
  5. Lund

    Going Full Frame

    This is probably down to a combo of the shots above being on a Leica and the fact that the VG lens needs an adaptor?
  6. Lund

    The end of the NHS.

    I don't think the discussion is totally lopsided - I think there's a lot of rational argument on both sides, some good and educational discussion - and clearly some people with different views. Mostly it's OK, although it is a bit lopsided I think it's actually fine and a decent debate. Hence...
  7. Lund

    Going Full Frame

    Here: you can see some images shot with the voigtlander 15mm, on a full frame body (a Leica M240). Here: you can some images shot with the same lens on an M8. The M8 has a crop sensor...
  8. Lund

    The end of the NHS.

    GCW was talking about a paper showing that increased availability of A&E and GP meant increased load - i.e. more people. I was contending that the paper wasn't obviously relevant to the junior doctor, elective stuff discussion - because you can't just rock up to get an elective procedure...
  9. Lund

    Optimum macros for climbing / cutting

    Mark S, can you change your profile picture thing please? It's offensive.
  10. Lund

    IFSC 2016

    Rather than moan about it being held somewhere warm, can we please get on to your local BMC activist and point out that the world champion elect gets fuck all apart from abuse about her shorts and surely we should be doing more to support competition climbing in this country, not worrying about...
  11. Lund

    Going Full Frame

    +1 to what Johnny said - in your case, the dominant factor will be the age of the camera and the features/quality of the software/processor. However, science means that with a larger sensor, there is less noise. So the signal-to-noise ratio is better with a larger sensor, and that means that...
  12. Lund

    The end of the NHS.

    Keep going, you're doing really well. More! More!
  13. Lund

    The end of the NHS.

    Isn't that about GPs and A&E - not "elective" junior doctor type stuff? I certainly would agree that making it easier to got to A&E or to your GP = more people going... but that's not the issue at hand? BTW - just so that we get this out of the way - I've hopped off the fence, and I'm all for...
  14. Lund

    The end of the NHS.

    :clap2: BRILLIANT.
  15. Lund

    The end of the NHS. This paper says that That seems to me to be entirely against the spirit of what you're saying. So you're saying that * during a weekday, 10 people are admitted, 4 die. * on a weekend day, 8 people are admitted, 4 die. This...