Recent content by ianabbot

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  1. I

    Portlethen Vansites?

    Planning on heading over to Portlethen tomorrow in the van, bouldering Tues and Weds. Not been before and wondered how easy it is to find an overnight spot? Don't really need any facilities but happy to pay, though looking online there aren't any campsites showing within 30 mins drive... Any...
  2. I

    Progress at any age

    What a great thread! Some hugely impressive blasts through the grades, but its been just as interesting reading wise words on acceptance of inevitable decline! (And it's prompted me to look back on some really fond memories). 1990 (aged 26) Colleague took me to Castle Naze and Windgather and I...
  3. I

    Oldest mat still in use?

    I have a DMM mat from way back, sometime late 90s? Someone I knew from the Beacon wall had a contact at DMM in Llanberis and got it for me. I was told it was one of the first batch of pads they ever made and I can't begin to describe how brilliant I thought it was at the time. It boasts a number...
  4. I

    Top 5 Strathnairn problems

    Hi Rob, I agree with all the above (or at least the ones I can do!) For Ruthven I’d have Razor’s Edge and Slippery Slope in. Presume you’ve got some of the other classics already (Barry Manilow, Cheeky Girls)? Sylvester and Rock ‘n’ Roll Baby are pretty good. You can’t really go wrong at Farr...
  5. I

    [Scotland][Invernesshire][Kelpie Boulders][Loads][3-6C]

    No worries Rob! The walk in is nice enough, so not being able to drive to the blocks isn't too much of a loss. The Kelpie prow would be right up your street – compression/heel hook malarkey required (hence I haven’t done it). See what you and Benjy think of the Dark Wave project – way out of my...
  6. I

    [Scotland][Invernesshire][Kelpie Boulders][Loads][3-6C]

    Hi Robbie, Assisted at various points by my two sons, back from Uni. We’ve had some really good times up there, a routine of cleaning a boulder then coming back the following week to climb it and clean another one in readiness for the next time. It’s been perfect since lockdown – we never saw...
  7. I

    Skye bouldering development (or lack thereof)

    My best bouldering days have come from following up obscure stuff documented by Highland locals/expats, so I’m really appreciative of new esoterica being recorded. I’ve added some recent lower-grade Strathnairn things on the new problems thread. Rob – sorry to hear you’re injured, all the...
  8. I

    [Scotland][Invernesshire][Kelpie Boulders][Loads][3-6C]

    Quick-drying clean boulders in forestry clearance on the southwest flank of Creag an Tuathan, above the River Farnack. Good selection of problems on excellent rough gneiss, with generally good landings and a sunny aspect. Approach: Park considerately at the southern end of Farr village and take...
  9. I

    Mull - Gribun Bouldering Topo

    Brilliant - thanks Alex! Look forward to putting this to good use on the next Mull trip.
  10. I

    Recent wildlife sightings

    That’s a coincidence Chris, we were down on the shore rockpooling yesterday too - the field behind our house drops down to the Cromarty Firth. It was a really low tide (0.2m) so able to get right down onto the lower shore. Found loads of butterfish, which seem to be able to survive between tides...
  11. I

    New Sheigra Bouldering Guide

    Thanks Robbie, this looks brilliant. Every time you post new videos I make a mental note to get up there some time – no excuses now there’s such a comprehensive guide!
  12. I

    The Lockdown Project

    I ordered ply, timber and screws before lockdown. Ply etc. was due for delivery yesterday, but the timber yard in Inverness then closed on Tuesday… Screwfix delivery arrived though, so I now have 600 screws, and all I need is some ply. If Alanis Morissette was a boulderer, she could write a song...
  13. I

    Mull Bouldering - Loch Buie etc

    Thanks for the update Alex. Good effort on the route, I’m surprised it was in condition – I would have thought that top crack would be seeping for weeks after all that rain! Anyway I’ll let Cal know, he’ll be really pleased that you’ve done it.
  14. I

    Best of 2019

    Blimey, that was quick - thanks Gaz!
  15. I

    Best of 2019

    What a brilliant thread this is; it’s uplifting and inspiring reading everyone’s highlights. I really enjoyed the year - lots of memorable days on the boulders, some alone and others shared with my two sons, with the usual mix of achievement and laughable ineptitude. Top Boulders: Gold Dance...