Powerband (Read 17333 times)


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#25 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 01:02:41 pm
I was thinking more bell hagg


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#26 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 01:20:29 pm


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#27 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 01:42:49 pm
I was winding Dave up. Also the cave is fucking awsome. 100 times better than the tor or rubicon.
I've nothing against limestone in general, it just doesn't really lend itself to good climbing IMHO unless you've got some drilled pockets in a roof.
I've done weedkiller traverse so I've nothing to go back to peak limestone for although I'm sure I will end up there at some point over the summer


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#28 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 02:00:32 pm

I've nothing against limestone in general, it just doesn't really lend itself to good climbing IMHO unless you've got some drilled pockets in a roof.

 Wow, I never realised you'd done loads of limestone stuff. Visited the classic brit limestone crags, Malham, Kilnsey, Gordale, Pembroke, Chapel Head Scar, etc. Tasted the really good stuff on the continent Rodellar, Terradets, Buoux, the Verdon, Dolomites, Picos de Europa, Slovenia etc, etc. And of course taken in some of the international stuff like Castle Hill, Mexico, Thailand.... Obviously you wouldn't be so blinkered as to base that sweeping statement on a handful of bouldering visits to Rubicon, Raven Tor, the Cave, Woodwell, Angel Bay...obviously...


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#29 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 02:10:41 pm
I was referring to bouldering as you know I don't do dirty routes so you can cross most of them venues off your list.
Would love to go to castle hill but I'm not made of money and I've got a job and a family. Watched big game recently and it looks proper bo.
I wasn't on a limestone bashing tip, I'm sure there are some excellent routes on lime throughout the world.
Also IMHO is in my honest opinion, as being a 13 stone, sausage fingered, zero stamina type of guy I am, it is likely that the majority of climbing on slimestone doesn't suit me.


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#30 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 02:14:42 pm
Also IMHO is in my honest opinion, as being a 13 stone, sausage fingered, zero stamina type of guy I am, it is likely that the majority of climbing on slimestone doesn't suit me.

maybe drop 7 pounds off there and you're describing me.


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#31 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 02:20:49 pm
 ;D You'd like Castle Hill anyway

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#32 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 05:23:21 pm
Wow. The shittest problem in the peak looks shit, but is actually even shitter. Not only is it a low traverse, its an eliminate. I really think if it hadn't been Jerry who did these they would have been laughed off the historical record.

Come on JB, I love over-opinionated, narrow minded, megalomaniacal rants, but your repetitive whinging about powerband is even boring me. Yes, it's not the most aesthetic piece of rock in existence. Yes, it's a traverse (but not a low one in that it's nowhere near a bum scraper). Yes, it does climb brilliantly. The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating.

I agree with Jasper: If new holds appear or old ones change and become the norm, that is entirely different to missing out the whole point of the problem, ie the drop down off the pocket. It isn't a question of being 'holier than thou' about doing the problem the original way, it is about doing the problem is the acceptable fashion.


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#33 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 06:36:09 pm
Do people really still bang on this drum? The fact of the matter is, rightly or wrongly, that if you don't do the last move off the pocket then although you've climbed the line you can't claim it because people will just talk behind your back and you'll have an awful hollow feeling in your belly. Like I say, I'm not here to debate the ethics of the situation, it's just that that's how it plays so if you don't like it then prepare to be roundly shamed out of town - you have no recourse to reason.

I can't understand why anyone is defending this to Johnny "rent-an-anti-limestone-quote" Brown, do you really think he will be swayed?  :wall: You can't see the light at the end of the tunnel if you're looking backwards Adam  ;)


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#34 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 06:41:36 pm
bear in mind the middle bit used to be the crux.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the last move using the pocket was always the crux of PB even when the middle bit had its original footholds. I was under the impression that back in the day the middle bit using the sculpted pinch became the redpoint crux of the whole thing on Staminaband. However, from the PB start, the last move was still the most difficult bit as you dont have a chance to get tired before getting to the sculpted pinch.


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#35 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 08:50:55 pm
As a tiny yoot, back before the footholds grew, I used to be able to do the end move consistently but could never link the middle bit. For me at least the middle bit was the hardest moves, no doubt about it. But I suppose the end move may still have proved the 'redpoint' crux, had I been able to get that far.


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#36 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 09:02:41 pm
Oh really I suppose that is a measure of how easy the middle bit has now become, now the last move is about 2 grades harder than any move on it!!


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#37 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 10:22:01 pm
....which kinda scotches the notion that the last move is "the whole point". its a traverse for a reason - i.e. its not just about 1 move. if it was it'd be a shit traverse.

a dense loner

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#38 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 11:05:47 pm
You can't see the light at the end of the tunnel if you're looking backwards Adam

i take it you haven't got your confined spaces ticket with a statement like that then? ;)


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#39 Re: Powerband
June 17, 2008, 11:25:47 pm
As a tiny yoot, back before the footholds grew, I used to be able to do the end move consistently but could never link the middle bit. For me at least the middle bit was the hardest moves, no doubt about it. But I suppose the end move may still have proved the 'redpoint' crux, had I been able to get that far.

Ah, but I talked someone once who said that back in the day he had never managed to do the last move, not even on its own, despite being able to get all the way there from the start of staminaband. Can't remember who this was though.


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#40 Re: Powerband
June 18, 2008, 09:01:18 am

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the last move using the pocket was always the crux of PB even when the middle bit had its original footholds. I was under the impression that back in the day the middle bit using the sculpted pinch became the redpoint crux of the whole thing on Staminaband. However, from the PB start, the last move was still the most difficult bit as you dont have a chance to get tired before getting to the sculpted pinch.

Absolutely spot on. The last move was always considered the hardest but you get a rest before it so on Staminaband the redpoint crux was getting through the middle bit. For me this was certainly the case anyway.

Ah, but I talked someone once who said that back in the day he had never managed to do the last move, not even on its own, despite being able to get all the way there from the start of staminaband. Can't remember who this was though.

Completely feasible depending on (lack of) finger strength.

As a tiny yoot, back before the footholds grew, I used to be able to do the end move consistently but could never link the middle bit. For me at least the middle bit was the hardest moves, no doubt about it. But I suppose the end move may still have proved the 'redpoint' crux, had I been able to get that far.

The middle bit was always easier for the tall so this may have had a bearing.


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#41 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 01:57:43 pm

I agree with Jasper: If new holds appear or old ones change and become the norm, that is entirely different to missing out the whole point of the problem, ie the drop down off the pocket. It isn't a question of being 'holier than thou' about doing the problem the original way, it is about doing the problem is the acceptable fashion.

Hang on a second. As someone who weighs nearly 14 stone, but is 6'2, I fail to see why I can't take the tick by not hanging the pocket?

From where I'm sat, you skinny types don't deserve the grades on most of the heniously crimpy Tor routes, where being a 9 stone rubber band = fewer pounds per square inch through the ole finger tips.

The drop down move at the end of Power/Staminaband isn't even that long a reach. Hanging the pocket is just poor technique ;)


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#42 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 04:30:34 pm
It makes me laugh when people get all precious about people not using the "original sequence" and lanking through at the end of powerband, yet are quite happy to lank through the pinch bit in the middle using all the big footholds that never used to be there and that really short people can't use anyway. bear in mind the middle bit used to be the crux. I'm guessing most people taking the holier-than-thou stance on powerband end conveniently forget the middle bit.
climbing from the beginning to the end using everything; a great 7c (bottom end?), call it what you want.

I disagree with almost all of this. You know my stats

The middle bit was always easy, the footholds just got bigger.

Whether its an eliminate or not, its your conscience. As is established its an eliminate training problem so aesthetic considerations have to be minimised. If you aren't even going to do it properly then I have to ask, why are you doing it?

Feel free to come up with loads of examples of me lanking a problem  - here is one to start, Brass Monkeys. My own experience of Power/Staminia bands was that I wanted to do them, for the challenge, and perhaps because they are much harder with the pocket and as uncle said, for posterity's sake, not because I could lank through the move and claim a soft tick.

I can't believe I've waded into this.

a dense loner

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#43 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 04:48:47 pm
neither can i


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#44 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 05:10:28 pm
If you aren't even going to do it properly then I have to ask, why are you doing it?

just the enjoyment of climbing.

P.S. personally speaking I have done the end move off the pocket several times, and had one or maybe two goes at linking it but have pretty much decided not to bother anymore (unless possibly if i'm stuck there with nowt else do) as I could no doubt do it given enough goes but I'd be doing it for the wrong reasons, i.e. to shut everyone else up rather than for myself. i've got better things to be doing.


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#45 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 05:14:51 pm
I originally did SB lanking the end, but it always niggled me so i went back and did it with the pocket. Having said that, each to their own, as long as you can sleep at night.........


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#46 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 05:19:56 pm
I think i'll be losing sleep about getting drawn into an argument about powerband.

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#47 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 06:11:59 pm
Hang on a second. As someone who weighs nearly 14 stone, but is 6'2, I fail to see why I can't take the tick by not hanging the pocket?

It's the tor, you just accept that these funny rules etc. make it what it is. Next people will be saying they've done Seans at that place we do not mention without campussing the start. Oh that's already been done.  :thumbsdown:

As is established its an eliminate training problem so aesthetic considerations have to be minimised. If you aren't even going to do it properly then I have to ask, why are you doing it?

Spot on.

I originally did SB lanking the end, but it always niggled me so i went back and did it with the pocket.



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#48 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 06:22:33 pm

Certainly am,also did Salar and Out of My Tree on the same day. Look at me!

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#49 Re: Powerband
June 20, 2008, 06:26:48 pm

Certainly am,also did Salar and Out of My Tree on the same day. Look at me!

Medal's on its way....


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