recomend me some homie who print digital (Read 14908 times)


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recomend me some homie who print digital
August 24, 2005, 05:37:52 pm
By shite i mean anyone using the pixology shit like jessops, and ofoto/kodak.

Been getting a bit tired of all the blocked nozzles, pissing ink away etc on me inkjet ting, thought i'd check out the other option i.e. companies printing your shit on photo paper. A lot of the online ones like boots, jessops etc have stanting offers where you can get like 10 free 6x4 or 7x5s, so i've recently taken advantage of a couple of these offers to check out the vibe.

My findings so far are that they are overwhelmingly shite. I've used jessops (they use pixology for the actual process so should be also identical to boots, john lewis, most highstreet ones etc) and ofoto/kodak. Presumably they all use the same automated fuji frontier printers or whatever cos the results from both jessops and ofoto were almost identical (despite being on different paper) and both equally toss. Let me start with the fact that all the colours were bollocksed - everything had a green/yellow tint for a start, all the nice deep reds and blues were fucked. I deliberatley sent a range of shots, different contrast levels and colours. the worst photo was always this one where the transition between the dark and light sky had a kinda wet-ink dappled look looked like a 5year old had tried to make a wax rubbing of the photo, not to mention the blues all being wanked-out. the jessops ones also looked like they'd had the contrast turned up cos I had highlights blown out (thanks guys, i'm quite capable of blowing out me highlights on my own without jessops help).

Anyway its really hard to describe all this but its easy to see in the flesh as all the photos look bollocks compared to the files i supplied when viewed on my laptop screen. Now i know you're never going to get them looking 100% the same, but i don't think its too much to ask to get them like ballpark - what i've got from the ones i've tried are just unbelievable, i don't know why they don't just go and push shit though my letterbox in a burning paper bag. And yes as far as i can do i've got my monitor calibrated right.

anyway, wank printers asside, wheres the best to go if i'm actually going to spend some dollar dollar bill y'all? I know dopefield/footwork's prints in outside were done at peak imaging and they look the shit, i've also heard the harrisons do good tings. Hot me with some knowledge? All I want is somewhere that can give blinging prints without screwing with the images - if i wanted my shit fucking with i'd be still shooting kodak gold 400 print film and senting it to supasnaps.

Yours frustratedly
diamond d.


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#1 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 24, 2005, 05:46:36 pm
I was gonna suggest Propix but it looks like they are now Peak Imaging which you already know about. But anyway, I'll second them and they've been in the biz for decades.


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#2 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 24, 2005, 06:57:47 pm
There was a review in this month's practical photographer (was in an airport, and needed a magazine to read on plane that wasn't thinly disguised soft-pr0n that would make me look salaciously at air hostesses...), I've got it at home - I'll have a look and share the knowledge.

SA Chris

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#3 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 08:20:05 am
I looked at that article in Practically pr0nography too, and I think they reckoned Peak Imaging was the best.


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#4 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 09:18:34 am
peak imaging are OK as long as you have your files set up correctly.

email them and ask them to email you their ICC profiles for their printers; they have two for the smaller printer (prints up to 15" - gloss and matt), and one for their larger printer - 15" +. (check this is the right ICC too for whatever they print 6x4" on etc...). you'll then be able to set up files in PSP8 using these and your calibrated monitor - if you're still using PSP rather than PS.

we did this with ours for the cafe and had to do VERY little levels etc to the images as they were scanned into the right print space. unsharp mask is the only thing which might need tweaking and always looks more pronounced on prints than on screen.

something else to consider - you're working on a laptop so it might be worth acquiring a cheap/free CRT monitor to plug in the back to properly view the colours/contrast etc. the laptop screen won't be doing you any favours.

in my opinion a far better lab is Metro in Birmingham but i haven;t had any larger stuff printed their. everything else they do is A1 though and much better quality than Peak Imaging. Delivery service is A1 too.

i stopped buying practical photogrpahy after the 15000000th mid range consumer digital compact review. total shit.


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#5 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 09:27:47 am
Peak imaging got 5/5 in the PP review, though this was qualified with higher price and slower turnaround.
Next chaps in the review got 3/5 and included, (chaps the cofe mentioned above I think),, and

All these other chaps (with exception of metro) got 4/5 for print quality, so I guess they're not much worse (bonus got 3/5 for print quality).
If you really want, I can scan the article in and mail it to you.


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#6 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 10:13:02 am
metro in london -  are leagues better than any other pro lab i've ever used. they are also much more expensive.  but the printers there have won so many awards, and printed for so many awesome photographers that it's defintely worth it.

if you want something special - maybe a big print or something - they are so much better than anyone else.  their lambda printer basically paints a digital image with a laser onto photographic paper, which is then processed in the lab. i used them to print 5 pictures at 8ft x 4ft at 200dpi, which were all stunning.


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#7 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 10:45:09 am
Quote from: "Yossarian"
i used them to print 5 pictures at 8ft x 4ft at 200dpi, which were all stunning.

you must have a very big house in which to hang them... what did you use them for. how did you prep something that big for print - or did you pay them to do it?

wouldn't mind blowing a picture of myself up that big to hang on the ceiling above the bed.


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#8 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 11:35:20 am
they were backgrounds for a furniture exhibition set - mounted onto foamboard and matt sealed, then velcro's onto 8ftx4x1 columns.

the images were drum scanned from 6x7 b7w negs, balanced, has a tiny bit of unsharp mask added, then proofed as strips, before printing the final items.

we've had some done for in store displays, which were printed by a very nice inkjet - they were half the price - about £300 ex vat - but weren't as nice as the lambda prints...


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#9 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 11:45:32 am
would that be like the big photo in father ted of him kicking bishop brennan up the arse?

cheers for all the info and ting wiggaz, i'l have to investig8 this metro ting what you all speak of.

must admit getting a CRT just for image ting is probably a good idea, i've probably got room for it in t'attic. it was a ball tring to calibr8 my craptop monitor as all the brightness/contrast controls are accessed by software not buttons on the front, and it wouldn't really tell you what the whitepoint was - and as soon as you move your head 1" from dead centre everything looks different anway. Now its set up "right" it looks a lot darker than it did before, but thats probably cos i never really changed the setup from factory. At least its sill set up well enought to know that jessops shiz was dogturd.

I'll have to check what monitor flava my laapdog will output to. If anyones got a spare CRT monitor knocking about the crib then holler at me word.


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#10 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 11:55:37 am
if you're ever down south with your laptop then you'd be welcome to borrow my calibrator.  it's quite a hardcore gretag macbeth one...

and if you decided to get a new crt i'd recomment a lacie electron 22blue. not too expensive and really accurate.


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#11 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 11:58:43 am
btw - metro in london are a totally seperate entity from any other places called metro...


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#12 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:03:42 pm
cheers for the info - not sure one of them monitors fits a £0 budget but I'll certainly keep my eyes peeled when walking past any skips in the posh areas of town.


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#13 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:08:11 pm
i might have a crt you can have. lacie are objects of desire.

yossarian - are you a photographer by trade then or in graphic design? i don't know many enthusiasts who shoot 6x7, esp B&W, to print big, mount on foamex and hang behind furniture :wink:


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#14 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:23:13 pm
i do a bit of everything - photography, graphics, etc for a fairly high end furniture company.  the pictures i used for the exhibition i shot in india last september on my hols.  i sell a few prints here and there, but it's not the day job.  and re 6x7 - that's practically all i shoot, although i'm quite into 6x9 as well at the mo.  i guess i just prefer not having to squint at my neg sheets!


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#15 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:33:55 pm

Quote from: "Yossarian"
i guess i just prefer not having to squint at my neg sheets!
i see your point. even the jump to 6x4.5 is gobsmacking.


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#16 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:43:22 pm
i think the best digital cameras are catching up, and MF digi backs make life a lot easier when you're doing product photography, etc.

but i much prefer the look of traditional b&w for my own stuff, and i use an amazing printer at kustom who works magic with the best fibre based papers, etc. 20x24 prints from 6x7 handprinted by a real master are something else. and don't get me started on platinum prints..


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#17 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:52:41 pm
Quote from: "Yossarian"
and don't get me started on platinum prints..

i won't...

you'd recommend them for large colour prints in the future then? any tips on drum scanning? there is a place in sheff but i'm not convinced.

a larger format appeals to me but convenience and cost then weigh in. 35mm meets my needs at the mo.


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#18 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 12:52:57 pm
Quote from: "Yossarian"
and don't get me started on platinum prints..

i won't...

you'd recommend them (metro london) for large colour prints in the future then? any tips on drum scanning? there is a place in sheff but i'm not convinced.

a larger format appeals to me but convenience and cost then weigh in. 35mm meets my needs at the mo.


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#19 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 01:07:07 pm
Quote from: "cofe"
i might have a crt you can have.

Either you have or you havent.....theres no "i" in team beardown. lets not keep a brother hanging here.

also got me eyes on an external lacie firewire HDD. designed by porsche apparently - dunno what the hell thats all about.

noticed on theres summert on today about new digitaal hasslehoffs for yall MF honkies.


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#20 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 01:19:53 pm
dunno where it is that's all. i.e. it's not at the crib.


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#21 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 01:32:51 pm
word maybe its with r-man's tripod. if you find it hit me on the 2way. or the blackberry account.


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#22 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 01:57:01 pm
word Dave - if the Hoff don't come through hit me on a PM flava, got a phat 17 i wanna get shot of before I go down Londinium.


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#23 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 02:30:04 pm

SA Chris

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#24 recomend me some homie who print digital
August 25, 2005, 03:31:35 pm
Word,hows everyone getting on with their slide scanners? Got any capacity for scanning a slide or two for me? I have a dozen or so that I really need getting on disc. PM me with a rate for your troubles; I can offer anything from cold cash to lowdown on unclimbed problems up this way. Sexual favours are off the negotiating table though.

I know I can get it done commercially, but thought I would ask here first.


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