Aims for 2024 (Read 23457 times)

SA Chris

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#50 Re: Aims for 2024
January 05, 2024, 09:28:28 am
Go back to Pass of Ballater and finish off Drambui

Give me some warning if you are up and need a string holder. Keen to get some trad done this year.


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#51 Re: Aims for 2024
January 05, 2024, 09:36:03 am
Last year was pretty much of a write-off, so just rolling over with a few changes.

Usual running/climbing split for me. Managing the balance is always a challenge, so just being happy with one or the other would be great!

Climbing :-

  • Do more stuff on a rope. 2021/2022 2023 isn't a high bar to beat, but would be good to get back to enjoying routes. Ideally come back from a day on the ropes feeling more physically tired than mentally (a sign of how much by head game has disappeared over the last 3/4 years of minimal route climbing).
  • Commit to some hard(er) boulder problems - failed at this in recent years so need to make more effort before the wet Autumn weather writes the season off and I scuttle back indoors. I'll put a number on it to try and make it more specific - 10 problems F7B and above.
  • Have a couple of weekends away somewhere. Make the effort to meet up with friends more, rather than going solo all the time.
  • Some arbitrary numbers - 20 new problems F7A and above, 5 new (to me) crags.

Running :-

  • Get back to racing following long Covid/post-viral stuff. Long plodding in the first half of the year and then drop miles and build some speed again.
  • Either short fell races and the fell relays in the second half of the year or focus on the roads and maybe a PB.
  • Some arbitrary numbers - 50+ Oxstones runs to/from home, 30+ different trig points.

Life :-

  • Finish off house projects - probably kitchen and render this year, then a couple more bits to go.
  • Make more time to spend with my wife and without the kids.
  • Try and get more comfortable with alternate ways of working that don't involve me working evenings, weekends or on my day off. Delegating is something I really struggle with as I have a definite way of approaching problems and have rarely found staff that quite as rigorous in their approach.


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#52 Re: Aims for 2024
January 08, 2024, 01:59:19 pm
In many senses of the word, I had my best year in a long time last year. I think it was the first time in many years though that I failed to put goals down in the UKB thread. I'd like to build on the below:

Early in 2023 I wanted to commit to a daily habit that I thought I could stick to for 365 days. Having always wanted to learn Japanese and to brush up on GCSE Spanish, I made this the goal. As of tomorrow, I hit 365 days of continuous learning and I'm delighted that a) I managed to do this with having a 2 and 4 year old and b) the satisfaction from being able to handwrite (relatively neatly now) every hiragana character is very rewarding. Clearly still a long way to go but tapping Japanese tourists on the shoulder at the Albert Dock has given me a bit of speaking practice (and thankfully not freaked any of them out).

After nearly 15 years of effort, all of the stars have started to align to finally expand my whisky business and selling that first cask was a huge tick on that journey. Some very exciting things in the pipeline for 2024 and an excellent business partner coming in to the fold, thus making me no longer a one man band.

Managed to pull on some small crimps and had a purple patch for a short amount of time before deciding a mono pulling contest with Crouch and Donnelly was a good idea after a few beers on day one of my 40th trip. A few harder things on Pisa Wall, Pex I'd like to do this year. Finally learned how to diet in 2023 so back on that programme to get to a proper fighting weight.

So to the measurable goals:

1. Be able to handwrite every katakana character come COP 2024 and learn 100 kanji.

2. Secure one good repeat international bulk whisky contract and 40 new private clients.

3. Do NW Overhang sitter at Pex. Will keep it light touch and hope some decent board training and hardcore dieting will align with some time to get outside further afield.

Serious godspeed to all of you for you goals in 2024. Always greatly enjoy reading others here.


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#53 Re: Aims for 2024
January 08, 2024, 10:00:47 pm
...learn 100 kanji.

I learned my first ... 300(?) by rote, and have forgotten most. Before going to China I relearned a lot of Kanji using James W. Heisig's Remembering the Kanji. Highly recommended. In ‘Remembering the Kanji’ Heisig arrange them in order to make it easier to memorise them, not in order of usefulness when reading or learning Japanese, so if you go that road you need to memorise a lot more than 100 for it to be useful. I still highly recommend this book!


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#54 Re: Aims for 2024
January 08, 2024, 10:57:13 pm
1. Be able to handwrite every katakana character come COP 2024 and learn 100 kanji.

Great goal.

This has inspired/reminded me to amend mine:

Didn't bother with this thread last year (injury induced low psych), not got that excuse this year so might as well!

- Do an E2
- Do a F7a, probably in Spain
- Go bouldering and enjoy it without ruining skin for the next week
- Keep doing conditioning after climbing

Potentially conservative, but not planning on doing loads of training, so not wanting any pressure.

- Run regularly if not injured (3+ per week, high mileage if possible to setup long term goals)
- Do a big AL fell race, probably Borrowdale
- Get qualifying races done for said big fell race (nice intermediate goal)
- Look into Paddy Buckley legs
- Do better (position-wise) in British Fell Relays
- Some sort of big day out like Welsh 3000s, Y3Ps, etc
Secondary goals
- 5k PB
- 10k or half PB
- Across Wales Walk event if summer goes well

- Big solo trip to Scotland, mainly to spend time in the Cuillin
- Take camera on most days out, take good pics
- Stay injury free!
- Keep doing the Welsh on Duolingo

Fully accepting it's not an optimal learning method, but I'm on a 485 day streak and intend to continue that for another year. Besides, I'd not have learned any if I didn't bother! Just gotta keep plugging away at it and it'll improve. Maybe I'll even try some out in a shop/pub and get either a) answered in English (most likely), or b) answered Welsh and then I'm immediately stuck (also very possible)  :lol:


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#55 Re: Aims for 2024
January 09, 2024, 07:14:29 am

- Keep doing the Welsh on Duolingo

Fully accepting it's not an optimal learning method, but I'm on a 485 day streak and intend to continue that for another year.

I do not know about using Duolingo for Welsh, but I used it during lunchbreaks and on the commute to start learning French before moving there. I found it OK for self-study as a beginner; when I moved to France I took full time classes for Alliance Française and after a placement test they let me skip the first month, so I saved the cost of 80 hours of classes. Obviously I could probably have self studied by other methods as well, but the app definately helped me


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#56 Re: Aims for 2024
January 15, 2024, 10:56:02 am
I've been pondering what I should go for this year, I think this makes a decent list:

I need to tick more Munros in winter if I want to join the SMC. Making sure I combine doing some decent routes at the same time would be great. I've got off to a reasonable start with this already. A friend gave me a little Munro record book for Xmas, so my first task is to try and remember which ones I've actually been up! If I could bag a dozen in winter conditions that would be great, and if I can also get half a dozen days winter climbing as well even better.

Getting Silk Purse finished is the obvious gap. Having a few days in Strathyre and Glen Ogle would be good too. Chain Lightning is an obvious target, but really I just want to make sure I visit.

I got very little done this year and never got my head together, so it's all to play for.
I'd love to get 3 big mountain routes done. I've not been to Creag an Dubh Loch, so something there would be good, Titan's Wall and Minus 1 are other targets.
One thing I really enjoy about living in Scotland is being able to have a big hill day and throw in some easy classics as well. I've got a few in mind, if I got one done that would be cool. Cycling in to Binnean Shuas and soloing Ardverikie Wall and Kubla Khan is one I'm keen for, but I've also got designs on some longer links in the Cairngorms.

Finish the fence and put a patio in.
Get the dog properly trained. I'm enjoying this, he's very smart so learning quickly at the moment. Training good recall is going to be important, especially as he'll be a big dog when fully grown.
Running - I'd like to do another long distance run in the hills (~40km), I'm not overly concerned whether it's an organised event, but it's sometimes easier to be motivated with a hard deadline. Something in Scotland or the Lakes would be good. I've got a couple of ideas for good independent routes (e.g. running from Loch Etive over the 7 munros back to Rannoch Moor).


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#57 Re: Aims for 2024
January 15, 2024, 11:25:39 am
Love this thread and the 'Best of' thread on 2023, inspired me to post this year.

- Physio out existing injuries - particularly left shoulder and elbow tweaks
- Two strength training sessions a week
- Work out a good structure for my weekend indoor bouldering session that maximises the time I have available and builds strength effectively
- Get back into doing at least one fingerboard session a week
- Go for a first Easter Font trip with the family (and plan it so that they love it so it stays on the menu for the future)
- At least 2 boulder trips in the UK
- Consolidate on sport climbing from last year, at least 4 weekends' climbing, get back up to 7a+ RP
- Get out on the MTB at least once a month

- Move house in the summer (preferably closer to rock)
- Don't completely destroy life in process of moving house, keep wife & kids happy etc
- Publish novella, finish writing 3rd novel


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#58 Re: Aims for 2024
January 16, 2024, 02:28:23 pm
I've been pondering what I should go for this year, I think this makes a decent list:

I need to tick more Munros in winter if I want to join the SMC. Making sure I combine doing some decent routes at the same time would be great. I've got off to a reasonable start with this already. A friend gave me a little Munro record book for Xmas, so my first task is to try and remember which ones I've actually been up! If I could bag a dozen in winter conditions that would be great, and if I can also get half a dozen days winter climbing as well even better.

Getting Silk Purse finished is the obvious gap. Having a few days in Strathyre and Glen Ogle would be good too. Chain Lightning is an obvious target, but really I just want to make sure I visit.

I got very little done this year and never got my head together, so it's all to play for.
I'd love to get 3 big mountain routes done. I've not been to Creag an Dubh Loch, so something there would be good, Titan's Wall and Minus 1 are other targets.
One thing I really enjoy about living in Scotland is being able to have a big hill day and throw in some easy classics as well. I've got a few in mind, if I got one done that would be cool. Cycling in to Binnean Shuas and soloing Ardverikie Wall and Kubla Khan is one I'm keen for, but I've also got designs on some longer links in the Cairngorms.

Finish the fence and put a patio in.
Get the dog properly trained. I'm enjoying this, he's very smart so learning quickly at the moment. Training good recall is going to be important, especially as he'll be a big dog when fully grown.
Running - I'd like to do another long distance run in the hills (~40km), I'm not overly concerned whether it's an organised event, but it's sometimes easier to be motivated with a hard deadline. Something in Scotland or the Lakes would be good. I've got a couple of ideas for good independent routes (e.g. running from Loch Etive over the 7 munros back to Rannoch Moor).

I forgot to add these:

Factor Two
I haven't done any episodes in ages, life got very busy, and I had a lot of other projects I've been working on.

It would be good to put out some new episodes, a minimum of 3. I've got the material for those already, and lots of ideas for others..

How you can help...
I'm happy to take pointers from people, so if you've got a story, or know of one you'd like to hear, drop me a line. I'm mainly interested in trying to tell things that are more complex than a single interview can manage, so stories with multiple perspectives, or thematic tales are welcome. Also, I'd be very happy to collaborate to produce stories. I.e. you get to interview/host, and I'll deal with production and help you script or structure it. I can supply recording gear. Send me your ideas if you're interested, even if they're really vague it's fun to chat about this stuff.

SA Chris

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#59 Re: Aims for 2024
January 16, 2024, 04:59:37 pm
So many things going on, hopefully I can get health issues under control and do them!


Got a couple of runs goals I'd like to get done this year;
1) 1200km in the year.
2) try the Glen Clova loop a mate and i have planned. A natural loop of the horseshoe starting and finishing at the hotel is about 50km, and takes in 4 + Munros, A Corbett and a load of other hills.
3) run / walk the Milngavie to Drover's Inn part of WHW in a day (41 mi). I did the rest of it with mares last year, but missed the first bit due to limited AL.
4) Balmoral 15 miler in 2 hrs. Did 2:08:48in 2018, so it's possible.
5) PB a half; under 1:38. Possible with a decent block of training, a fast course and perfect weather.

1) Do more routes at the wall
2) get a sport project in high 7s
3) Do some mountain routes
4) fingerboard and get on garage board at least once a week each.
5) Tick a couple of local boulder projects

1) Surf more - and not just Aberdeen.
2) Get some decent powder and maybe a tour in the Alps.
3) Do some ski tours locally
4) get on MTB, especially get to Tarland.


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#60 Re: Aims for 2024
April 02, 2024, 05:04:28 pm
First quarter update
Goal 1. Rehab & rebuild
Be consistent & committed to elbow rehabilitation post surgery. I have a right elbow osteocapsulectomy due sometime in January.
I was told the success of the surgery depends greatly on my rehabilitation.  It won’t repair the deterioration of my osteoarthritic elbow, but should improve range of movement.

Goal 2. Try hard when it matters most
Actually fall off on send attempts, not saying take.

Goal 3. Climb at Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert  in the South Of France- near Montpellier. Get a lot of routes done.

Goal 4. Climb at least two multi pitch sport 3 pitches or more in this trip.

Goal 5. Redpoints
 Largely reliant on Goal 1.

Redpoint five routes 7a and above
- [ ] Pit Viper - Deep Rake
- [ ] TBC
- [ ] TBC
- [ ] TBC
- [ ] TBC

The following two goals, if anyone is needing a belay, please consider giving me a call.  Happy to meet new climbers & crags. Prompts  :jab:

Goal 6. Explore the UK sports options

Climb at 2 new sports crags in the UK (outside of the Peak - Yorkshire/ Wales/ The Lakes).

Goal 7. More Peak Sport

Climb at 3 new Peak sports crags

Goal 8. Longer term health investments

Improve mobility and embed mobility & flexibility into my lifestyle.  To be able to comfortably place my palms flat on floor in a standing pike.
Do a pistol squat with both legs ACHIEVED and with holding additional weight.

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#61 Re: Aims for 2024
April 02, 2024, 06:41:38 pm
- Get married. Then subsequently remain married, and generally be a good husband.

Less than two weeks into it but having a great time so far!

- Stay psyched. This is the main climbing goal isn't it, just keep enjoying it.

Waxes and wanes. Generally poor weather and lingering finger tweaks are the main annoyance I think, but on the whole it's been kind of okay. Excited for a big trip at the end of the year, and maybe some nice weekends here and there throughout the year.

- Be less injured than 2023. This should be an easy one, I hope. Ideally no injuries at all but some tweaks are bound to happen.

This damn left middle finger thing is still annoying. Not that big a deal a lot of the time but some holds aggravate it in a way that can be difficult to predict. On the upside, physio appointment next week and the rest of my body seems to be reliable thus far.

- Finish remaining Moonboard 6C+ benchmarks. Consolidating more hard stuff would be great but can't really pick a number.

Okay I figured this one wouldn't be too difficult given I only had dozen or so left, but I was pleased to get this done in January nonetheless. All the 7As might be possible depending on finger health.

- Continue visiting new-to-me areas as usual, let's say 12 to average one a month.

On track so far. Coed Dinas-ddu, Pac Man Boulders, Clifftop Boulders, Jackson Tor.

- Do some DWS, and take some actual falls. Not 15m wangers, but trying hard in a relatively calm and safe environment. Don't fuck my headgame like I did in 2023!

N/A - too early! Not even been swimming...

- Boulder on the Llŷn. Maybe make a weekend of it and revisit that little arête at Nant Gwrtheyrn?

Okay it's still early in the year, been busy planning a wedding, and the weather has been pants. I can't feel too bad about it.

- Touch some rock in another country.

See above!

- Revisit some problems I've already tried, including but not limited to:

*Louisville Lip Had a session a couple weeks into the year, incredibly marginal progress.
*Main Vein
*Rigpa Two sessions I think? Doesn't seem to aggravate my finger, and thanks to a big ladder I think I've got better beta. But still incomplete, and hate working it solo.
*Cosmic Wheels
*Brass Monkeys
*Jerry's Roof
*The Mentalist Was there recently, but unfortunately wet.
*Cobra Strike
*The Punk
*Harvey Oswald SDS
*Bad Moon Rising
*Silence of the Rams
*Esoteric Blaenau projects

Seems a good year for me so far. Anything red or orange still has the potential to become green, and hopefully it all will!


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#62 Re: Aims for 2024
April 02, 2024, 10:36:03 pm
Good effort on the 6c+’s, some of those feel high 7’s to me 😂


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#63 Re: Aims for 2024
April 02, 2024, 11:03:52 pm
Wrote mine but forgot to post them. Same shit different year. In no particular order

- 5 off the never ending “why have you not done these yet?” list
- 5 new UK crags
- 5 7C+ and above
- 5 FAs
- 5 climbing trips/weekends
- 5 training blocks of any sort
- 5 PBs of any sort

as always making a good dent into most of these should signal a good year

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#64 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 07:34:17 am
Good effort on the 6c+’s, some of those feel high 7’s to me 😂

Cheers, yeah some of them are quite mean. Not sure about high 7s though! In my experience I'd say the hardest of each grade is probably about the same difficulty as the easiest 3 grades above, which, for problems that have been deliberate selected to demonstrate a specifically nominated difficulty, seems like quite a big range!

Usual debates about grades being personal still apply of course, but a couple of them are just miles off.


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#65 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 09:29:33 am
On the mini moonboard there is a lot of performative voting on grades, as the votes are not anonymous. However, the hardest 6B benchmarks are a lot harder than the easiest 7A benchmarks. For me: about two sessions for the hardest 6B BM vs three tries for the easiest 7A BM. My conclusion is that this much variability can only be explained by variation in the actuals holds (shape + position).


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#66 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 09:31:19 am
The variability is explained by most of the people setting, and grading, on the moonboard being strong but perspective-deprived morons with no idea about grading whatsoever, and often little idea about board problem quality..

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#67 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 11:49:55 am
Can someone who isn't Stubbs repeat my problem Crimp Armada? It took me a couple of sessions and felt harder than a number of 7As but Stubbs rinsed it and declared it 6B+ and 1 star.
Though I notice now that someone called Tim did it in November, flashed it, voted 7A 4* and said "Will Hunt is a setting genius"  :lol:


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#68 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 12:30:28 pm
6B/+ looks about right to me, I think giving it 1 star is a bit generous though


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#69 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 12:47:51 pm
Stubbs rinses board climb shock!


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#70 Re: Aims for 2024
April 03, 2024, 01:21:21 pm
Stubbs rinses board climb shock!

Ha I’m awful on the moonboard! I’ve spent quite a bit of time climbing on it in the last couple of years as I think the style of problems on there has identified some weaknesses that don’t crop up so much on boards with fixed feet. These weaknesses generally revolve around generating body tension and/or momentum with your feet in weird positions, and generating tension in the shoulders on bigger or wider moves.

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#71 Re: Aims for 2024
June 07, 2024, 03:57:03 pm
Sheesh - the UKB appreciation thread reminded me that I've not added these yet this year  :chair:

- F7c again in Kalymnos in October
- Make progress projecting F7c+/F8a
- Do something on Peak lime above F7b
- Boulder 6C+ - 7A (planning to go to Font again so probably should pull me finger out)
- Moonboard 7A benchie
- Onsight F7a+ - F7b
- Do some multi-pitch stuff with Gf and EB.

- Surf or Snowboard at least once every month (had to add snowboard as I realised that I strugle to fit both in the same month when the connies are good)...
- Get back into running - do a race

- Take daughter away, try and get her repsyched for climbing
- Spend some more time with teenage son - rebuild relationship. Seems to be taking an interest in climbing and Jungle so trips to the wall and teaching him to mix seem like quick wins
- Go some awesome new places with GF

And it was written (late)...


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#72 Re: Aims for 2024
June 30, 2024, 09:33:41 pm
If hit my C goal in anything I’ll be counting it as green!

Nearly half way through the year update.

A - 7A+
B - New Cuttings 7
C - 7A

Pleased with how this is going! Set low targets given pretty low volume of bouldering in last few years but this year has been much better. Finally got myself up a New Cuttings 7, which has been my absolute nemesis crag. Pastoral is usually taken at 7B, but the problem has evolved since it was first climbed and the new sequence is probably more like 7A+. Either way, ticks off all my goals for the year. Couple of other 7A+s, including one FA. No specific new goals other than getting out and getting on enjoyable problems that are hard for me. Most sessions have been after long work days when kids already asleep. Should get the odd daylight session in soon.

Also - try Pastoral and The Slide again.

Pastoral done, will try Slide at some point I’m sure.


A - Anything from the to do list
B - Any 7
C - Tie on, indoors or out

I haven’t tied on yet. I should get an chance in the next six months, but it won’t be indoors, that’s for sure.


A - Not even going to pretend I’ll do a 7!
B - New-to-me route above water
C - Climb above water

Hopefully I’ll try and swing a family outing down to Lulworth in August.


A - Run 40 times
B - Run 20 times
C - Run every month

20th 5k or more this morning! This goal is just to keep my hand in and stay consistent. Working so far, will try and front load the next three months to make life easier in winter…

1. January detox. I don’t think that massive excess followed by ‘dextoxing’ is a sensible or healthy way to live your life, yet here we are. Complete Sharkathon (maybe not quite 30 mins a day, unless walking counts) and dry January. Nutrition kick after epiphany.

Did Sharkathon, started year around 86kg, now 76kg. Need a bit of a reset, but a year of better consistency so far.

2. Be present with children. Be a good example. Started the year well with less bad phone habits; let it slide.

This is better, but I still slide into using my phone too habitually, particularly if mood not great.

3. Aim to support wife with her post pregnancy fitness recovery goals as much as she supports me! Facilitate her self care as much as possible.

This is ok, but could be better.

4. Train/exercise consistently. Not just for climbing but for health. Return to strength training for its own sake.

Best it’s been in years. Can’t climb as much as I once did, but going to gym regularly and definitely stronger and more conditioned than I’ve been in some time. Deadlifting for first time this year, up to 130kg which I know is unimpressive relatively speaking but feels like progress in the right direction. Fitting this in by getting to gym at 0600 before work days to not impact family time.

5. Socialise with people with kids of the same age.

Done a bit and more planned!

6. Meet up with climbing friends I haven’t seen due to reduced climbing.

A little but not as much as I’d have liked. Still staying in touch with people though.

7. Do something tangible towards career progression.

I think is is going ok to be fair.

8. Donate blood again if I can. Previously prevented due to low Hb. Increase the iron intake.

I did try but Hb 125. Have eaten so much liver and grapefruit, probably time to get a proper FBC etc etc.

9. Consistency, consistency, consistency. Last year I completed a habit tracker 37 weeks of the year. I can maintain lots of good habits easily when I do this. Aim to do better this year.

Ok so this has been the main difference. I’ve jumped on the bullet journal band wagon, keeping it super simple, but doing monthly habit trackers for all the stuff I want to do, like days without alcohol or training sessions. Can see when stuff is slipping and helps to stay in touch if I miss a couple of days. Kept things like yoga pretty consistent, and meditated every day this year so far.

Just going to keep going from here, reset the focus a little this month. I do need to be a little better at planning jobs ahead of time, be a bit more proactive in spotting when I’ll have free time and not wasting it. Would like to up the finger strength work over next six months too, get this consistent.


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#73 Re: Aims for 2024
July 01, 2024, 12:23:08 pm
Half-time report.

Christ. What the fuck to put on this?? It could be "stay alive" - yes, see below or it could be "burn AndyF off by the sole virtue that I can probably get at least one E3 done next year" - Yes. I've done 1 (one) E3. It doesn't get much shitter than that for being halfway through the year already. or it could be "regain strength fitness and confidence, actually tackle some of the trad inspirations I've shelved, do regular trips to Wales / Lakes / South West, plus some dream trips to Bohuslan, Ettringen, and Pfalz for a fortnight" - NO, see below, worst year ever so far. And I could fail to do any or those at all....

So I guess anything I write has go to be a vague and speculative compromise... I can assume that realistically my power-to-weight is going to keep declining, my fitness is unlikely to improve, my mental health will stay very challenging and get in the way of climbing especially the logistics, I will be at a constant injury risk due to weight and age so won't be able to actually "train" in any progressive form, and I will always struggle with like-minded partners suitable for my current fragility. In that context I guess I should focus on learning from recent years, trying to slow the decline, and have some possibly feasible, gentle, but attainable goals:

1. Stay alive. - Yes. Occasionally I have some doubts.

2. Continue to work on my mental health self-care. - Yes. Albeit mostly managed externally.

3. Keep trying hard to build and solidify a social life - Trying. I feel like I've got a good rapport with some people but struggling a lot of with finding like-minded people AND people who contact me more regularly.

4. Keep active. - Yes but generally declining in all areas especially strength. Haven't checked weight but assume it's going up as power goes down.

5. Keep Lancashire cleaning to a manageable minimum. - Yes but have got too focused on the background aspects of checking, recceing, photographing, organising, cajoling, herding cats etc.

6. Keep up with the volume mileage indoors in crappy weather. - Yes. Have enjoyed it, and find it a good use of rainy days. Also got back on the board briefly with some surprising success.

7. ...take care and rehab my tennis elbow, and keep working on my shoulders. - TE gone. RH golfer's elbow slightly niggly. LH shoulder impingment appeared out of the blue for no reason and remains bad but climbable on (the latter aspect the only thing stopping this being red)

8. IF in a fit state, get back into rotpunkting as good all round training for trad. - No, have only done a tiny bit of very easy stuff BUT giving myself a purple for this as I am getting back into it.

9. IF I maintain enough strength / fitness / confidence / stability - set up partners and hustle to get on what I really want to do. - NO. Massive NO. Absolutely nowhere near this.

10. Get back into checking for the NWB Coastal Crags guide. - Yes. The only real success of the year is having a few genuinely good days out at new places doing great problems and useful checking.

11. Get back to Pfalz for 2 weeks in autumn, plus ideally one or more of Bohuslan, Ettringen, Pedriza, Annot, Font, etc etc. - NO. Massive NO. Nothing arranged.

12. Do more trad in Wales, Lakes, Devon. - NO. Massive NO. Absolutely nowhere near this, and feel very demoralised about it.

Bad for what I really want to do...very bad. Hopefully I can turn things around.


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#74 Re: Aims for 2024
July 01, 2024, 01:44:43 pm
Half way there( ooOoo living on a prayer)

Climbing goals.
7B+ before I'm 50
I've only achieved 7B so far a couple of times despite being fairly consistent around 6C+/7A ( despite being inconsistent in actually climbing).
I'm hoping that a more consistent and strength based approach will get me there.
Currently got my eye on Ultimate Warrior. This may change.
Not there yet, however I'm really happy with the effect that consistent training has provided. I've had a couple of training ticks in the form of indoor V8s, and I'm tantalisingly close to Ultimate Warrior, I just need conditions and a bit more nuance. It's been a great learning experience

Only a month and a half to go, so it may not happen in the prescribed timeframe, but definitely a success in terms of preparation for the next decade

Life Goals
I'm embracing the fact I'm probably fairly neurodiverse, and not always great in social situations. I want to strengthen the friendships I've made and climb more regularly with people outside.
I also recognise I need to keep up my lone wolf missions as I need to decompress from everyday social interactions.
Another Orange. Embracing my differences more each day and have climbed with different people, as well as ( hopefully) not weirding people at Ultimate Warrior. However not really a social butterfly yet


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