A level PE- Rock climbing (Read 28950 times)

T Nagler

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#25 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 06, 2004, 02:52:40 pm
Quote from: "Nigel"
I did loads of A-Levels me. So I speak from a position of some authority.  :wink:  My chemistry A-Level had very little to do with my day-to-day experience of chemical processes (like when I cook my tea then digest it). My physics A-Level didn't really correlate with my everyday experiences of throwing balls and moving things; lets face it I still don't do the sums before I take the penalty. I don't think you can feel too hard done by that the climbing one isn't really geared to your day-to-day experience of going bouldering :!:

That's fair enough but quite a few subjects do apply to most people's day-to-day life e.g.: biology and psychology (my other two subjects). Also, sociology, business, politics, history, art, media, photography, health and social care, English...

I don't want to get drawn into an argument here, so please lets keep to the topic (i.e. don't randomly insult my English, which I'll admit now is poor).


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#26 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 07, 2004, 10:53:17 pm
Sorry Trev.  Have been away climbing this weekend :wink:

Dont make me burn you off! Laughing Wink

We should go out on rock mate and see how an old guy with a newly operated on shoulder kicks your ass :lol:

Why would that matter? These are just small details. It could be on any type of rock (inc indoors) or a specific type of rock, or just indoors. Most people climb similar (within one or two) grades on all types of rock (and indoors). I don't see this as a major problem.

It would matter as this assement you want would have to be fair.  If you assess in swimming you use a regulated sized pool with a regulated national ability.  In climbing you would have to have a standard.  This is without having to get into grading discussions about reproducibility etc.  Bouldering could just be a trend in sport (we all know that its not) that will die down in a short time and the next 'Pepsi Max' element will raise its head.  Probably DWS.  Trad climbing is the basis of this sport that we do.
As you can see from my origional post: I was glad that climbing was on the sylibus, untill I realised how different it was to my day-to-day experience of rock climbing.

.....but not everybodies.  Its a bit selfish (and short sighted) to say that your way is right.  If there was so much of a backlash to this exam then I'm sure that the exam board would consider changing it.  I bet that there is less that 100 people who take this element of the course.  Show me more than 50 people in this country who do just what you do and then I will campaign for ya.

When I learned to trad lead the guy that taught me told me to remember that rock climbing (inc trad) is just part of mountaineering (the bigger picture), just as walking/orienteering and ice climbing is! I consider all of the above sports in their own right, just as I consider bouldering, sport, trad etc. sports or at least sporting disciplines in their own right. I dont just want to be assesed at comps, I think that there should be an assesment for all physical aspects of climbing (inc bouldering, comps, and sport)I was talking about participation before anyway

Its hard to seperate the disciplines of vertical adventure.  Try explaining them to a lay person and then look at you own governing body.  I think you will find that they represent the whole gamet.  If you told me that you were a member of the boulder club of the UK then that would be a different matter.  Bouldering is not a mature enough aspect of climbing to be excepted alongside traditional sports.  Hence why you don't see it on the syllabus.

Why am I very lucky? Everybody elce can do it if they want too!

What about snowboarding, Wakeboarding, skateboarding (and other activites without 'boarding' in the title.  Are they represented?

ou seem to think the A level is softer than it is,

You ar failing to understand that half the people are educated to postgraduate level

Climbing is about the outdoors. It is about the environment

That is PART of what climbing is about, it may be the be all and end all for you, but to many people this ('just') is an element to what makes up climbing! You can't just tell people that they are wrong on this! Just the same as I don't have the right to tell you that you are wrong (not that I think this: I love climbing outdoors and being in and among nature, but to me there is more to climbing than that).

 :lol: I think you are forgetting about the origins of our sport.  Plastic is just training mate!  I'm not telling you how to enjoy your sport.  I'm explaining that you can't see the bigger picture because you live in London and that is how it is here.  I know that's hard to get you head around but trust me its is the case.  Go down to the Foundry in the summer and you can find days when there is nobody there.  Do the same thing in London and the walls will still be packed.  Weird eh?  Where did all those people go?

Don't try to make it look like I have no support on this: you are the 4th person to post negatively, and I've had 5 people post positively on this forum (I've had 2 more positive posts on another forum, and a few more in person). I'm afraid that it does look like you're having a go at me! It sounds like you're telling me how I should enjoy climbing!

I'm not having a go but I am getting pissed that you are not listening to people with WAY more experience that you.  Its shit that the element of the sport that you participate in so well is not examined, but hey ho that's life.  If there was enough people in your situation then don't you think that there would be an exam set for you? I think the exam board is trying to cater for what they see as important and would probably have had guidence from the BMC etc. There is a recognised set up for Trad climbing but there is not in performance.  Maybe try to see it as a way to learn more about climbing and still getting a grade for it.  Shit I would love to learn more about Trad climbing that Maths/Physics etc coz I'm shit at those things :oops:

T Nagler

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#27 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 01:35:30 am
Dont make me burn you off! Laughing Wink

We should go out on rock mate and see how an old guy with a newly operated on shoulder kicks your ass :lol:

Ok, as long as we stay away from that crappy trad climbing! :wink:  :lol:

[quote]Why would that matterThese are just small detailsIt could be on any type of rock (inc indoors) or a specific type of rock, or just indoorsMost people climb similar (within one or twogrades on all types of rock (and indoors). I don't see this as a major problem. [/quote]

It would matter as this assement you want would have to be fair. 

As I mentioned before: I think that small details like this cause less subjectivity and inconsistencies than assessing rope work and safety skills. Note that regarding this:

ou seem to think the A level is softer than it is,

You ar failing to understand that half the people are educated to postgraduate level

You seem have missed my point. I wasn't saying: "You seem to think the A level is softer than it is! I'm not thick honest!"! I was saying that simply identifying: the correct way to coil a rope, or the correct type of anchor for the situation will not warrant an A at A level.  How WELL you coil the rope/ set up the anchor will be considered, and this IS subjective!  There is no established grading system for rope coiling ('Wow, that rope coil is sick! must be V13!' :lol: ), whereas there is for bouldering and sport!  You however do seem to be saying: 'I'm educated to a post graduate level, you do A level PE! Therefore your fucking stupid compared to me!'

Trad climbing is the basis of this sport that we do.

And mountaineering is the basis for trad...

As you can see from my origional post: I was glad that climbing was on the sylibus, untill I realised how different it was to my day-to-day experience of rock climbing.

.....but not everybodies.  Its a bit selfish (and short sighted) to say that your way is right.  

I'm not saying that my way is the 'right' way, just that it is more valid in this context (an assessment for A level PE). I'm not claming anything in the general context.

If there was so much of a backlash to this exam then I'm sure that the exam board would consider changing it.

This is going to be the backlash!

I bet that there is less that 100 people who take this element of the course.  

Probably, but more than half of them would prefer a syllabus which tests how good you are at climbing.

Show me more than 50 people in this country who do just what you do and then I will campaign for ya.

What that: do PE A level, choose to do rock climbing as their practical, and prefer bouldering, sport and comps to trad? Then I probably couldn't! But I bet a very significant percentage of those who do rock climb as part of PE will not want to be assessed on this syllabus. If you aren't referring to my A level and just want me to show you 50 people in this country that prefer bouldering, sport, and comps to trad then I'll just show you 50 of the next 60 climbers I meet.  

When I learned to trad lead the guy that taught me told me to remember that rock climbing (inc trad) is just part of mountaineering (the bigger picture), just as walking/orienteering and ice climbing is! I consider all of the above sports in their own right, just as I consider bouldering, sport, trad etc. sports or at least sporting disciplines in their own right. I dont just want to be assesed at comps, I think that there should be an assesment for all physical aspects of climbing (inc bouldering, comps, and sport)I was talking about participation before anyway

Its hard to seperate the disciplines of vertical adventure.  Try explaining them to a lay person and then look at you own governing body.  I think you will find that they represent the whole gamet.  If you told me that you were a member of the boulder club of the UK then that would be a different matter.  Bouldering is not a mature enough aspect of climbing to be excepted alongside traditional sports.  Hence why you don't see it on the syllabus.

Tell me that you're a member of the British Trad Climbing Council then it will be a different story. Our governing body is the British MOUNTENEARING Council, and by your logic: climbing (inc trad) isn't a sport at all, its just training for the mountains.  This backs that up further!

Bouldering is much more mature than a sport like snowboarding, which is not on the A level syllabus, but is in the Olympics! So bouldering is mature enough to be in the Olympics, but not mature enough for A level PE? How about sport climbing?

Why am I very lucky? Everybody elce can do it if they want too!

What about snowboarding, Wakeboarding, skateboarding (and other activites without 'boarding' in the title.  Are they represented?

No, they are unlucky!  Snowboarding, and wake boarding are less established than bouldering anyway! Snowboarding originated from skiing, and wakeboarding originated from water-skiing, and didn't water skiing originate from skiing? So...

Climbing is about the outdoors. It is about the environment

That is PART of what climbing is about, it may be the be all and end all for you, but to many people this ('just') is an element to what makes up climbing! You can't just tell people that they are wrong on this! Just the same as I don't have the right to tell you that you are wrong (not that I think this: I love climbing outdoors and being in and among nature, but to me there is more to climbing than that).

 :lol: I think you are forgetting about the origins of our sport

See above.

Plastic is just training mate!  I'm not telling you how to enjoy your sport.

Hmm, really!

I'm explaining that you can't see the bigger picture because you live in London and that is how it is here.  

Mate I've been climbing for 11 years! I have travelled to many different arias in the UK and abroad, so I do have some idea of the scene outside London!

I know that's hard to get you head around but trust me its is the case.  Go down to the Foundry in the summer and you can find days when there is nobody there.  Do the same thing in London and the walls will still be packed.  Weird eh?  Where did all those people go?

Trad climbing, sport climbing, bouldering, and elsewhere enjoying the sun (BBQ, park etc.)

Don't try to make it look like I have no support on this: you are the 4th person to post negatively, and I've had 5 people post positively on this forum (I've had 2 more positive posts on another forum, and a few more in person). I'm afraid that it does look like you're having a go at me! It sounds like you're telling me how I should enjoy climbing!

I'm not having a go but I am getting pissed that you are not listening to people with WAY more experience that you.

I am listening (and responding in depth) to everybody!  How many people have "WAY" more experience than me anyway?

Its shit that the element of the sport that you participate in so well is not examined, but hey ho that's life.  If there was enough people in your situation then don't you think that there would be an exam set for you?

You would have thought so! :roll:

I think the exam board is trying to cater for what they see as important and would probably have had guidence from the BMC etc.

This syllabus is quite contradictory to BMC policy (not "Actively promoting climbing" in the interest of access and conservation issues, and having a national comp team).

There is a recognised set up for Trad climbing but there is not in performance.

Really? (F7c rope coil?)

Maybe try to see it as a way to learn more about climbing and still getting a grade for it

I know this shit but I'll have to brush up on it wasting a lot of time travelling somewhere like the peak just to set up anchors etc. and not do any climbing.  Plus I don't think the locals will be too happy when I'm seen absailing down TPS! I did my first routs for 1- 1 1/2 years last Friday (and only indoors)!  I put my harness on backwards! :oops:  :!:

T Nagler

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#28 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 01:39:39 am
:shock:  is that the longest post in the history of ukb! If I never started this thread I would have finished one of my course work essays by now! :cry:  :!:  :shock:  :x


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#29 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 08:05:34 am
Yes, I reckon it is ;)


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#30 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 10:59:37 am
Right this is the last time I'm going to write on this subject as you are bltently only listening to your own voice.  The only positive comments you are receiving are from people say 'oh that's shite Trev'.  Hardly the most winning debate on the origins and assessmenmt of our sport.

I think you have a hang up about rope coiling :lol: .  If it is such an abatary mark for your ability to coil a rope thenit is stupid but I feel that it would be as silly as trying to assess the climbing in your way.  I'm sure that 'rope coiling' would only be a minor part.

You may have been climbing for 11 years but that has mainly been indoors otherwise you wouldn't get your knickers in a twist about being assessed in Trad climbing because after all its pretty easy to learn.  

I wasn't saying that you are stupid compared to me, though comparatively you have less education and less experience.  I have a-levels, 2 degrees and postgraduate qualifications.  What do you have? GSCE's :lol:  :lol:   I was saying that we are speaking from positions of experience and by replying in the way you are you are undermining the years spent gaining this.  Look at this from my point of view '

cocky 17 year old wants things his way

older boy explains that things are this way because ABC

Cock 17 year old undermines older more educated/experienced boy.

I'm not and have never said that you are wrong.  What I am saying is that these things are the way they are for a reason. One that you have failed to grasp.  Sport Science and training in climbing is not advanced enough to provide support for an a-level exam.  The BMC or the MLTB which is who advised the A-level examiners are.  

Quote:Show me more than 50 people in this country who do just what you do and then I will campaign for ya.

What that: do PE A level, choose to do rock climbing as their practical, and prefer bouldering, sport and comps to trad? Then I probably couldn't! But I bet a very significant percentage of those who do rock climb as part of PE will not want to be assessed on this syllabus. If you aren't referring to my A level and just want me to show you 50 people in this country that prefer bouldering, sport, and comps to trad then I'll just show you 50 of the next 60 climbers I meet.

....that only climb for physical performance and want to be examined in that way.  

Why don't you send me a copy of the A-level syllabus and I will read through it and see exactly what it states because I'm not getting the full picture.  I have read the GCSE syllabus but don't know about the A-level version.  I work at Mile End who have run the GCSE since it started so I have some first hand experience.  What you have described is GSCE territory.  Coiling ropes in just a minor part of this work and should not be in an A-level.

I'm not talking about the average climber who prefers bouldering to Trad climbing.  Try asking at a different wall because you will get a different response at MIle End than the Castle or at any climbing club across the country.

Quote:I'm not having a go but I am getting pissed that you are not listening to people with WAY more experience that you.

I am listening (and responding in depth) to everybody! How many people have "WAY" more experience than me anyway?

Stop being so cocky.  Without me putting a ticklist on the web I would say a large number of people have more experience than you.  Do you know how to set up an anchor etc etc.  Have you climbed multi pitched.  Experience is not just about grade attainment and yes I have climbed harder than you on rock on ESTABLISHED routes/boulder problems/trad/multi pitch/Ice etc etc etc. That is why I am posting my opinion.  I work in the industry. I research at a university in...... what for it  CLIMBING.  So yes I do have more EXPERIENCE than you.


Quote:There is a recognised set up for Trad climbing but there is not in performance. [quote/]

Really? (F7c rope coil?)
Trying to have a test on how good you are at climbing is far too subjective.  What if you are beastly strong and can just campus through the moves on an 8a?  Does that make you a better climber or just a genetic freak?  So this is why you need a quantifiable element to a course (even on art courses).  Ok then a few questions on technique:

Explain the differences between an egyptian and a twist lock move and describe their relative advantages and disadvantages to a given situation (10 marks)?


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#31 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 12:37:30 pm
some of you boys really need to use quotes and stuff correctly if you want anyone to be arsed reading this thread. I tried following it but i was a nighmare.


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#32 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 12:55:36 pm
after half an hour reading - Im with dylan on this one all the way.

Stop f**king whinging for christ sake.

[Whingy voice I have to learn how to coil a rope and put in Friends for my A level and I dont want too. [/whingy voice]

Boo f**cking Hoo my heart bleeds.

Kids these days  :roll:


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#33 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 02:37:47 pm
I think I'm having deja vu - isn't this the same thread as the foamy one about overtraining??

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#34 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 02:43:56 pm


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#35 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 02:52:37 pm
some of you boys really need to use quotes and stuff correctly if you want anyone to be arsed reading this thread. I tried following it but i was a nighmare.

Soz Dave.  Must try harder 2 out of 10 :oops:

T Nagler

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#36 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 03:02:34 pm
Quote from: "SamT"
after half an hour reading - Im with dylan on this one all the way.

Stop f**king whinging for christ sake.

[Whingy voice I have to learn how to coil a rope and put in Friends for my A level and I dont want too. [/whingy voice]

Boo f**cking Hoo my heart bleeds.

Kids these days  :roll:

Ok, that's not it at all! Firstly, I can coil a rope and put in friends (although I'll have to practice a bit)! Secondly: although I'm not as good at any other sports as I am at climbing, I could still get a good grade in a few other sports. And finally, even if the syllabus is changed it will be too late for me!

So please think about what you've just read with that in mind.


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#37 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 03:12:39 pm
i'm your worst nightmare


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#38 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:07:16 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

T Nagler

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#39 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:14:33 pm
Quote from: "Dylan"
Right this is the last time I'm going to write on this subject as you are bltently only listening to your own voice.  

I am listening, I'm just not hearing anything that I have not considered already.

Hardly the most winning debate on the origins and assessment of our sport.

As I've already made clear I don't think that the origins of climbing have anything to do with this.  Its what's happening now and what will happen in the future that matter.  

I think you have a hang up about rope coiling :lol: .  If it is such an abatary mark for your ability to coil a rope thenit is stupid but I feel that it would be as silly as trying to assess the climbing in your way.  

We'll have to agree to disagree there!

I'm sure that 'rope coiling' would only be a minor part.

Each skill is marked out of 6 (inc rope coiling).

You may have been climbing for 11 years but that has mainly been indoors otherwise you wouldn't get your knickers in a twist about being assessed in Trad climbing because after all its pretty easy to learn.

I don't do it very often!  And being easy to learn is another reason why it shouldn't be assessed, how are you supposed to get good marks if its easy?

I wasn't saying that you are stupid compared to me, though comparatively you have less education and less experience.  I have a-levels, 2 degrees and postgraduate qualifications.  What do you have? GSCE's :lol:  :lol:   I was saying that we are speaking from positions of experience and by replying in the way you are you are undermining the years spent gaining this.  Look at this from my point of view '

cocky 17 year old wants things his way

older boy explains that things are this way because ABC

Cock 17 year old undermines older more educated/experienced boy.

I'm not trying to undermine your experience, I apologise if it looks that way!  I was being quite defensive because you seem to be undermining mine!  You seem to ignore most of my good points and try to find flaws in my posts in order to de-credit me and my points of view.  

Anyway, you know me in person; do I come across as cocky?

I'm not and have never said that you are wrong.  What I am saying is that these things are the way they are for a reason. One that you have failed to grasp.

Well I know these things are the way they are for a reason, I just don't agree with the reasons. Also, to me you do seem to be saying that I'm wrong.

Sport Science and training in climbing is not advanced enough to provide support for an a-level exam.  

??? how much sports science is needed to set a regional/national standard grade for sport, bouldering, and plastic?  Part of the syllabus is to design and complete a PEP in preparation for this!  Perhaps the only thing that the current level of sports science can't support! And after all that there is no physical testing!

Quote:Show me more than 50 people in this country who do just what you do and then I will campaign for ya.

....that only climb for physical performance and want to be examined in that way.

Mainly for physical performance thank you very much!

I don't know that there are 50 people who do climbing as part of the A level.  However, I would bet that a large and very significant percentage of those who do, would.  Anyway, as the current assessment stands my dad (who is 56) may well get a higher grade than Malcolm Smith!  He is a brilliant rope coiler, can set up a vast array of anchors, and could talk till the cows come home about the environment!  He may be let down on the 'use various techniques to overcome climbs of varying difficulties bit (he managed VS in his prime) but it would be close!

Why don't you send me a copy of the A-level syllabus and I will read through it and see exactly what it states because I'm not getting the full picture.  I have read the GCSE syllabus but don't know about the A-level version.  I work at Mile End who have run the GCSE since it started so I have some first hand experience.  What you have described is GSCE territory.  Coiling ropes in just a minor part of this work and should not be in an A-level.

I don't have it in my computer. It's on the Internet somewhere (I'll find it for you if I get time).

Quote:I'm not having a go but I am getting pissed that you are not listening to people with WAY more experience that you.

I am listening (and responding in depth) to everybody! How many people have "WAY" more experience than me anyway?

Stop being so cocky.  Without me putting a ticklist on the web I would say a large number of people have more experience than you.  Do you know how to set up an anchor etc etc.  Have you climbed multi pitched.  Experience is not just about grade attainment and yes I have climbed harder than you on rock on ESTABLISHED routes/boulder problems/trad/multi pitch/Ice etc etc etc. That is why I am posting my opinion.  I work in the industry. I research at a university in...... what for it  CLIMBING.  So yes I do have more EXPERIENCE than you.

It was the "WAY" bit that I objected to.  I didn't mention the grade attained at all did I?  Just how long and where I've been climbing.

Quote:There is a recognised set up for Trad climbing but there is not in performance. [quote/]

Really? (F7c rope coil?)
Trying to have a test on how good you are at climbing is far too subjective.  What if you are beastly strong and can just campus through the moves on an 8a?  Does that make you a better climber or just a genetic freak?  So this is why you need a quantifiable element to a course (even on art courses).

Ok I did art GCSE and know people that do the A level: how the hell is that more quantifiable!  I'd like to quote a girl in my class after receiving an A for a sculpture "Its just beads in a bottle ha ha ha! I did it in about 2 minuets this morning ha ha ha! I jus forgot we were supposed to do it so that's why I did this ha ha ha! Its just rubbish how did I get an A!" (or similar words to that effect!).

Ok then a few questions on technique:

Explain the differences between an egyptian and a twist lock move and describe their relative advantages and disadvantages to a given situation (10 marks)?

This is a practical! i.e. a PHYSICAL assessment of SKILL not KNOWLADGE! p.s. isn't an egyptian a type of twist lock move? :lol:

T Nagler

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#40 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:28:28 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock climbing.

I'm doing an A level in PE, rock climbing is an option for the practical assessment.

it's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge

All unis accept it (as far as I know) at worst they won't accept it as a science but everybody accepts it.

and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.

I don't want it to.

if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

As I've posted before its not as soft as people think.  The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics, chemistry, English (?) arguably Biology,  and arguably art.  The bio that crosses over into PE is harder in PE than it is in bio, and the only other person I know who did both PE and bio last year got a higher grade in bio than in PE (and yes she did take both seriously).

Also, what is this if its not putting up!

T Nagler

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#41 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:29:14 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock climbing.

I'm doing an A level in PE, rock climbing is an option for the practical assessment.

it's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge

All unis accept it (as far as I know) at worst they won't accept it as a science but everybody accepts it.

and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.

I don't want it to.

if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

As I've posted before its not as soft as people think.  The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics, chemistry, English (?) arguably Biology,  and arguably art.  The bio that crosses over into PE is harder in PE than it is in bio, and the only other person I know who did both PE and bio last year got a higher grade in bio than in PE (and yes she did take both seriously).

Also, what is this if its not putting up!

T Nagler

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#42 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:29:56 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock climbing.

I'm doing an A level in PE, rock climbing is an option for the practical assessment.

it's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge

All unis accept it (as far as I know) at worst they won't accept it as a science but everybody accepts it.

and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.

I don't want it to.

if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

As I've posted before its not as soft as people think.  The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics, chemistry, English (?) arguably Biology,  and arguably art.  The bio that crosses over into PE is harder in PE than it is in bio, and the only other person I know who did both PE and bio last year got a higher grade in bio than in PE (and yes she did take both seriously).

Also, what is this if its not putting up!

T Nagler

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#43 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:30:18 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock climbing.

I'm doing an A level in PE, rock climbing is an option for the practical assessment.

it's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge

All unis accept it (as far as I know) at worst they won't accept it as a science but everybody accepts it.

and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.

I don't want it to.

if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

As I've posted before its not as soft as people think.  The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics, chemistry, English (?) arguably Biology,  and arguably art.  The bio that crosses over into PE is harder in PE than it is in bio, and the only other person I know who did both PE and bio last year got a higher grade in bio than in PE (and yes she did take both seriously).

Also, what is this if its not putting up!

T Nagler

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#44 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:31:12 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock climbing.

I'm doing an A level in PE, rock climbing is an option for the practical assessment.

it's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge

All unis accept it (as far as I know) at worst they won't accept it as a science but everybody accepts it.

and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.

I don't want it to.

if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

As I've posted before its not as soft as people think.  The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics, chemistry, English (?) arguably Biology,  and arguably art.  The bio that crosses over into PE is harder in PE than it is in bio, and the only other person I know who did both PE and bio last year got a higher grade in bio than in PE (and yes she did take both seriously).

Also, what is this if its not putting up!

T Nagler

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#45 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:34:31 pm
what are you actually hoping to achieve by doing an a-level in rock climbing.

I'm doing an A level in PE, rock climbing is an option for the practical assessment.

it's hardly going to progress your application to oxford/cambridge

All unis accept it (as far as I know) at worst they won't accept it as a science but everybody accepts it.

and from what you appear to belive it will do little to improve your climbing.

I don't want it to.

if you are doing it as a soft touch a-level then i guess it's put up or shut up.

As I've posted before its not as soft as people think.  The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics, chemistry, English (?) arguably Biology,  and arguably art.  The bio that crosses over into PE is harder in PE than it is in bio, and the only other person I know who did both PE and bio last year got a higher grade in bio than in PE (and yes she did take both seriously).

Also, what is this if its not putting up!


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#46 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 04:46:23 pm
so why are you continually banging on about it,do you try to change the content of your other courses as well.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#47 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 09:57:45 pm
so why are you continually banging on about it,do you try to change the content of your other courses as well.


ne offence trev, but

A) just get the fuck on with it, and do it to the best of your ability or,

B) change ya choice to summit else.


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#48 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 08, 2004, 10:54:15 pm
Quote from: "T Nagler"
The only harder A levels are Music, Maths, Physics

nice, all the ones i did.

You forget further maths though. thats is/was the hardest a-level.

T Nagler

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#49 A level PE- Rock climbing
November 09, 2004, 01:07:28 am
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"
so why are you continually banging on about it,do you try to change the content of your other courses as well.


ne offence trev, but

A) just get the fuck on with it, and do it to the best of your ability or,

B) change ya choice to summit else.

erm, why? Why not present this to the exam board?


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