UK election 2017 (Read 135945 times)


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#350 Re: UK election 2017
June 03, 2017, 12:29:11 am
...or maybe it's fairly undeniable?  Plus, as they go on to mention in the article itself about that guy, it doesn't actually change anything.  They're due to appear in court on the 4th July so that's too late for this election meaning he's on there no matter what. 

Well it does change things, and it's clearly not too late for the election is it. Loads of people could decide not to vote for him.

It essentially is too late for the election though - the story isn't likely to develop any more until the court case in July, so it's just going to fade away.  They've gone into full 'innocent until proven guilty' mode, they're still putting out the lie that it was just a minor expenses admin error, and fundamentally it's just not that interesting a story for most people so I don't think it's going to gain traction and become A Thing pre-election.

Also, before that prick the people of South Thanet were voting Farage in.  I don't think a light bit of possible voter fraud here or there is likely to be much of a problem if they've generally been voting UKIP or UKIP Lite recently.


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#351 Re: UK election 2017
June 03, 2017, 07:23:11 pm
Last night on question time "Tim nice but dim" type raised question about zero hour contract. As a student he suggested scrapping zhc would mean hardship for him and his mates.

The twitterati did a bit of sniffing and dug up some dirt.
Turns out Timmy boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Surprise, sur-fucking-surprise.


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#352 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 07:43:58 am
The other thing that got my goat.
£4 million to North Korea through foreign aid, did the guy make that up.
Teresa didn't seem to know.
Think it might have been rent a gob, the nuke guy.
Maybe we are selling n Korea Trident piece by piece, year by year.
I don't have a problem with this, British jobs for British workers.

I did a quick fact check on the night. We have given £4 million in aid to North Korea, but it was a total payment over about 5 or 6 years. The annual aid payments have increased over the last 7 years from less than £50k to around £700k.

May did not handle the question well, and it is concerning that she was unaware of the payments.

If she had been able to explain the money was targeted at educating North Korean diplomats in English and culture to enable communication, which I certainly accept is important.


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#353 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 08:16:08 am
To be fair, I am the least of Theresy May's supporters, but with a total foreign aid budget of ~£12bn (2015), she can't be expected to approve every few hundred £k, or even be informed of it. That's not realistic, it needs to be done by qualified civil servants.

She should however ensure there are clear processes and sufficient staff in place to ensure the money is distributed appropriately. If it isn't - she is accountable - but without having to have known any details.


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#354 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 08:56:31 am
 It was a crap Q and Dimblebot should have hustled proceedings along then... one arse in the audience with a particular point to make.


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#355 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 07:57:41 pm
Grabbing political capital much?
Hypocritical much?

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#356 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 08:13:23 pm
I would fully expect the horrible attack in London to play into May and the Governments hands.

Its almost like a scenario out of House of Cards...

But - its been a strange election - and its happened on her watch ~ and she can't even blame it on a previous home secretary..

Corbyn starting the election ball rolling early - which could backfire - though May's announcement was blatantly political...


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#357 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 08:45:56 pm
Grabbing political capital much?
Hypocritical much?

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It terribly sad, really shaken by this, passed through London Bridge a few days before to visit my sister. The weather was lovely yesterday, people just out enjoying themselves. Think May is right that Manchester/London is a wake up call. Something has to give. Timing of speech insensitive. These attacks will keep happening as these are home grown nutters, maybe returnees from Syria or Libya but more likely to have simply been radicalised here. That is the worry. Yes May's speech was used for political gain, it was on her watch, she's not done anything to tackle the problem as home sec. These nut jobs are using religion as a shield, they aren't religious in any sense of the word. Extremism of all/any kinds needs to be rooted out, funding, radicalisation etc. Tread on a few toes to try to stop any further incidents, rather that then innocent lives being taken.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 09:02:59 pm by jfdm »


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#358 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 09:08:29 pm
What role do you think Prevent has?


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#359 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 09:35:39 pm
What role do you think Prevent has?
Good question, we have had lots of inset at school regarding prevent.
The message for teachers is to be "aware," if in doubt report to safe guarding team.
However prevent didn't stop Manchester incident even though the nutter had been reported.
My feeling is that radicalisation happens online - sites, channels that promote radicalisation be it Muslim extremism, the far far right etc need to be simply closed down, although this might be easier said than done. If China can restrict internet use I am sure that this can be tackled. But the elephant in the room is the black hole that is the dark net, as many loop holes need to be closed as possible.

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#360 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 09:35:57 pm
Last night on question time "Tim nice but dim" type raised question about zero hour contract. As a student he suggested scrapping zhc would mean hardship for him and his mates.

The twitterati did a bit of sniffing and dug up some dirt.
Turns out Timmy boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Surprise, sur-fucking-surprise.

Just to take us back a few posts, the left don't cover themselves in glory when they start witch hunts against people asking questions on QT. So the kid's from a privileged background. Is it acceptable to make a pariah of him because of who his parents are? His question about 0 hour contracts isn't completely irrelevant. In the past I've had at least 3 jobs on 0 hours contracts. I took these when I was between "proper" jobs and they tided me over till something more permanent along. In each case it's very likely that the job would not have been there had the employer had to offer me a formal contract. As it was, I was able to walk into these jobs easily and they kept me from applying for JSA.

I'm not saying they're great because it's obviously absolutely wank to be employed on one on a long term basis. I'd prefer it if there was some halfway house between the two options I.e if you've been in your 0 hours job for 6 months then your employer should offer you a formal contract. Obviously that example has its own problem (lots of people getting laid off after 5 months) but you catch my drift.


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#361 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 09:47:20 pm
Last night on question time "Tim nice but dim" type raised question about zero hour contract. As a student he suggested scrapping zhc would mean hardship for him and his mates.

The twitterati did a bit of sniffing and dug up some dirt.
Turns out Timmy boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Surprise, sur-fucking-surprise.

Just to take us back a few posts, the left don't cover themselves in glory when they start witch hunts against people asking questions on QT. So the kid's from a privileged background. Is it acceptable to make a pariah of him because of who his parents are? His question about 0 hour contracts isn't completely irrelevant. In the past I've had at least 3 jobs on 0 hours contracts. I took these when I was between "proper" jobs and they tided me over till something more permanent along. In each case it's very likely that the job would not have been there had the employer had to offer me a formal contract. As it was, I was able to walk into these jobs easily and they kept me from applying for JSA.

I'm not saying they're great because it's obviously absolutely wank to be employed on one on a long term basis. I'd prefer it if there was some halfway house between the two options I.e if you've been in your 0 hours job for 6 months then your employer should offer you a formal contract. Obviously that example has its own problem (lots of people getting laid off after 5 months) but you catch my drift.
So what happened before zero hour contracts?
Did people have no way of working without contracts? What about temping.
I've done my fair share of temp work, at offices, as a temp teacher.
Between perminent jobs about 15 yrs ago, before zhc were thought about.
Not ideal but managed to muddle through for about a year all in all.
My point about "Tim" is that he will probably never need to work this way so why did he ask the question? If I was a student now I'd be more inclined to ask JC will my uni fees be paid off, not zhc. Or if I had  a silver spoon about the tax i will pay in the future.
At the end of the day business need to treat workers properly and pay the going rate.
By the way do the right cover themselves with glory or is it only the left.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 10:06:04 pm by jfdm »

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#362 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 10:05:28 pm
My point about "Tim" is that he will probably never need to work this way so why did he ask the question?

Does an issue have to affect you directly for you to ask a question about it? Are you only allowed to quiz Tim Farron on gay marriage if you are gay and hoping to get married?

How can you know he might never need to take a 0 hours contract? All that stupid blog shows us is that he's been on a skiing holiday, he's had a gap year, he went to a private school, and he's been to a party where he wore a tuxedo (such garments are available for hire by the way). So his parents are obviously far from destitute, but anything about his relationship with his parents' money is one that you've assumed and is a result of your own prejudice.


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#363 Re: UK election 2017
June 04, 2017, 10:13:27 pm
My point about "Tim" is that he will probably never need to work this way so why did he ask the question?

Does an issue have to affect you directly for you to ask a question about it? Are you only allowed to quiz Tim Farron on gay marriage if you are gay and hoping to get married?

How can you know he might never need to take a 0 hours contract? All that stupid blog shows us is that he's been on a skiing holiday, he's had a gap year, he went to a private school, and he's been to a party where he wore a tuxedo (such garments are available for hire by the way). So his parents are obviously far from destitute, but anything about his relationship with his parents' money is one that you've assumed and is a result of your own prejudice.
I did say "probably" never needs to work this way.
He can ask what he likes it is a free country, I'm not bothered one way or the other to be honest. It is just as a student, wouldn't asking about student fees be more pressing.
I'm not assuming anything, only the fact that "Tim" comes from a wealthy family, as you have pointed out. Maybe his paper round paid for all his schooling, trips abroad. Good on him if this was the case.


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#364 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 09:26:54 am
What role do you think Prevent has?
Good question, we have had lots of inset at school regarding prevent.
The message for teachers is to be "aware," if in doubt report to safe guarding team.
However prevent didn't stop Manchester incident even though the nutter had been reported.
My feeling is that radicalisation happens online - sites, channels that promote radicalisation be it Muslim extremism, the far far right etc need to be simply closed down, although this might be easier said than done. If China can restrict internet use I am sure that this can be tackled. But the elephant in the room is the black hole that is the dark net, as many loop holes need to be closed as possible.

Old but gold.

There is a little detail that has been glossed over and is very much part of the current picture.
From 2008:

A lot of thisgot swept under the carpet because of the crisis, but May knows, for sure. Our current "business" dealings with the Gulf states, the moves against Qatar this AM; are all connected.
Her internet crap is her own Orwellian desires peeking through!

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#365 UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 01:06:43 pm
Even the Tories are laying the current situation at May's door:

Paywalled, but not as biased:

Open access, but with cant:

To me, it seems out of character for Corbyn to call for her resignation too?
I'm not sure he's used such strong language before?

I've heard from two places today/yesterday that there is a connection between events in the Gulf today and events here, along with a friend who's employers are moving their staff out (despite lucrative contracts with both our and the US Navies based there). Rumour and conjecture and I wait with bated breath to see if it's all coincidence (back in 2001 I was "reliably " inform of many different things, post 9/11, that turned out to be utter crap)...
« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 01:15:58 pm by Oldmanmatt »


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#366 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 01:38:42 pm
Am I alone in finding that politicians saying "something must be done" is much scarier than terrorist attacks.


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#367 UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 02:32:55 pm
Am I alone in finding that politicians saying "something must be done" is much scarier than terrorist attacks.

She's been doing it:

Figure 5: Change in the number of police officers, as at 31 March 2006 to 2015, compared with the previous 12 months, England and Wales1

Figure 4: Police officers, as at 31 March 2006 to 2015, England and Wales


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#368 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 02:42:16 pm
To be honest I don't find large numbers of armed police very reassuring either.


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#369 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 02:51:46 pm
You should.
As long as we continue with our current distaste for overt armed policing.
The Cops themselves are adamant they should be, and remain, unarmed, though most want a greater "Non lethal " capability and that is predominantly for their own protection.
On balance, we have a good police service, in comparison to most of the world.
The Tories are hell bent on handing policing powers to private companies. That is something you should fear.


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#370 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 03:21:09 pm


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#371 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 03:29:44 pm
To me, it seems out of character for Corbyn to call for her resignation too?
I'm not sure he's used such strong language before?

I've heard from two places today/yesterday that there is a connection between events in the Gulf today and events here, along with a friend who's employers are moving their staff out (despite lucrative contracts with both our and the US Navies based there). Rumour and conjecture and I wait with bated breath to see if it's all coincidence (back in 2001 I was "reliably " inform of many different things, post 9/11, that turned out to be utter crap)...

I thought the same on both counts i.e. out of character for Corbyn, and the timing of the Qatar thing seemed like there may be more to it than mere coincidence. Can you elaborate on what your friend's think the connection is or does that stray too much into "rumour and conjecture"?

Corbyn singling out Saudi Arabia as a source of funding was also interesting for someone who has a chance (however slim) of being PM in a few days.


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#372 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 03:47:30 pm
Corbyn singling out Saudi Arabia as a source of funding was also interesting for someone who has a chance (however slim) of being PM in a few days.

Apparently there is a incomplete report being sat on by the Govt that describes Saudi funding of terrorist groups...


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#373 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 03:52:30 pm
To me, it seems out of character for Corbyn to call for her resignation too?
I'm not sure he's used such strong language before?

I've heard from two places today/yesterday that there is a connection between events in the Gulf today and events here, along with a friend who's employers are moving their staff out (despite lucrative contracts with both our and the US Navies based there). Rumour and conjecture and I wait with bated breath to see if it's all coincidence (back in 2001 I was "reliably " inform of many different things, post 9/11, that turned out to be utter crap)...

I thought the same on both counts i.e. out of character for Corbyn, and the timing of the Qatar thing seemed like there may be more to it than mere coincidence. Can you elaborate on what your friend's think the connection is or does that stray too much into "rumour and conjecture"?

Corbyn singling out Saudi Arabia as a source of funding was also interesting for someone who has a chance (however slim) of being PM in a few days.

Way too far into the unknown.
I've a couple of friends in private security work in the Gulf, another (the one now in a UAE hotel) who's an Engineering contractor who works for US/UK Navy based in Qatar. So we're talking FB messages about what they think is happening, though the first two are likely to be in the know. Sometimes, though, when you hear something "certain" from your client (the one you babysit), you believe it because they're big and important etc; then it turns out they're as clueless as you are.
I asked my erstwhile Brother-in-law (who is a senior copper in the UAE), if he'd heard anything.

He sent a smiley back.
I'm just not "connected" anymore to the rumour mill, I suppose...

Like you, I was struck by the tone of political response to May's speech and I already knew about the Saudi threats (took me a good few minutes to find an article about it this morning), from being employed by Prince Turki in 2010-11.
That was before I heard about Qatar.

It just feels too much of a coincidence.


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#374 Re: UK election 2017
June 05, 2017, 04:18:57 pm
The Tories are hell bent on handing policing powers to private companies. That is something you should fear.

No argument there.


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