UKB Power Club Week 330 13th - 19th June (Read 17031 times)


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UKB Power Club Week 330 13th - 19th June
June 19, 2016, 12:32:45 pm
New goals

STG - the next 6 weeks

Rehab finger
Get on an 8a

MTG - next 3 months

Tick a few off this list

Dominatrix, New Dawn, Biological Need, Tennessee, Paradise Lost, Realm of Chaos, Colours, Stay Golden, Frazzled

LTG - end of year



a couple of warm ups then did Blocage Violent. 3rd redpoint attempt this trip, what a route! 7b++, and an absolute classic. So much fitter than i thought i was when i first tried, found i could shake out on a lot of the holds.

Tried to flash Aller en Chine but puntered off, think i injured my finger on this!


Woke up with a really painful A2 pulled on my ring finger. Bugger! Did one easy route to see how it felt.




Orpierre - horrible weather. Did a 6a+ before the rain came.


Back at Ceuse and managed quite a lot of volume without finger hurting. Did 5 routes including Harley Davidson and Trou Line again.



Did a 38m 6b called Arielle and onsighted the mega juggy 7a called Les Frontiers du Neant. Felt pretty easy but v. polished!

Travel back home...


A quick session at the Arch to try and assess how bad finger injury is. Didn't really feel any pain at all doing lots of easyish problems up to V4ish.

A shame to injure my finger whilst on a trip, but the weather was so crap for the second week i doubt i'd have gotten much done! Doesn't seem too bad so a few weeks of rehab and i should be ready to train again. New goals are to get on an 8a next time i get out.


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Monday – Re created The Prow on my board:

Fingery 15 move 7b+ to a reasonable rest
Technical / pumpy 30 move 7b to a good rest
Technical / pumpy 20 move 7b+/7c to a good rest
Powerful 20 move 7b+

3 hour sesh, setting and 2 red points. Failed midway through last pitch. Think its a fair reflection of the Prow. Now just have to wait another 2 months for the real thing to dry out…

Finished off with:

20 pull ups x 3 sets
20 close in push ups x 3 sets

Tuesday – Torr

Long warm up waiting for Simon…
First look at The Call of Nature – felt strong and light, figured out all of the moves apart from crux, which felt totally nails.
Second time up I think Simon had swapped all the holds off Hubble, useless, powered down, finger tips on fire, A2 hurting
Sacked it off, think I was tired from yesterday
6k trail run late afternoon

Weds – Rest day, drove to North Wales and back, wish I’d taken my bouldering gear, weather glorious.

Thursday – 2.5hr session on my board

Early am 6k trial run
Warm up
Managed my mock up Prow in a oner ! 18 minutes on route.
15 minute rest and did it again.
15 minute rest, failed early on
Perhaps its a bit easy if I can do it so quick…will make the good rests not so good..
Finished of with 3 x 20 pull ups

Friday – Torr, 2nd sesh on Call of Nature

Long warm up
Bolt to bolt, worked some moves
Big link from mid crux (right hand on ear, left on first crimp) to top
Got the crux sorted.
Finger tips on fire, called it a day and performed belay duty for Simon.

Saturday – Pull up drills.

Pumped up from yesterday’s positive session at Torr
Early am 6k trial run (in reverse)
Added an additional set into the mix
4 sets 1 x 1 arm pull ups (left / right)
4 sets 5 x 1 arm assisted (left / right) cord mid chest.
4 sets 12 x weighted pull up (20kg)
4 sets 15 pull ups, 20 press ups and a 7a circuit back to back.

Sunday – Feel totally busted, Rest day.


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M - Nothing, very sore throat.
T - Had the afternoon off, planned to go straight from work to the forest, but the weather was crap. Decided to come home and do a BM session as I was feeling a bit sick. Did 1 set, first session for months.
W - Ill
Th - Indoor session, felt good, did a lot of steeper stuff. Feel fresher, pills maybe?
F - rest
S - Frozen marguerita to bed not too late.

Su -Headed off from a grey Paris to an even worse looking Apremont, almost didn't bother getting out of the car, but decided to have  walk away to clear the head. The plan was to go and do the beginning of the Salmon circuit, and if it got too sunny :???: go and hide out at Butte aux dames.

Fell off no. 74 the last problem of the circuit and sprained my ankle from all of 15cm up. This wouldn't have been so bad if I'd actually done all the circuit,but it was the first problem of the day, a 3m high 4+. I heard a snapping sound, so I'm relieved it's just a sprain, very painful, although I can still walk on the moment.

BM for me this week I imagine.


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Back at work this week, getting back into the swing of training...

Mon: Indoor bouldering. Felt heavy, unsurprisingly. Wanted to do some weighted deadhangs but forgot my harness.
Tues: Weights at lunch - DLs and KB swings; 30 min treadmill run in the PM.
Wed: 30 mins fast walk on the treadmill at lunch. Very quick weighted max hangs session in the PM
Thurs: Bouldering outdoors - finished off a 7B+ish thing that I'd fallen off on Sunday but didn't feel properly warmed up and powered out on the other, longer problems I tried later.
Fri: First Crossfit session in the morning. Was quite hard, and I felt quite powered out through the workout. 30 mins fast walk on the treadmill at lunch.
Sat: Bouldering. Drove 50 mins and hiked 20 mins, only to get rained on before we'd reached the boulders. Reversed the process and went to the gym. Good session in the end, ended with some weighted max hangs. Finished the day with wine, cheese and charcuterie while watching the SA - Ireland rugby.
Sun: Wine tasting. Might go for a quick run later, but will probably just take a rest day.


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STG: Get fit/strong again!
MTG: Get solid on 7B/+ boulder and 7b/+ sport and find/do a project
LTG: 8A & 8a

Two weeks here as was away on holiday...

M - 2.6km run, rugby kick-about in the park
T - F nothing
S - following Sunday Away in Malta diving, lots of lugging tanks and gear about

Very gluttonous week in Malta, the training begins tomorrow!


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STG (June/July): get a couple of decent alpine rock routes done.
MTG (2016): Redpoint 7b
LTG (<= 5 years): Redpoint 8a before I hit 60.

Was feeling somewhat cumulatively battered and ready to take an easier week or two anyway, so the timing of my current suspected case of Lyme's disease could hardly have been better   ;)

M: Rest day. 30 minutes shoulder physio stuff & general mobility.
T: Beastmaker max hangs (maintenance)
W: Wall, Thalkirchen. Ten routes up to 6c+. Felt pretty weak & tired, but on reflection this may be because I was trying more hardish (6c - 6+) things than I normally do in a wall session, and with much shorter rests than I normally take on a sport climbing day. Or possibly just weak.

T: Sudden red rash around two week old tick bite on leg oh shit.
F: Doc not until Monday. Rash looking ring-shaped?

S: Beastmaker max hangs not requiring use of infected leg. Good session, slight improvement on a couple of previous pbs. Two weeks of doxycycline w/associated shits & weight loss should bring further improvement yyfy.

S: Rest day, raining. DAV Alpine Museum with M jnr, wished I were C19th Himalayan explorer. Would probably catch far worse things than Lyme's though.


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STG: climb as many 7A/+ and 7b-7c as possible. Find 7c+ project.
MTG: 1. French 7c+, before 1/1/17. 2. Get into shape for Spain.
3. Tick unfinished business list (5/13).
4. Font 7B before 1/1/17.
LTG: 1. Cider Soak and Academic, before 1/1/18. 2. Font 7B+, before 1/1/18.

M - First day of training program such that it is. Not mentally there today, far too tired and other stuff going on. Four rests days unhelpful as well. Wanted to do some kind of what I think is ancap. Basically ended up bouldering, and badly at that, because I failed to redpoint my ancap circuit. Wednesday will have to be better.
T - Rest, long day work.
W - Ancap (I think). Bouldered for around an hour to warm up. Then 5 reps up V4 down V2 up V4, 5 mins between reps. Failed on rep 6 around 70% through. Felt like I was working something. Felt pretty awesome actually.
T - Short hard beast maker session. 5 sets 3 mins between. 5 reps per set, 5 sec on, 10 off half crimp. Felt good.
F - Rest.
S - Vague hangs and pull ups off flat jug in girlfriends parents house.
S - 3 sets of 10 hanging leg raises throughout day. So nothing essentially, but resting tomorrow as Portland Tues hopefully.


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June/July - Powerplant?, Peak WIPS.
Autumn - Raindogs, LHS Tor.

M - rest

T - went to Rubicon to do LI AeroCap on the long traverse so I could check out what was dry (not the long traverse....).

W - Walked into Cheedale, went to the Tor, only the middle dry, opted for a last try on Obscene Gesture.
Up twice just trying the mono moves but still couldn't do the move out of it. Sacked it off and reasoned I might as well have another look at Obscene Toilet having given it up as too reachy after a play 4-5 years ago.  Still couldn't do the long move but watched someone else do the Obscene move using different feet.

Th - rest, mulled over the OG move and realised how I'd seen it done was in fact more logical and more likely than the way I'd tried.

F - Tor, Obscene Gesture for the last time, again.
Few goes with thumb but different feet, didn't work. Tried finger which didn't work either until I twisted it 270 degrees and - Click, Click, Whir - did the move. Excitedly climbed the top wall, tricky, keeps coming more than most in this section. Had another go to tidy up the bottom wall and linked mono to top.
First RP attempt felt solid but LH skidded off sidepull coming to match undercuts beneath crux.
rest 10 mins
RP'd with a fight and quite a pump, thought I was off every move from beneath the mono until stood over the overlap. So pumped on top wall that I forgot to clip the last, luckily didn't realise until safely on the jug at the chain, would have been close.

S Foundry with the kids, mostly a belay bunny but bouldered a bit and managed to squeeze in a set of AeroPow bouldering.
Eve - core

S rest

Might have to rethink my STG, only 4 weeks until school holidays now, need to check out the Cornice but not looking too optimistic for PP.


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Nice work on OG nai

Summer - lots of local sport, unfinished business with cider soak from 15 years ago, tick Neath Abbey, identify (and if possible do) candidates for:
8A and 8b by next June

69kg. (still pretty hungry though, and ate badly this weekend and not weighed in since sat am)

Body Audit: clear (touch wood)

M: sleep (finished nights mon morning) then TCA in eve, hard bouldering, trying to hold undercuts in the roof and slapping off them as vaguely specific for Hunter's Roof. Repeated finishing sequence of a hard blue (feels 7C+ ish) which I hadn't managed for a few weeks. 1-3.5-6 on both arms too.
T: nowt, drive to cornwall.
W: nowt, drive back.
T: TCA at lunch before eve shift. Bit shit, hot and humid, worse on the blue from monday, tried (and failed miserably on) new 8a (prob more like 8b) circuit.
F: TCA eve more undercutting in the roof, did finish of blue again but felt too humid to get a decent go at the whole thing.
S: work
S: work.

Meh week, hopefully touch some rock this Tuesday.


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10.13- 11.0

MTG eatswood Reverse 7C, Rattle & Hump 7B, Jericho Road 7B and Anger Management 8a+ at Raven Tor, Onsight Reproduction E6 High Tor. Get arse down to Pembroke. Try some new lines

M. Systems board. Afternoon. First time on in ages. Pretty good on Crusher Crimps. Tried an AnCap set - rubbish. Then tried a set of 20:10s - had to abort as getting pumped too quick. Wake Up call! Have neglected this shit for too long

T.  Morning. Mizzly grim weather. Feeling tired. Met Nick there who was absurdly psyched as usual. Most of crag wet so even working Prow out so he got on Call of Nature. I dogged up Obscene Toilet. Forearms getting pumped  too quickly. Did one redpoint to crux working feet up to set for throw before coming off. Stripped route. Went on Tin Of . Reworked crux. Holds clammy. Led from Sardine ledge to to belay in a oner by the skin of my teeth. Good training. Had a look at CragX on way back. Drenched. Got a flattie - changed wheel. Found out later I had fucked my brand new tyre         

W. Foundry Evening. Wave. New problems since last visit. Felt OK. Did 3 of the 4 level 2s on steep section. Tried a white and black spotty

T. Systems board Afternoon. Strong on Crusher crimps. Absolute PB on 2 sets of AnCap  ;D

F. AM. Tor. 6th consecutive day of climbing or training. Drier than tuesday which isnt saying much. Put draws in on Obscene Gesture then gave it 3 progressively higher redpoints. Finger endurance still off the pace thouigh. Had a go on Tin Of afterwards for a further workout. Nai got Obscene Gesture with a lot of horse noises. Nick did well on Call Of Nature and is now officially better than me. Overtaken yet again.<sigh>


S. Out with Ben so decided on Froggatt. Went to Todys Playground for a warm up and ended up staying there most of the session as there is a brilliant new problem on the left side Hot Toddy 7A/7A+ Disappointed not to do it but have a good sequence now and confident I can do it if fresh. Ben then had a play on Spinal Tap 6C+ whilst I soloed Chequers Crack and Chequers Buttress. Started drizzling we packed up   

Grim depressing weather this week. Looks better this week. Hopefully get out to High Tor this week and penciled in Pembroke the week after.

Monday's session on the systems board demonstrated that my endurance is seriously below par so making a concerted effort to get it back which is a bit ego bruising. The better result on Thursdays session was encouraging but given that I am 5lbs lighter than when I set the previous PB in Dec probably not a "real" PB but nonetheless a massive turnaround from Monday. After Fridays Tor session I realised that the middle finger of my left hand had been getting progressively more sore for a week or so. Had 3 days of icing now and it is much improved but still going to lay off fingerboarding for another week.

Super low carb diet still working well for me despite alcohol. Going to cut down on that this week.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 11:00:39 pm by shark »

a dense loner

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You're shitting me?


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Hopefully get out to High Tor this week     

You got a partner for that?  I'm keen to get to High Tor.


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Hopefully get out to High Tor this week     

You got a partner for that?  I'm keen to get to High Tor.

Provisionally with Nick tomorrow or weds. But he's dipped out of a Tor session this morning due to a split tip so will catch up with him this evening to find out whether it has healed enough. When you free?


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Power Club

Mon - rest.
Tue - bouldering in a sauna gym.
Wed - rest.
Thu - PE, high intensity x2. Very hard. 23 degrees, 60% humidity. Dumbbell complex x2.
Fri - bentover rows 20x5, dumbbell complex. Very hot and very tired. Better than nothing though.
Sat - kneeling ab-wheel, 100 straight roll outs! Barbell complex x2: snatch pulls, cleans, push-press, overhead carry, shoulder carry, waiter carry. Phew!
Sun - Doms! PE, low intensity. 3'15", improved by 5". Then 1'30"x3 with 1'30" rests. Hard. 3' dumbbell complex. Glad as I started wit very tight and tired forearms from previous day.

Good week, glad to test the high intensity PE session with proper timing and all. It's hard. Lower back injury seems definitely over. Also glad that I've managed 100 roll outs, it's both physically and mentally hard. Must get back on the board for some singles.
Study, train, eat, sleep. Repeat ad infinitum.


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Hopefully get out to High Tor this week     

You got a partner for that?  I'm keen to get to High Tor.

Provisionally with Nick tomorrow or weds. But he's dipped out of a Tor session this morning due to a split tip so will catch up with him this evening to find out whether it has healed enough. When you free?

I can get out Tue, Wed, Thu but restricted to between school runs Tue & Wed, Ok til about 5 on Thu.


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Been away for the last 2 weeks so
Last week; In Rome, ate pizza and walked around
Week before; In Texas, ate Tex Mex and drank beer

Back on it this week


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STG: Loose Kgs added recently. More AnCap and AeroCap training
MTG: tick some routes (by end of summer)

Basically a rest week due to a contracture at my left arm.

M-T: rest
W: some theraband and plank
T: nothing. Went to Nib's presentation of the book "Statement" that he translated in italian. Brilliant.
F: more theraband
S: easy sport climbing. The arm is still aching in some moves, but it seems to be better
S: bodyweight session: theraband warm up, then L.sits, tuck planche, hand stands, plank, then light farmer walks for 10'

Next week I'll try to get back into proper training.

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M - work, 35k on bike in evening, given ofrecast, thought I'd make the most of it.
T - weights and core
W - weather utterly dire. Ended up going to Sports Village and swimming. Didn.t count lengths, but in for 45 mins. 50m pool seems more then double what I'm used to.
T - nothing. prep for party
F - Went to physio, she's concerned thumb can't be fixed by physio alone as almost no progress in 6 weeks, reckons I should see a specialist :( . nothing in evening - prep for party
S - kids party, ate too much cake.
S - dawn start, headed for Fraserburgh (Philorth) based on forecast NE swell. Got there for 6:30, in by 7. Underestimated swell size (must have been shoulder size on the sets), got flogged by many closeouts and hard paddle outs. Good to get in on some bigger stuff though. Home by lunch, broken.  Walk to beach and back with kids in afternoon, they both love climbing on the rocks at the moment. Tea at inlaws, too much cake and beer.

Broken today, can't lift arms above shoulder height.

Weight 13st 10!


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STG 8A in 10 days :D

M: Logport wall at Lunchtime... OK session.. First time (I think?) exercising back since my stitches split. Took a while to get back into ot..
W: Logport wall at Lunchtime. Better session. Managed a good few of the V5's but felt a bit futile that I couldn't do any better.. Stone Roses in the evening. Had about 8 pints of pissy lager (mostly at £5 a pint... eek..)
Th: Not too hungover... amazingly.
Sa: Blackstone Edge with Fatneck and MrsFatneck... great day out. First time on the rock in probably 2 months... Climbed OK - did a load of 6's (including the worlds hardest 6B if you don't lank it..) and thoroughly enjoyed myself.


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STG 8A in 10 days :D

Are you close to sending something or is it your birthday in 10 days?

Either way,  :strongbench:  :beer2:  :popcorn:


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All will be revealed... (I'm not close to 8A though sadly!)

mr chaz

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Good week training wise.

LTG 8A 8b

M. 45 degree board
T.  1 arm hangs
W. Rest
T. indoor bouldering, core workout
F. 1 arm hangs
S. Beach party at Boulder Central. Little bit of light bouldering.
S. Light bouldering at wall.

Booked flights for trip to Switzerland in September, haven't been before and feeling quite excited about it.


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Booked flights for trip to Switzerland in September, haven't been before and feeling quite excited about it.


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STG - re-establish good shoulder rehab. habits. Try an E5.
MTG (September): Excalibur, Wendenstock; Rabada-Navarro, Naranjo de Bulnes; Sea-cliff E5.
LTG: Font 7a. Sport 7b+. Something long, hard and free (and ideally in condition in August).

M -
T -
W - Westway bouldering: 7x VB/0; 7 x V0/1; 7 x V1/2; 2 x V2 Green in the fridge.
T - Sore shoulder.
F - Shoulder strength/stability exercises
S - Shoulder strength/stability exercises
S - Westway routes (7-8 min continuous on-off). Hard aerocap, approaching aeropower session: 2 sets of 4 minutes getting hideously pumped, 5 sets of 7-9 minutes on getting fairly pumped (~6b). Felt battered.

I’d wanted to get on some Ceuse-esque trad. with Ceuse fitness and confidence. Life seems to be getting in the way of this and the next three weekends are all spoken-for. A decent training week though.

Hopefully get out to High Tor this week     

You got a partner for that?  I'm keen to get to High Tor.

I'm also keen for High Tor and a midweek hit might be my only forseeable option. PM me if you're heading that way.


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