Critique my diet - AKA help a fatty lose weight... (Read 72500 times)


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As someone else pointed out, sleep is fundamental.
Not only for general health issues, mood, etc. but also because many studies has shown a correlation between sleep deprivation and increased risk of gaining weight, due to a higher consumption of sweet, sugared foods.

SA Chris

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Also, because they're "cheap" people who are tight for cash are pushed towards the nutritionally poor alternatives. Even if they do thir ow research, they might not be able to (or might not feel that they are able to) afford the better alternatives.

I think it's more that they are habitually lazy eaters and inherit habits from parents, rather than affordability being the main issue. For example you can make a healthy and tasty meal from some smart price pasta, pasta sauce and fresh veg for the same price or less than a ready meal, just they can't be bothered to do so. And also, lets face facts, sugar, salt and fat tastes great if you have developed a taste for it.


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Quote from: Sasquatch
There's been a lot of talk about calories, but very little about sleep and stress and the impact those have on weight loss.

Agreed, although I am aware that these have an impact. I sleep very well thankfully, usually 7-8hrs per night with little if no interruption (much to the chagrin of my wife..). I'm generally a laid back person and although work does occasionally cause me to be stressed, climbing/training/fishing/sex all help with this :)
So what you're saying is you're sleep deficient :P  You really should be aiming to average 8+hr per night.  I know for most people this seems unreasonable, but it makes a massive difference.  SOuds liek you've got the stress pretty well in hand though, so that'll go a long way.

According to the app I'm averaging the following spread of calorific intake;

Carbs - 52%
Fat - 26%
Protein - 22%

This against the app recommendation of;

Carbs - 55%
Fat - 30%
Protein - 15%

Any thoughts on this?

Over all, I'm feeling pretty good and seeing gains in my training almost weekly. Am climbing fairly poorly but expected that with the amount of training and changes in diet etc. Also the hunger thing is much better/easier to deal with...
Your answer is right below the question.  As they say-The proof is in the pudding.

I'm convinced that dieting and training are tricky to combine.  With hard training you generally give yourself an "easy" week every 3-4 weeks to let your body fully recover.  I think the same goes with dieting.  Every 3-4 weeks take one week and eat just to maintain the weight (don't binge), not lose any.  It'll help your body and mind to continue in the long run.

Glad the hunger thing is better.  It'll still come at you in spells, just fight to control it and you'll get through it.


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So what you're saying is you're sleep deficient :P  You really should be aiming to average 8+hr per night.  I know for most people this seems unreasonable, but it makes a massive difference. 

I think this is too much of a generalisation; different people work better on different amounts of sleep. For me about 7 hours a night is right, and if I get more I feel sluggish.  I know some people who require a lot less sleep too.

SA Chris

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So what you're saying is you're sleep deficient :P  You really should be aiming to average 8+hr per night.  I know for most people this seems unreasonable, but it makes a massive difference. 

I think this is too much of a generalisation; different people work better on different amounts of sleep. For me about 7 hours a night is right, and if I get more I feel sluggish.  I know some people who require a lot less sleep too.
Function yes, train and lose weight at the same time, doubtful. Yes, it's a generalization, but that doesn't make it not applicable.

I know some guys who can do one arm pullups without trainign at all, vis a vis I shouldn't have to train to do a one =armer?  It's always easy to find outliers. If you are one, then you know it, otherwise you're not and generalizations apply.  Assuming he's not an outlier(generally safe assumption), then increasing sleep to 8-9hours average would probably help in dropping weight.


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89.2kg this morning... Heading in the right direction!

Although picked up a bug and been off work for two days = no training for the last four days. Still been eating good and back to the Hangar for a light session with the wife tonight...

SA Chris

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Good work fella.

Seems these sweets guarantee rapid weight loss!


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Good work fella.

Seems these sweets guarantee rapid weight loss!

Ha! I've had a similar experience quaffing a box (small box) of some rather nice fruity sugar free sweets that were given away at some event or other... about two hours later I was shitting my guts out... was fine after though and releived when I read the packet and found out it was a possible effect of the sweetner when enough was imbibed...

SA Chris

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....was fine after though and relieved ......

Relieved - I'm sure you were!

Well at least I didnt pay for them.. :D

Falling Down

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I've gone from 86 to 82 since the start of December.  7 more to go  :P


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You need to check your scales FD. I am 80kg.

Or maybe i need to check mine.


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I think Luke's diet is too high in protein: quickly jotting things down suggests it has nearly as much protein as carbohydrates and that's just going to fuck up your liver unnecessarily on it's way to being sugar.

I've never read anything about taking on too much protien being a problem?

I've been eating the same way for the last 4 years and I haven't had any problems, I'm lean and happy with the results i've had.

Never heard about it beeing a problem? Maybe try google?
Do you think 4 years is a long term study in this case?  I know people who are drinking 6-8 Cans of beer a day for the past 4 years and besides always beeing  drunk they still donīt have any problems, so what?

Besides the fact that excess proteins are either burnt for producing energy or are going straight into your pee you are wasting your money. Even if you were vegan it would be easily possible to get the right amount of protein without dietary supplements.
The human body is not able to store protein so if itīs not usefull as a carbohydrate substitue itīs going straight to your kidneys.

Falling Down

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You need to check your scales FD. I am 80kg.

Or maybe i need to check mine.

This was at the GPs so I assume realistic.  I am much shorter than thee.


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You need to check your scales FD. I am 80kg.

Or maybe i need to check mine.

This was at the GPs so I assume realistic.  I am much shorter than thee.

And wider.

SA Chris

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- If it wasn't food 100 years ago don't eat it.

I've been eating a whole roast pig for my tea every night, and it doesn't seem to be helping? Maybe I should avoid the broiled pheasant starter? or the bowl of semolina after? :)

From 14 st 1 on 5th Jan I'm now down to 13st 9 1/2.

Made a few changes in diet;

Breakfast first thing; porridge as per Andy's recipe (if I remember the night before) or muesli and yoghurt at work. No bacon roll or pastries on the way to work now.
Fruit or nuts for snacks
Soup at lunch, or tuna salad wraps if I remember to make them. No big bags of crisps, whole packets of hobnobs or slabs of chocolate for lunch or snacks!
Whole grain crackers for afternoon snacks (no vending machine chocoalte raids)
Healthy meal with kids in evening (resist tempation to hoover up their leftovers)

Small choccy bar in evening.

Trying to do at least some exercise 5 days out 7 (even if it's half an hour) and only drinking Friday night and Saturday night, and even then only a bottle of beer or a glass or two. Not had the opportunity for drinking any more, but probably would if the chance arose. 

Paul B

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Everyone who commented on this thread re: diet, protein, sugar, fat etc. should watch this:

incredibly informative and it challenges some popular preconceptions. The long and short of it is all faddy diets are misguided and a 50:50 ratio of fat and sugar (rarely found in nature but [un]surprisingly often in processed foods) are to be avoided like the plague.

Doylo - step away from the cheesecake!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 10:17:23 pm by Paul B »


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Doylo - step away from the cheesecake!

Not to worry.  My cheescake should be fine!  75% fat:25% Sugar  :)

Zods Beard

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Damn, my homemade cookies have 170g of butter but 250g of sugar. Will 100g of peanut butter even it out?


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Damn, my homemade cookies have 170g of butter but 250g of sugar. Will 100g of peanut butter even it out?

Only if its brandy butter :)


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The bottom line is really in order to lose weight you just need to put less in your gob.


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So I've always been known for being an underachieving fat nature helm and every year I work hard at losing weight before Font and put it all back on over the course of a summer's fishing! I can climb 7a on a really good day but would like to do this more often and expect that losing weight is a key ingredient in being able to do this.

I currently weigh around 90kg and last year I managed a four year low of 87kg before I left for Font, I'd like to beat that this year and would like to be around 85kg. (I say "around" because my weight never settles and varies a kilo either way with great regularity!)

I have always loved fatty foods and seem to be able to put on weight easier than anyone I know (family included) so this is hard for me! Oh to be 25 again and able to eat what I want at stay at 80kg!!  :boohoo:

Other info - my wife is incredibly fussy about food, this limits "acceptable" family meals and as I do all the cooking I prefer not to have to cook two different meals. I hate running and always seem to get injured when I try but i do walk to work most of the time (2 miles each way). I'm doing the January Sharkathon, training 3 nights a week and currently climbing indoors twice a week and outdoors when I can.

Here is my current diet plan, please let me know what changes you might suggest and/or alternatives to what I am doing...

Breakfast - 1 banana
Lunch - Large box of salad containing variously - 1 carrot, some onion, a tin of tuna/sardines, some sweetcorn, raw mushrooms (4) half a bag of pre-packed salad leaves, some diet salad dressing.
Tea - assorted meals with the rest of the family with a focus on reduced portion size and increased amount of veg (green beans, carrots, broccoli, peas) - typically from the following list of acceptable meals;

  • Toad in the hole
  • Spag Bol
  • Pasta with various meats/fish, cheese, pesto etc
  • Chicken in bacon type affairs
  • Pizza/chips/chicken nuggets etc
  • Potatoes

Snacks - I will typically eat 2 apples and 2 tangerines through the day.

I have cut out all the crisps, nuts, beer etc. Never been a big fan of chocolate/sweets...

Questions -

1. Am I eating too much/not enough fruit - aware that there is a lot of sugar etc.
2. Should I bite the bullet and cook one meal for me and one for the rest of the family?
3. Will the feeling of being hungry all the time fade?

Many thanks!

I know my mere presence on this thread will have some folk in fits of merriment, but this is a question of avoiding the application my own advice

1. routine, get in one and stick with it.
2. lots of celery and other high cellulose content veg as snacks,
3. Eat carbs 40 minutes before you think you'll need them i.e. at 11:00 and 15:00
4. fill up on veg before having a small steak or something similarly nice and then a v. small pud
5. spend more on wine but drink less.

Falling Down

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The bottom line is really in order to lose weight you just need to put less in your gob.

Pretty much what I've been doing.


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Everyone who commented on this thread re: diet, protein, sugar, fat etc. should watch this:

incredibly informative and it challenges some popular preconceptions. The long and short of it is all faddy diets are misguided and a 50:50 ratio of fat and sugar (rarely found in nature but [un]surprisingly often in processed foods) are to be avoided like the plague.

Doylo - step away from the cheesecake!

Sugar and saturated fats should be avoided generally if you wanīt to feel fit or lose weight. But that doesnīt include unsaturated fats which are needed for some metabolic processes. ironcally burning fat is one of them and doesnīt work if you donīt eat "healthy fat".


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