Critique my diet - AKA help a fatty lose weight... (Read 72493 times)


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Lund what do you think about the bodybuilding advice on protein intake that ranges from 1g per kg of bodyweight to 2.8g per kg!

From my broscience level understanding when trying to gain muscle and loose fat it's important to keep protein intake high to prevent you body from burning muscle for fuel instead of fat.

This is based on the idea that your body will only use your muscles for fuel if:
1) It believes it is in a state of famine - e.g. you are starving yourself.
2) You have insufficient essential amino acids in your diet.

It's because of this 'bro' science that I eat a similar amount of protein as Luke does around 100g.

Is this a load of  :shit:

I think you've misunderstood.  As far as I know anyway.

You will naturally use protein as an energy source, whatever.  So you need some for energy.  If you go into famine mode, then you will try to get more from protein.  When your body starts to eat itself, I dunno.

However, you're not starving; you're dieting; there's a difference I think.  And you have some protein intake to offset it anyway.

The body building thing is different.  Body builders are trying to build muscle - to GAIN weight, to damage muscles, and have them replaced by fatter fibres with more protein in so they look more hench.

If you're a climber, you're probably not trying to bulk up (if you are, then you do need a load of protein).  So you do low reps, high weight, and try to recruit the muscles you have now better.  If this is the case... you don't need so much protein, as you're not repairing as much muscle... (some yes, a totally no protein diet would be an equally bad idea, and some recovery protein is a decent idea perhaps - as part of a balanced post exercise meal).

Will Hunt

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What an utterly terrifying thread this is. I don't eat half as well as most of you seem to and I'm sure that I'm a ticking time bomb of fatness.

Currently tip the scales at about 63Kg and am 5'11". Think I will do that diet tracker app thing to find out what's what.

SA Chris

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It's nothing to do with height and weight. All you need to do is look in the mirror, flex your gut muscles and see how much you can fat you pinch, if it's a fistful or more, then start to worry about apps and shit. Your metabolism will slow as you get older but until then eat what you enjoy, just be aware and keep an eye on it, you'll have plenty of time to get fat when you are older.


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You know what this thread needs?  Stevie Haston.  Come back stevie, we need you!

Today the first day of this New Year I did an 8a! Today I weigh 76 kg that's at least 10 kgs overwieght! An 8a with a 10kg weight belt is very good, so the start of the year will be easy.

(From the haston blog:


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With the usual disclaimer that Fatneck isn't a professional climber who can devote every day of his life to training and dieting and climbing...


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Here is my current diet plan, please let me know what changes you might suggest and/or alternatives to what I am doing...

Breakfast - 1 banana
Lunch - Large box of salad containing variously - 1 carrot, some onion, a tin of tuna/sardines, some sweetcorn, raw mushrooms (4) half a bag of pre-packed salad leaves, some diet salad dressing.
Tea - assorted meals with the rest of the family with a focus on reduced portion size and increased amount of veg (green beans, carrots, broccoli, peas) - typically from the following list of acceptable meals;

  • Toad in the hole
  • Spag Bol
  • Pasta with various meats/fish, cheese, pesto etc
  • Chicken in bacon type affairs
  • Pizza/chips/chicken nuggets etc
  • Potatoes

Snacks - I will typically eat 2 apples and 2 tangerines through the day.

I have cut out all the crisps, nuts, beer etc. Never been a big fan of chocolate/sweets...

Right not sure you have done the calculations, but the food plan you have currently suggested would indicate that you are consuming around 1200-1300 calories a day:

Banana: 90
Salad (tuna): 300-350
Apples X2: 100 (so would argue this a calorie neutral)
Tangerine x 2: 80
Spag Bol: 600 (assuming its a relative size)

I would imagine thats no the best way forward.

I went on one of those lose weight calculator website things, I made some assumptions anyway whether they are correct or not kind of give you an indication of what you need to loose.

40 years old
Weekly exercise level: Light
Height: 180cm
Current weight: 90kg
Goal weight: 85kg
Time scale to lose weight: 4 months

On that basis you should be consuming more like 2100 calories a day! There is no point loosing weight super quick unless you want to trim up for a specific trip or problem, otherwise you body won't be used to and it will just default back to eating like a small cow and thus you will put the weight back on.

I would be losing weight over a long time frame, then you can make some life style changes and fully adapt to eating less, I would also suggest doing some running (go for 4 runs and I bet you will start enjoying it, especially if you use strava and can see progress).

Something to think about.

John Gillott

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You know what this thread needs?  Stevie Haston.  Come back stevie, we need you!

Today the first day of this New Year I did an 8a! Today I weigh 76 kg that's at least 10 kgs overwieght! An 8a with a 10kg weight belt is very good, so the start of the year will be easy.

(From the haston blog:

Fantastic - I started the year at exactly the same weight (I consider it 4-6kg overwieight, hmmm). I'll see if I can track him (weight, not grades). I've had some success so far with the faddish 5:2 diet (4:3 in fact): I eat and drink as normal or to slight excess on climbing / climbing training days, semi-starve on running days - 500 calories plus calories equivalent to those I estimate burned off by the run. My problem in the past with diets has been that I find it hard to combine dieting and training. I'm hoping that this will be the magic solution (unlikely of course).

Luke Owens

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Luke - my jottings on your diet plan said

1237 calories
138g of carbs
30.4g of fat
100g of protein

The balance looks wrong, and 1200 calories is very small for anyone that's active.   However, I obviously could have nobbed it up when looking up all the nutritional things, and guessed at portion sizes wrong.  Can you elaborate on the quantities?  You're not a secret eater are you?

It's not really a diet plan as such, it's just how I've been eating for the past 4 years. I like it, it's not a struggle anymore. It was a little tricky to adapt in the beginning...

It started when I was 21, at the time I was 85kg and completely inactive. I started eating healthily like I mentioned previously and did a lot of slow running and weights (I hadn't started climbing at the time) in 2-3 months I lost 15kg.

Right now 4 years on I don't do any running, every bit of exercise I do has climbing in mind. Today I'm 67kg and ~5% body fat (I'm 5ft 10), I feel extremely healthy in comparison to my previous state. My weight only ever fluctuates by a couple of pounds.

I'm not mentioning the above stats to brag in anyway, just to show it really isn't that hard to lose weight and I lost it fast. It's basically just eat less/healthier and move more...

The only concern I have right now is as you say I take on too little calories, but the protein shakes with instant oats added definitely help with upping the calories. My portion sizes are large when I comes to salad and veg.

Secret eater? Hell no!... I don't like sweets, chocolate etc.


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If those calories are right you will still be losing weight, given 1500 and a sedatenary life style will result in weight loss.

SA Chris

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it really isn't that hard to lose weight and I lost it fast.

So you are in mid 20s now?


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When I was using the calorie counter app thingy to reduce weight, I set my daily limit/aim at 2000 calories.. any lower and I think I'd have started eating my own body parts.

2 for 1 on gastric bands?


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I'm not mentioning the above stats to brag in anyway, just to show it really isn't that hard to lose weight and I lost it fast. It's basically just eat less/healthier and move more...

Be careful generalizing that for everyone.  As mentioned before, you're healthy and in your 20's....  Someone in their 30-40's who has been carrying extra weight for a long period of time will not find it easy to drop that weight. 


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There's been alot of talk about calories, but very little about sleep and stress and the impact those have on weight loss.  You can be on a restricted calorie diet, but if you are stressed due to family or work, or getting too little sleep(even if you think you're not) and you still won't lose weight.


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On the subject of calorie counters, how do you calculate an hourly average calorie burn off for bouldering? I'm going with approx 1h of climbing for 3h at a wall (-834). This means at my allowed calorie intake (1850) per day I have to almost force down an extra half bottle of wine a day just to not waste away.


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2 for 1 on gastric bands?
I'll go halfs and take the second one??

Will you are a disgrace, skinny and lanky fucks should be banned from this thread unless offering scientific advice.


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I'm skinny, lanky and a scientist. I advise pies and beer :)

miso soup

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This blew my mind recently:

Getting increasingly more ridiculous and making me wonder if Vice is just making this shit up there's also these:

It's worth mentioning food intolerances I think.  For reasons that still aren't understood a massive chunk of the population now has them.  There could be one thing that you eat that is actually really bad for you, and it could be something you always thought of as healthy, something that everyone else will tell you is healthy, and it may well be healthy for everyone but you.  If everyone's saying you're not eating enough calories but you're still fat then what you're eating rather than how much is probably more likely to be the issue.  Wheat is a very common one, cutting it out for a while and observing the results would be one option.  Rice and oats are good alternative carb sources.

Falling Down

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Buy a leather jacket and move to London (thats for FD ;) )

Fuck me I'm getting some stick on this thread.  If you want to lose weight then don't do the following.

- split up from your wife of fifteen years at 42 years old
- spend six months sleeping on mates floors or temporary flats
- go on a course of SSRI anti-depressants (they sap your energy and fuck your metabolism)
- go through a divorce losing house and everything else in the process
- move from a climbing, running cycling area to a big City

All while running a £50 million quid business that requires lots of client dinners and drinks.

I could go on, but I'm amazed I'm only a stone and a bit over.  It's coming off though, albeit slower than I hoped.


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I didn't think people were giving you stick?? At any rate, I liked the directness of your general concepts.

Falling Down

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It's just mates ribbing my portlyness :-) and I had a bad day.

The diet stuff is largely lifted from my Gym Jones training.  No fatties there.... I should have added, only get your photos taken in black and white, that helps too.


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Sorry FD - I was being a little over-cheeky :/

The corporate wining - dining thing is whats chucked on weight for me in the last 2-3 months... most other things I can control, but when you're breakfast/lunch/dinner for a few days with work/clients its often hard to have a healthy option. When I'm eating in my own environment (home) I can control this - its hard away from home (with the associated social pints etc.. that go with it..)

I remember chatting to our previous VC when he retired - and asked him if there was anything he was glad about leaving - and he replied "buffet lunches" :)


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has there been a decision yet on whether campusing can lead to increased weight loss?


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If you want to lose weight then don't do the following.

- split up from your wife of fifteen years at 42 years old
- spend six months sleeping on mates floors or temporary flats
- go on a course of SSRI anti-depressants (they sap your energy and fuck your metabolism)
- go through a divorce losing house and everything else in the process
- move from a climbing, running cycling area to a big City

All while running a £50 million quid business that requires lots of client dinners and drinks.

right, I'm consistently  managing to do none of those things

how much weight should I expect to lose in the next 4 or 5 days?


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Four grams.


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 There is a quick way to loose half a stone of ugly fat.

Cut your head off.


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