Hosey B (Read 183822 times)


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#275 Re: Hosey B
September 23, 2015, 12:34:12 pm
Congrats Mark! 11lb odd, good weight. My missus is suitably impressed, please pass on our regards!


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#276 A Visit to the Dark Side
September 30, 2015, 01:00:16 am
A Visit to the Dark Side
29 September 2015, 11:38 pm

So it turns out baby number four is not quite as nails as a simultaneous arrival of babies 2 and 3. This coupled with some autumn sun has meant I've been chomping to get out and about. While I'm currently suffering from general weakness, I've realised that throwing myself at the long term goals (LTG's) is not going to help. I've been mulling on what I have done in the past when in this situation, and dredged up this old List. Thinking back, Jamming has got me well strong, especially the steep stuff, and the worthwhile bouldering specimens tend to be beautifully technical too. Life is busy, so I've trimmed the list to now only contain suitably steep mountain Jamming boulder problems, I'll return to the coastal stuff later.Ladies, and Gentlemen, the new and improved...Fist List(Welsh Inland)1.Georges Crack 7A2. Big bad Bari 6C3. Crack House G24. Dangleberries 6B+5. Happy Feet 6B+ 6. Quack Crack 6B+7. Teyrn Roof Crack 6B

So no. 1. 3. and 4. were still to be done (2. 5, and 6 were my own anyhoo). George had been subtly encouraging me to visit his Crack House, so that became the next mission. I've always been intrigued by the Dark side of Dyffryn Mymbyr, the boggy flanks of Moel Siabod always just out of strolling distance. To make a swift first reccy I enquired at Garth farm, if I could cross his land. He's a nice chap and said yes.

The view from Garth. this point is as far as you want to go without wellies.

Creig'ir Garth, home to some pegged E6's that look fairly savage.

The location of the Crack House, my map reading meant that I first had to reconnoiter all the top ridge first...

Inside the crack house.

My first visit was like Georges, solo, and without mat, I had a good go , but was afraid of braining myself on the ledge that guards the exit.

Following a quixotic urge, my next visit started at my usual parking spot for Mymbyr, much further up the valley. My reasoning was that as long as I was exploring, I'd better leave no stone unfondled. I'd also heard this idyllic grassy valley was a boggy nightmare, and was keen to wet my wellies.

hidden blocs in the bog

almost out the bog

Looking down on the Crack house cluster

This time I had a mat! (just the one mind) and this reassurance that I wasn't going to fracture my cranium while committing to the baggy jams was all I needed.The grade (G2) refers to the number of goes George took to complete it. My previous session doubled this number, but this time I cruised it, twice so I could film a couple of angles..

Come and do it, its ace (maybe 6B+), also the hills have many opportunities for the explorer:

I'll poke around a bit more in the future, and I'll knock those last two off the list, then the enchainments can start....

Watch this space

Source: Hosey B


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#277 I Ate'nt Dead
October 26, 2015, 01:00:08 am
I Ate'nt Dead
25 October 2015, 10:30 pm

So little (well, not so little) Seren Zoe, has landed in our lives, and to be truthful, she isn't a difficult baby. However, the dynamics of three older brothers eager for attention has meant life has been a bit busy, and the few bits of child free time have mainly been slept, enjoyed as a couple, or rainy.

I have been enjoying some adventures with the boys, giving them some attention. Here's some photos:

Post Jumping up near pig pen boulders on Clegir

The Fishskin explorers

Who needs boulders when you have tunnels?

Responsible parenting. An Oil drum glacier inspection

The big bits move less...

The Pretty bits of Braichmelyn

Bunker Boyz. A cool bit of Clegir playground

Coach, attempt, inspect dirt.


One of the more harrowing adventures was taking a "Lively" Ethan up Lion Rock....

Logan at RAC.

Okay I have got out twice since bogtrotting along Mymbyr. Firstly, I wanted to experience a F7A+, so I returned to Fishskin, eschewed the more interesting tunnel, and did some video analysis on my poor performance (I'm a bit short to keep my right foot on).

Following this, and keeping to my current wheeze of pushing the Fist list, I went in search of Dangleberries. This was an A Frame offwidth shuffle FA'ed by Patch Hammond I think, which I dabbled on briefly on a UKB meet some 7-9 years ago (Hocking was still in Llanberis I remember that). Anyhoo, I had free time to stomp in the drizzle, and Dammit, I only found it again... Anyone familiar with the Milestone boulders will understand my amazement at this feat.

Keen to play on this in drier times, its even close enough to the road to drag ALL the pads..

Sussing jams in less than perfect conditions...

So there it is. not doing much, feeling a bit weak, but plans are afoot, and Adventure definitely Awaits...

Although my boys (and Girl) might beat me to it.

Source: Hosey B


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#278 Coming Up For Air
December 14, 2015, 01:00:20 pm
Coming Up For Air
14 December 2015, 12:43 pm

I haven't posted for what seems like ages. I've missed it, but life and meteorology have got in the way.

So Friday was the first dry moment without work, family or husbandly commitments since the last post. November was pretty much a write off, the only point of note was visiting Dangleberries with pads to find it wet, hardish, and needing a spotter to prevent headplanting. Friday, however, I went for a quick walk above our house to walk round a scree cone I hadn't navigated before.

Ponds! must remember these come the frogspawn season (for the kids obviously)

Cool Junk. The cone is pretty old so the composition is a little unstable and exciting with some cool lichens and plants.

random pretty rock, nothing to boot up for though.

Damn good wall.

Although Seren continues to be a fairly easy going baby, Ethan and Dylan are getting into their stride as 5yr old twin boys, hereby known as the Chaos Munkeys. The Chaos Munkeys have stopped destroying their school, and started to slow down on the destruction of the family home, but they're not going to bed like little darlings at the moment. Ho Hum.

Last week I also visited Sunny Carlisle. This was for a NIBAS course for the delivery of the meaty stuff; levels 4&5. Good coaching content, with a chance to practice on ourselves. With all the upheaval in my life at the moment it was good to set some Goals:

Short TermGet myself back into regular training with good form and all niggles managed

I have been increasingly frustrated with my bodies failures of late. a lack of regular climbing combined with some long term injuries / sources of pain have made it a bit of a dark time (fortunately lit up by Seren). Borrowed this book for the Train Journey to Carlisle

The opportunities of delayed trains meant it all got read. The gist of it is that this is complicated; find the best people to advise you, work hard and adapt to keep enjoying it, eccentrics are good, sort technique and bio mechanics. So this week I have a date with a Dance, Pilates, and Fitness instructor Eirian Roberts for a full MOT, and I'll try to fit some (very) light conditioning in too, rather than be a boy and jump on the pretty hard things.Medium GoalGet the Tosheroon doneNeed to be fit, aerobically and core, for this, and for it to be warm. one for the spring.

Long Term GoalClimb this:

By Next Winter I need to be solid of core, injury free, in full four wheel drive, and have muscles on my muscles.

The first step is to lap a few 5b's

Source: Hosey B


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#279 Brewing next year's psyche 2015
January 03, 2016, 01:00:08 pm
Brewing next year's psyche 2015
26 December 2015, 11:01 am

Christmas eve,

The rain stopped once again, and it was time to be proactive in achieving my goals. Last time I brewed up, it was my highest viewed post. It was also the build up to The Beast in Me, and at the time I had 6 month old twins and was plagued by a list of niggles and injuries. Well, 2015 and the monkeys of chaos are 5, I have a 3 month old girl, and I'm plagued by a list of niggles and injuries. Certainly seems like its time to brew up again....

Where have I grown?

My understanding of my injuries firstly, The meeting with Eirian was extremely helpful. It has helped me understand how my past adventures in poor training and hitting the ground, coupled with my slight hyper-mobility has knocked every thing out of place. The links up the chain of balance from my feet upwards, even to my elbows(damn gravity), has given me fresh perspective, and hope that it can be corrected.

Where have I regressed?

Quite simply motivation. If ever there was a need for a montage, its now.

In an effort to kick start this years brew, I  had started watching old fail tapes of myself up at Marchlyn. Although my body definitely felt too creaky to climb, I was keen to get back up there so that I didn't build up any blockage about the walk in. I thought I could get some new shots, look at some new positions, and celebrate the patio I built up there.

Made it up here in under 40 mins, its going to be a while before I start threatening the 30 minute mark again. From here you can see the tide line cutting across the midline of the main boulder. Fortunately the water is so eutrophic the grot build up is very low.

The steepness. Exhibiting the starting flake hold, my 10" brush, and an overly scrubbed patch of starting "non" footholds (still clean Owen).

The main boulder with its glorious patio. This means its a one pad venue, two at the most. It also has made the few addition holds in the steepness accessible from a sit.This means more things to work on, rather than banging my head against the same problem.

The starting position. Left hand on flake. The premise of the project was to go from here into the finish of Tumbleweed. Previously I'd tried to link through with the beautiful blunt arete. However my thoughts from this visit were that this was just way too hard if not impossible, and also eliminate...

Full stretch off the starting flake gains a rail on Erodeo/Tumbleweed(face squashed into the rock). Any moves from this position wrap you around the arete until you gain the Tumbleweed  standing start.

A cool toe hook makes the transitions possible. I think this project is now a little less perfect, but a lot more attainable. I have T-rex arms, so its going to be the most obvious sequence for normal people. All in all, this brings this goal more in reach, somewhere between long and short term...

All things are possible, given the right amount of work

back on the scooter too! much fear and braking until i get used to it again. new rear wheel too I think.

Merry Christmas!

Source: Hosey B


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#280 Another year throttled
January 03, 2016, 01:00:09 pm
Another year throttled
31 December 2015, 11:41 pm

So while the kids are in bed, and less exhausted people are out befuddling their brains in celebration of another year survived, I thought I'd take a look back on 2015 and try to work out what the heck happened.


Kicked this off with a proud tick up at Marchlyn, not without some significant tumbling. It wasn't until much later in the year that this was viable as a one pad venue, so a few scrapes had to be taken on the chin..

Also around here was a trip to the lleyn with new mate Fatneck, where I learn't my grading wasn't too far out, and many people are better than me.


Snow meant snowballing! The cube became a more viable proposition for 5 days of the year, and we found out that child number four was on her way unaccompanied by another twin, and arriving slap bang in sendtember.

Oh yes and my patio efforts in Neverneverland finally bore fruit.


Patio number two was underway, and much other assorted and unproductive faffing.


A proper month this. Cae Dafydd, a sortie to Tosheroon, and some serious scooter exploration at Llugwy reservoir.


May brought a peak of sorts. I was still too unfit to take any serious scalps, however, enthusiasm and trying hard won out. The Baron was realised, abet in a sanitised form. I gave the Tosheroon a proper go, and was probably only a metre off success (a couple of miles in offwidth terms), making a year highlight, in retrospect.

I also found my happy place once more in Dyffryn Mymbyr, this disparate collection of stones have given me pleasure for 8 years or more, and I hope to meet more of you there in the future.

June, July & August

With the summer holidays descending and Sam now rather full of baby, opportunities started to dry up. However, Mymbyr continued to make me happy on the odd solitary day. Also, I started my quixotic quest to scare the poo clear out my bowels with some Lleyn DWS action.

July also allowed me to stop getting cross with the state of ethics in Twll Mawr, and  help in a small way to usher in the back walls hardest route.



The Rest

Family and a little exploring, but generally getting happy, but out of shape, content with my awesome family, but aware of my bodies deep failings.

Next year

Get my body sorted, get Tosheroon done, have some happiness up at Marchlyn and Mymbyr, and enjoy the Family.

Happy New Year!

Source: Hosey B


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#281 I.N.S.P.R.E. Jan '16
January 22, 2016, 01:00:20 am
I.N.S.P.R.E. Jan '16
21 January 2016, 11:21 pm

First post of the new year, and I seem to have found myself without a monthly feature. All Giveaway projects are, well, given away.. The big tick list is now short mid term and loooonnnggg goals. What can I prattle on about? okay, not a big dilemma.

Talking to fellow pursuers of unclimbed esoterica, we've all got pet rocks we're rather proud of. The fact that other people have never heard of them, let alone climbed them, is a little irksome. However, I do concede that I've climbed some right tat too, so how do we promote the horseshoes and ignore the horseapples. My new monthly feature looks to address this.

I.N.S.P.R.E. stands for "Its Not Shit, Please Repeat Everybody". There are neglected gems out in them thar hills, that may have never been seen by anybody but the FA, let alone had someone else climb on them. I intend to limit my own contributions to 2-3 so as to not be too narcissistic, so expect some beta and history from other fellow esoterrorists.

This months contribution is "It not the Years, its the Mileage" F7A/+ found at Crag y Giat above Nant Peris.

Here it is. Through the campsite and up the hill, 30 mins if you're unfit like me.

The gate seems to have gone, but the crags still here.

I first stumbled across the crag in 2003, where I cleaned it up and led a couple of lines up the middle (no. 2 cam I seem to recall). The line on the left intrigued me, and over the next 8 years I sporadically humped myself up the hill, trying new sequences, and testing my fitness. My eventual success was down to improved core keeping my feet on.Almost 5 years later, and still no repeat, the lichen and fluff has grown back a little, and would be repeatists would be wise to take a harness and 15m of rope to give it a good clean.

plenty of bosses to tie off a cleaning rope!

lots of interesting rugosities

slabby to steep..

Myself modelling the crag. The crack I'm under is Chemistry Crack. I chose the name as it was reminiscent of the test piece at my old uni. A join between two high walls outside the chemistry dept at Royal Holloway, young guns would test their jamming/ laybacking skill here on the way back from the pub.

On the left are the starting holds for mileage, and here on the right are the Starting holds for "Desire is Repressed Fire" a F6A+ up the middle into the hanging crack. The cam can go in the dark slot above my head. "Sharks patrol these waters" is another line to the right of this up the margin of the slab, above a nasty block. Sharks and Desire both somehow made it into the Llanberis guide, but Mileage is currently recorded only in this blog, and on North Wales Bouldering.

Its a stiff walk, but for capable types it will certainly be a rewarding one. The slash grade reflects my uncertainty, its certainly the hardest I've climbed of its type, and I still remember the crux sequence; thumb gaston to stacked mono in shallow gouge, into a dynamic rockover for a monocrimp.. all very esoteric.

For your consideration...

Source: Hosey B

Andy F V2.0

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#282 Re: Hosey B
January 22, 2016, 06:24:27 am
Wasn't Chemistry Crack opposite Queen's building (the Geology Department)? It was at the back of the Chemistry Department (RIP) IIRC. That wall looks great though, interesting features, nice find.


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#283 Re: Hosey B
January 22, 2016, 12:15:50 pm
That's the one. One of those features that kept it's name long after chemistry moved on. Craig y gift should certainly be on every ex Macs visit list... :-\


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#284 Partially Opening the Crazy Box
January 27, 2016, 07:00:18 pm
Partially Opening the Crazy Box
27 January 2016, 3:00 pm

I haven't trained since 2013. The Beast in Me closed a chapter in my life, I realised that my body couldn't be ignored any more, and if I wanted to continue enjoying climbing I had to ease up and try to get fixed. In truth I've never really embraced training, I'd built up strength and flexibility, but I've never given much time to conditioning or endurance. I just went climbing.

This year I've set out goals; to get fixed, to climb the Tosheroon project, then climb my Marchlyn project.

Getting fixed. I've had my first proper session of one to one pilates with Eirian. Already I'm gaining better control of my core and a better awareness of my musculature ( what is tight and what's not activating etc.) Even on my pessimistic painful days I'm still hopeful.

Tosheroon. The training has tentatively started. My base is not too miserable, and getting fixed is still too early days for much volume. In fact the volume at the moment is taken up with pilates.

Specific training has always been my anvil on which to batter myself. So when the project is 40ft of horizontal grovelfest, its time to crack open the crazy box and build yourself a grinder:

OK its not a slimy squeeze box, its a lot more fun than that, less painful too. I made it for a bouldering comp at the Beacon, it has multiple knee bars, and goes around F7A+. Prior to my last Eirian session, I wheezed and flailed my way to barely kick the sidewall. This version is after a week of focussed pilates. The next step is to go there and reverse back again, and after that is smooth and under control (and I can walk the next day) its off to George's crack for laps. To squeeze the tide window for Tosheroon into my busy schedule is tricky and infrequent, so I need to be battle ready before I rock up there.

Tosheroon is specialist, even in the widefetish world, but it feeds my crazy and I'm properly psyched. Even if I'm getting pain free just to inflict pain on myself.

More soon, once I start more regular conditioning, who knows what normal achievements I may attain...

Enjoy your own crazy...

Source: Hosey B


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#285 Re: Hosey B
January 27, 2016, 07:24:04 pm
Video didn't come through so here it is:


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#286 Re: Hosey B
January 27, 2016, 07:28:03 pm
Edit: Fucking hell don't let barrows see that, there will be spunk everywhere (then again that could be good training for greasy rock conditions)


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#287 Cracking open a little wider
February 02, 2016, 01:00:38 am
Cracking open a little wider
2 February 2016, 12:08 am

All this rain is turning me a little loopy. Today I got there and back as far as the red shiny volume on my knee bar trainer at the Beacon. Also, I've started daydreaming up some new wacky ideas to fill the days of drizzle, just doodling like...

I've just bought myself some new winter patioing gloves too.....

Source: Hosey B


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#288 There and back again
February 09, 2016, 01:00:36 am
There and back again
8 February 2016, 9:34 pm

So I reached another training goal today. Its a small step, but its good to feel like I'm still moving forward. Following the F7A+ through to the side wall (3 moves from the end) and then back again. Four minutes in a fairly horizontal world, feel free to fast forward. Wednesday is looking dry, so I'm now psyched to see how it feels in the real world...

This is maybe the crazy box's doing, but I've marked all the low tide windows on the family calendar until June. The Tosheroon and I have some unfinished business...

Source: Hosey B


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#289 I.N.S.P.R.E. February 2016
February 18, 2016, 07:00:09 pm
I.N.S.P.R.E. February 2016
18 February 2016, 5:22 pm

The second in the Its Not Shit Please Repeat Everybody series is a little number by G. Smith of Bigness fame. I was informed of its existence many years ago by Mr Panton, who knew I was looking for jamming boulder problems to whilst away my hours on. He related that although it was ace, and he had put pretty pictures and a news item about it on (article Here), no one had reported doing it.

Running jam (for this is the puppy) suffers like many potential classics due to its awkward location; in this case nestled in the Cwmffynnon-Mallory-Mymbyr confluence. This is a confusing jumble of heather, grassland, boulders, hummocks and bog. Riddled with re-entrants and other mountain leader terms, it can be frustrating and bothersome to navigate around. This may be why G gave the wrong grid reference.

My first visit was on a lovely sunny day, map in had I headed up towards Mallory, before veering off at a relevant contour. This I duly followed to the supplied reference and peered around. Looking at the map, I peered again. What followed was akin to a carefully coordinated manhunt. I became intimate with the CMM confluence, and after sometime, fell over the boulder. It was ace.

Thus it was with some trepidation that I set off last week to rediscover Running Jam, and provide a slightly better approach description (and grid reference).

Here it is:

 As you may have ascertained, although I dragged two pads up, the boulder was sadly gopping with last nights rain, and no actual bouldering took place. However, this was a) good training, and b) provided a more accurate w alk in estimate. I certainly looked as ace as I remembered it, and there is scope for a mid traverse diversion up the face..

Right, brass tacks.

Its a 45 min walk in; once over the first bridge follow the stream towards its source until it has an obvious lefthand bend, with a hummock and large flat boulder. Here you see the view above.

A is Running Jam, B is the Mallory boulder, C is the first boulder you're hoping is the Mallory boulder, and D is BOTM February 2007. Best approach is fairly direct, aiming for the large quartz slab. Map and proper grid reference is Here.

The map website is incidently my new favourite thing, as it allows me to bore my friends with accurate weblinks to obscure craglets.

Enjoy, the hillside has much more to give to the persistent, and Running Jam is ace.

P.S. Wellies are a must on this one....


Source: Hosey B


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#290 I [heart] cube
February 25, 2016, 01:00:12 pm
I [heart] cube
25 February 2016, 9:58 am

So a couple of weeks ago I realised that I hadn't an excuse to lug heavy rocks around this year. My fevered thoughts drifted to the excitement I had when trying to climb this particular puppy:

I also remembered that my efforts with snowballing it, although more fruitful, were still very much in that trad territory. I had also bought some new rock lugging gloves, it seemed the time was ripe....

The results of efforts up to the first brew break.

This is obviously going to be  a long haul, or lengthy lug. This is complicated by the fact that this isn't a quarry, or a muddy reservoir shore, but a pretty mountainside. While there aren't any serious plant issues, it needs to be sympathetic, aesthetic, and low key. However, it also needs to be about chest height on the outer rim for all the wiggieness to be removed. The plan is baby steps:

The end of day one.

Next session will be to backfill the retaining wall I've built. Once level this will be the equivalent of the snow platform I built before. I can then do any blending it requires, and increase the height in small increments, balancing my desires against potential impact.

I love bouldering up at Mymbyr, and have done for almost a decade. Here is an attempt at catching it with my phones panorama App.

Come Explore!

Source: Hosey B


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#291 Fatneck gets me Climbing!
March 03, 2016, 01:00:14 pm
Fatneck gets me Climbing!
3 March 2016, 11:18 am

A certain frequenter of UKBouldering celebrates the close of the 40th year of his life. The weather is kind AND I'm allowed out for the Whole weekend. It was emotional folks...

The keen of eye will identify our location as Porth Ysgo, not been here for a few years as it doesn't usually fit in with my quick mornings adventure while the kids are at school. Its been Two years or so that I ventured down with Mr Panton and crowd. Back then I climbed a few things and tried a few more that I was keen to complete.

This was one of them(being expertly modelled by TomTom). This time I did Foam Party; my first established 7A+. This has made me think I may have created a few sandbags amongst my harder FA's, as it was not the living end. Also at Porth Ysgo I managed Perrin Crack sit, and to fall on my head in front of the president of the BMC. I was trying to demonstrate my only ysgo FA "The Diminutive Fister", my heel-toes slipped, and I torpedoed into the boulders next to my carefully placed mat. Ho hum, Fatneck was wearing my offwidth helmet at the time too....

The next day was a distinctly crowded Talfarach. Although the location choice was mainly due to Fatneck wanting to go fishing (Did you get any lid?). For those not familiar with this site, its the headland east of ysgo with the big boulders with bad landings.

Many Spotters, Plenty Mats, Mike looks away and Shudders...

My plaything for the day, turned out to be "The Black Pearl" 7B, and distinctly feasible if I ever come back here fresh, and with a mat surplus.

Fun was had, skin used, and psyche regained. Hoever, I also got a bit homesick for the missus and sprogs, so didn't climb until totally trashed.

Roll on this years projects!

Source: Hosey B


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#292 Re: Fatneck gets me Climbing!
March 03, 2016, 05:13:30 pm

This was one of them(being expertly modelled by TomTom). This time I did Foam Party; my first established 7A+. This has made me think I may have created a few sandbags amongst my harder FA's, as it was not the living end.

Was great to see your psyche after getting up it! and great to meet you.

I fell off from that point three times. Then discovered a much easier way of doing it by going a bit further up the arete - but had no beans left to do the first hard move. Grrr :(

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#293 Re: Hosey B
March 03, 2016, 07:13:58 pm
Pretty sure I met you on Sunday Mark? Think I had a chat to you next to Cream Seam? Good to see you had a good weekend!


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#294 Re: Hosey B
March 03, 2016, 10:02:43 pm
Yes indeed Luke , good to finally join the dots and put faces to names. It is currently snowing here at the homestead,  I was supposed to be patioing tomorrow a previously snow balled project due to lack of snow.  Oooo the irony.


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#295 T is for Tosheroon
March 15, 2016, 01:00:24 am
T is for Tosheroon
14 March 2016, 8:02 pm

So Today is the first of the dates on the calendar with a T scribbled in. This means I have a tide window to look at Tosheroon.

So the kids were shuttled to school, and I shuffled off to Benllech. I had grand designs to video the route, so I can digest the beta at my leisure...

As you can see it didn't work out as useful as hoped, more of a Giger-esque nightmare really.

Pretty representative of the route I suppose.

Stupidly, as I had a bit of leeway on my timings, I thought I'd try pulling on.

Too early, too cold, not enough warm up, not good enough dicky shoulder.


I have learn't that goals should be tackled in order, with the short term goal of sustainably fixing myself being priority. However there are lots of adventures and antics to involve myself in while waiting for results with goal No. 1

Watch this space

Source: Hosey B


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#296 I.N.S.P.R.E March 2016
March 17, 2016, 01:00:15 am
I.N.S.P.R.E March 2016
16 March 2016, 8:41 pm

This months offering is a criminally neglected classic. First Climbed by Al Harris in the late 60's or so, Harris' Arete has everything you want; respectable difficulty at F6B, sunny aspect, flat landing, a proper line, and high without being highball.

What it lacks is ease of access. Positioned unhelpfully round the back of peoples houses on Fachwen, previous approaches crossed fences and skirted uncomfortably close to the natives. This meant it didn't get he prominence it deserves in guides, (for fear of upsetting access I guess) and generally dropped off the national radar.

However with the following approach, Harris' Arete and its sister boulders can be visited and enjoyed by the discerning off piste boulderer:

Park responsibly at the top of Gallt y Foel (that steep hill on the way to Bus Stop Quarry) and follow the cul de sac that leads off right. Follow this to its end and branch left (at this point the public foot path sign points right and the house sign points left, bet they're both public rights of way).

Anyways you get to this gate:

walk down the path 20m or so and the hill above looks like this:

Walk upto the arrowed notch (I hope you've brought wellies)

Once through the notch, contour round

Head for this arrow..

Which is here, the dip alongside the radio mast (sort of)

Looking downhill from here, pine trees and a notch in the bluff is your target.

And there you go, a pretty walk, 20 mins or so, past some potential boulders, and a nice area to visit at the end. Here is a couple of vids to whet the appetite:

Harris' Arete Stand

Harris' Arete Sit

A bit of a web trawl will also tip the nod that there are some unfinished projects round here too...


Source: Hosey B


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#297 Quick Patio Hit
April 01, 2016, 01:00:27 am
Quick Patio Hit
31 March 2016, 10:58 pm

So since the visit to Tosheroon, I have mainly been working, wrangling the boys, sitting up at 4am with the girl, and following the commands of the wife. So it was with much excitement that I escaped work early today for a play. As I'm still waiting for an action plan for the dicky shoulder, Mymbyr was todays choice, for a swift bit of chucking rocks. Suffice to say, The Cube's patio is beginning to take shape:

The retaining wall was still in place from last visit, so I was able to back fill to get it all level. In reality this meant pulling a rock out the adjacent pile, rolling / chucking it over, dodging the massive boulder I'd dislodged, stabilising the slope.... and repeat. Mymbyr is basically a pile of rubble with a turfy skin, hence it drains well, and occasionally swallows your leg.

The work left to do, I'm about half way there.

An artists impression of the finished article.

I love my gloves.

Source: Hosey B


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#298 Re: Hosey B
April 01, 2016, 03:12:41 pm
Top stuff Hosey. I'll have to go up when it's camp-pitch flat :)

SA Chris

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#299 Re: Hosey B
April 01, 2016, 03:48:06 pm
Gloves are a great option, I've had skin ripped by barnacles a couple of time recently when patioing. I've even considered safety boots.


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